forked from lix-project/lix
Thanks @regnat and @edolstra for catching this and comming up with the solution. They way I had generalized those is wrong, because local settings for non-local stores is confusing default. And due to the nature of C++ inheritance, fixing the defaults is more annoying than it should be. Additionally, I thought we might just drop the check in the substitution logic since `Store::addToStore` is now streaming, but @regnat rightfully pointed out that as it downloads dependencies first, that would still be too late, and also waste effort on possibly unneeded/unwanted dependencies. The simple and correct thing to do is just make a store method for the boolean logic, keeping all the setting and key stuff the way it was before. That new method is both used by `LocalStore::addToStore` and the substitution goal check. Perhaps we might eventually make it fancier, e.g. sending the ValidPathInfo to remote stores for them to validate, but this is good enough for now.
285 lines
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285 lines
9 KiB
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "local-store.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "thread-pool.hh"
#include "topo-sort.hh"
#include "callback.hh"
namespace nix {
void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePathSet & startPaths,
StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers)
struct State
size_t pending;
StorePathSet & paths;
std::exception_ptr exc;
Sync<State> state_(State{0, paths_, 0});
std::function<void(const Path &)> enqueue;
std::condition_variable done;
enqueue = [&](const Path & path) -> void {
auto state(state_.lock());
if (state->exc) return;
if (!state->paths.insert(parseStorePath(path)).second) return;
queryPathInfo(parseStorePath(path), {[&, pathS(path)](std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
// FIXME: calls to isValidPath() should be async
try {
auto info = fut.get();
auto path = parseStorePath(pathS);
if (flipDirection) {
StorePathSet referrers;
queryReferrers(path, referrers);
for (auto & ref : referrers)
if (ref != path)
if (includeOutputs)
for (auto & i : queryValidDerivers(path))
if (includeDerivers && path.isDerivation())
for (auto & i : queryDerivationOutputs(path))
if (isValidPath(i) && queryPathInfo(i)->deriver == path)
} else {
for (auto & ref : info->references)
if (ref != path)
if (includeOutputs && path.isDerivation())
for (auto & i : queryDerivationOutputs(path))
if (isValidPath(i)) enqueue(printStorePath(i));
if (includeDerivers && info->deriver && isValidPath(*info->deriver))
auto state(state_.lock());
if (!--state->pending) done.notify_one();
} catch (...) {
auto state(state_.lock());
if (!state->exc) state->exc = std::current_exception();
if (!--state->pending) done.notify_one();
for (auto & startPath : startPaths)
auto state(state_.lock());
while (state->pending) state.wait(done);
if (state->exc) std::rethrow_exception(state->exc);
void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePath & startPath,
StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers)
StorePathSet paths;
computeFSClosure(paths, paths_, flipDirection, includeOutputs, includeDerivers);
std::optional<ContentAddress> getDerivationCA(const BasicDerivation & drv)
auto out = drv.outputs.find("out");
if (out != drv.outputs.end()) {
if (auto v = std::get_if<DerivationOutputCAFixed>(&out->second.output))
return v->hash;
return std::nullopt;
void Store::queryMissing(const std::vector<StorePathWithOutputs> & targets,
StorePathSet & willBuild_, StorePathSet & willSubstitute_, StorePathSet & unknown_,
uint64_t & downloadSize_, uint64_t & narSize_)
Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, actUnknown, "querying info about missing paths");
downloadSize_ = narSize_ = 0;
ThreadPool pool;
struct State
std::unordered_set<std::string> done;
StorePathSet & unknown, & willSubstitute, & willBuild;
uint64_t & downloadSize;
uint64_t & narSize;
struct DrvState
size_t left;
bool done = false;
StorePathSet outPaths;
DrvState(size_t left) : left(left) { }
Sync<State> state_(State{{}, unknown_, willSubstitute_, willBuild_, downloadSize_, narSize_});
std::function<void(StorePathWithOutputs)> doPath;
auto mustBuildDrv = [&](const StorePath & drvPath, const Derivation & drv) {
auto state(state_.lock());
for (auto & i : drv.inputDrvs)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { i.first, i.second }));
auto checkOutput = [&](
const Path & drvPathS, ref<Derivation> drv, const Path & outPathS, ref<Sync<DrvState>> drvState_)
if (drvState_->lock()->done) return;
auto drvPath = parseStorePath(drvPathS);
auto outPath = parseStorePath(outPathS);
SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
querySubstitutablePathInfos({{outPath, getDerivationCA(*drv)}}, infos);
if (infos.empty()) {
drvState_->lock()->done = true;
mustBuildDrv(drvPath, *drv);
} else {
auto drvState(drvState_->lock());
if (drvState->done) return;
if (!drvState->left) {
for (auto & path : drvState->outPaths)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { path } ));
doPath = [&](const StorePathWithOutputs & path) {
auto state(state_.lock());
if (!state->done.insert(path.to_string(*this)).second) return;
if (path.path.isDerivation()) {
if (!isValidPath(path.path)) {
// FIXME: we could try to substitute the derivation.
auto state(state_.lock());
PathSet invalid;
/* true for regular derivations, and CA derivations for which we
have a trust mapping for all wanted outputs. */
auto knownOutputPaths = true;
for (auto & [outputName, pathOpt] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(path.path)) {
if (!pathOpt) {
knownOutputPaths = false;
if (wantOutput(outputName, path.outputs) && !isValidPath(*pathOpt))
if (knownOutputPaths && invalid.empty()) return;
auto drv = make_ref<Derivation>(derivationFromPath(path.path));
ParsedDerivation parsedDrv(StorePath(path.path), *drv);
if (knownOutputPaths && settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv.substitutesAllowed()) {
auto drvState = make_ref<Sync<DrvState>>(DrvState(invalid.size()));
for (auto & output : invalid)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(checkOutput, printStorePath(path.path), drv, output, drvState));
} else
mustBuildDrv(path.path, *drv);
} else {
if (isValidPath(path.path)) return;
SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
querySubstitutablePathInfos({{path.path, std::nullopt}}, infos);
if (infos.empty()) {
auto state(state_.lock());
auto info = infos.find(path.path);
assert(info != infos.end());
auto state(state_.lock());
state->downloadSize += info->second.downloadSize;
state->narSize += info->second.narSize;
for (auto & ref : info->second.references)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { ref }));
for (auto & path : targets)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, path));
StorePaths Store::topoSortPaths(const StorePathSet & paths)
return topoSort(paths,
{[&](const StorePath & path) {
StorePathSet references;
try {
references = queryPathInfo(path)->references;
} catch (InvalidPath &) {
return references;
{[&](const StorePath & path, const StorePath & parent) {
return BuildError(
"cycle detected in the references of '%s' from '%s'",