forked from lix-project/lix

Rather than having them plain strings scattered through the whole codebase, create an enum containing all the known experimental features. This means that - Nix can now `warn` when an unkwown experimental feature is passed (making it much nicer to spot typos and spot deprecated features) - It’s now easy to remove a feature altogether (once the feature isn’t experimental anymore or is dropped) by just removing the field for the enum and letting the compiler point us to all the now invalid usages of it.
54 lines
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54 lines
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# Isolate the home for this test.
# Other tests (e.g. flake registry tests) could be writing to $HOME in parallel.
export HOME=$TEST_ROOT/userhome
# Test that using XDG_CONFIG_HOME works
# Assert the config folder didn't exist initially.
[ ! -e "$HOME/.config" ]
# Without XDG_CONFIG_HOME, creates $HOME/.config
# Run against the nix registry to create the config dir
# (Tip: this relies on removing non-existent entries being a no-op!)
nix registry remove userhome-without-xdg
# Verifies it created it
[ -e "$HOME/.config" ]
# Remove the directory it created
rm -rf "$HOME/.config"
# Run the same test, but with XDG_CONFIG_HOME
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TEST_ROOT/confighome
# Assert the XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nix path does not exist yet.
[ ! -e "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix" ]
nix registry remove userhome-with-xdg
# Verifies the confighome path has been created
[ -e "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix" ]
# Assert the .config folder hasn't been created.
[ ! -e "$HOME/.config" ]
# Test that files are loaded from XDG by default
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TEST_ROOT/confighome
files=$(nix-build --verbose --version | grep "User config" | cut -d ':' -f2- | xargs)
[[ $files == "$TEST_ROOT/confighome/nix/nix.conf:$TEST_ROOT/dir1/nix/nix.conf:$TEST_ROOT/dir2/nix/nix.conf" ]]
# Test that setting NIX_USER_CONF_FILES overrides all the default user config files
export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$TEST_ROOT/file1.conf:$TEST_ROOT/file2.conf
files=$(nix-build --verbose --version | grep "User config" | cut -d ':' -f2- | xargs)
[[ $files == "$TEST_ROOT/file1.conf:$TEST_ROOT/file2.conf" ]]
# Test that it's possible to load the config from a custom location
here=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
export NIX_USER_CONF_FILES=$here/config/nix-with-substituters.conf
var=$(nix show-config | grep '^substituters =' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs)
[[ $var == ]]
# Test that it's possible to load config from the environment
prev=$(nix show-config | grep '^cores' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs)
export NIX_CONFIG="cores = 4242"$'\n'"experimental-features = nix-command flakes"
exp_cores=$(nix show-config | grep '^cores' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs)
exp_features=$(nix show-config | grep '^experimental-features' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs)
[[ $prev != $exp_cores ]]
[[ $exp_cores == "4242" ]]
[[ $exp_features == "flakes nix-command" ]]