forked from lix-project/lix
230 lines
5.1 KiB
230 lines
5.1 KiB
#ifndef __EVAL_H
#define __EVAL_H
#include <map>
#include "aterm.hh"
#include "nixexpr.hh"
namespace nix {
class Hash;
class EvalState;
struct Env;
struct Value;
typedef ATerm Sym;
typedef std::map<Sym, Value> Bindings;
struct Env
Env * up;
Bindings bindings;
typedef enum {
tInt = 1,
} ValueType;
typedef void (* PrimOp) (EvalState & state, Value * * args, Value & v);
struct Value
ValueType type;
int integer;
bool boolean;
struct {
const char * s;
const char * * context;
} string;
Bindings * attrs;
struct {
unsigned int length;
Value * elems;
} list;
struct {
Env * env;
Expr expr;
} thunk;
struct {
Env * env;
Pattern pat;
Expr body;
} lambda;
Value * val;
struct {
PrimOp fun;
unsigned int arity;
} primOp;
struct {
Value * left, * right;
unsigned int argsLeft;
} primOpApp;
static inline void mkInt(Value & v, int n)
v.type = tInt;
v.integer = n;
static inline void mkBool(Value & v, bool b)
v.type = tBool;
v.boolean = b;
static inline void mkString(Value & v, const char * s)
v.type = tString;
v.string.s = s;
v.string.context = 0;
typedef std::map<Path, PathSet> DrvRoots;
typedef std::map<Path, Hash> DrvHashes;
/* Cache for calls to addToStore(); maps source paths to the store
paths. */
typedef std::map<Path, Path> SrcToStore;
struct EvalState;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & str, Value & v);
struct EvalState
DrvRoots drvRoots;
DrvHashes drvHashes; /* normalised derivation hashes */
SrcToStore srcToStore;
unsigned long nrValues;
unsigned long nrEnvs;
unsigned long nrEvaluated;
bool allowUnsafeEquality;
/* Evaluate an expression to normal form, storing the result in
value `v'. */
void eval(Expr e, Value & v);
void eval(Env & env, Expr e, Value & v);
/* Evaluation the expression, then verify that it has the expected
type. */
bool evalBool(Env & env, Expr e);
/* Evaluate an expression, and recursively evaluate list elements
and attributes. */
void strictEval(Expr e, Value & v);
void strictEval(Env & env, Expr e, Value & v);
/* If `v' is a thunk, enter it and overwrite `v' with the result
of the evaluation of the thunk. Otherwise, this is a no-op. */
void forceValue(Value & v);
/* Force `v', and then verify that it has the expected type. */
int forceInt(Value & v);
void forceAttrs(Value & v);
void forceList(Value & v);
/* The base environment, containing the builtin functions and
values. */
Env & baseEnv;
void createBaseEnv();
void addPrimOp(const string & name,
unsigned int arity, PrimOp primOp);
/* Do a deep equality test between two values. That is, list
elements and attributes are compared recursively. */
bool eqValues(Value & v1, Value & v2);
/* Allocation primitives. */
Value * allocValues(unsigned int count);
Env & allocEnv();
#if 0
/* Evaluate an expression to normal form. */
Expr evalExpr(EvalState & state, Expr e);
/* Evaluate an expression read from the given file to normal form. */
Expr evalFile(EvalState & state, const Path & path);
/* Evaluate an expression, and recursively evaluate list elements and
attributes. If `canonicalise' is true, we remove things like
position information and make sure that attribute sets are in
sorded order. */
Expr strictEvalExpr(EvalState & state, Expr e);
/* Specific results. */
string evalString(EvalState & state, Expr e, PathSet & context);
string evalStringNoCtx(EvalState & state, Expr e);
int evalInt(EvalState & state, Expr e);
bool evalBool(EvalState & state, Expr e);
ATermList evalList(EvalState & state, Expr e);
/* Flatten nested lists into a single list (or expand a singleton into
a list). */
ATermList flattenList(EvalState & state, Expr e);
/* String coercion. Converts strings, paths and derivations to a
string. If `coerceMore' is set, also converts nulls, integers,
booleans and lists to a string. */
string coerceToString(EvalState & state, Expr e, PathSet & context,
bool coerceMore = false, bool copyToStore = true);
/* Path coercion. Converts strings, paths and derivations to a path.
The result is guaranteed to be an canonicalised, absolute path.
Nothing is copied to the store. */
Path coerceToPath(EvalState & state, Expr e, PathSet & context);
/* Automatically call a function for which each argument has a default
value or has a binding in the `args' map. Note: result is a call,
not a normal form; it should be evaluated by calling evalExpr(). */
Expr autoCallFunction(Expr e, const ATermMap & args);
/* Print statistics. */
void printEvalStats(EvalState & state);
#endif /* !__EVAL_H */