
302 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "fetchers.hh"
#include "parse.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "tarfile.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace nix::fetchers {
struct MercurialInput : Input
ParsedURL url;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
MercurialInput(const ParsedURL & url) : url(url)
{ }
std::string type() const override { return "hg"; }
bool operator ==(const Input & other) const override
auto other2 = dynamic_cast<const MercurialInput *>(&other);
2020-01-29 21:53:03 +00:00
&& url == other2->url
&& rev == other2->rev
&& ref == other2->ref;
bool isImmutable() const override
return (bool) rev;
std::optional<std::string> getRef() const override { return ref; }
std::optional<Hash> getRev() const override { return rev; }
std::string to_string() const override
ParsedURL url2(url);
if (rev) url2.query.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
if (ref) url2.query.insert_or_assign("ref", *ref);
return url2.to_string();
Attrs toAttrsInternal() const override
Attrs attrs;
attrs.emplace("url", url.to_string());
if (ref)
attrs.emplace("ref", *ref);
if (rev)
attrs.emplace("rev", rev->gitRev());
return attrs;
std::shared_ptr<const Input> applyOverrides(
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev) const override
if (!ref && !rev) return shared_from_this();
auto res = std::make_shared<MercurialInput>(*this);
if (ref) res->ref = ref;
if (rev) res->rev = rev;
return res;
std::optional<Path> getSourcePath() const
if (url.scheme == "hg+file" && !ref && !rev)
return url.path;
return {};
std::pair<bool, std::string> getActualUrl() const
bool isLocal = url.scheme == "hg+file";
return {isLocal, isLocal ? url.path : std::string(url.base, 3)};
std::pair<Tree, std::shared_ptr<const Input>> fetchTreeInternal(nix::ref<Store> store) const override
auto name = "source";
auto input = std::make_shared<MercurialInput>(*this);
auto [isLocal, actualUrl_] = getActualUrl();
auto actualUrl = actualUrl_; // work around clang bug
// FIXME: return lastModified.
2020-01-27 12:45:49 +00:00
// FIXME: don't clone local repositories.
if (!input->ref && !input->rev && isLocal && pathExists(actualUrl + "/.hg")) {
bool clean = runProgram("hg", true, { "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--modified", "--added", "--removed" }) == "";
if (!clean) {
/* This is an unclean working tree. So copy all tracked
files. */
if (!settings.allowDirty)
throw Error("Mercurial tree '%s' is unclean", actualUrl);
if (settings.warnDirty)
warn("Mercurial tree '%s' is unclean", actualUrl);
input->ref = chomp(runProgram("hg", true, { "branch", "-R", actualUrl }));
auto files = tokenizeString<std::set<std::string>>(
runProgram("hg", true, { "status", "-R", actualUrl, "--clean", "--modified", "--added", "--no-status", "--print0" }), "\0"s);
PathFilter filter = [&](const Path & p) -> bool {
assert(hasPrefix(p, actualUrl));
std::string file(p, actualUrl.size() + 1);
auto st = lstat(p);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
auto prefix = file + "/";
auto i = files.lower_bound(prefix);
return i != files.end() && hasPrefix(*i, prefix);
return files.count(file);
auto storePath = store->addToStore("source", actualUrl, true, htSHA256, filter);
return {Tree {
.actualPath = store->printStorePath(storePath),
.storePath = std::move(storePath),
}, input};
if (!input->ref) input->ref = "default";
Path cacheDir = fmt("%s/nix/hg/%s", getCacheDir(), hashString(htSHA256, actualUrl).to_string(Base32, false));
assert(input->rev || input->ref);
auto revOrRef = input->rev ? input->rev->gitRev() : *input->ref;
Path stampFile = fmt("%s/.hg/%s.stamp", cacheDir, hashString(htSHA512, revOrRef).to_string(Base32, false));
/* If we haven't pulled this repo less than tarball-ttl seconds,
do so now. */
time_t now = time(0);
struct stat st;
if (stat(stampFile.c_str(), &st) != 0 ||
(uint64_t) st.st_mtime + settings.tarballTtl <= (uint64_t) now)
/* Except that if this is a commit hash that we already have,
we don't have to pull again. */
if (!(input->rev
&& pathExists(cacheDir)
&& runProgram(
RunOptions("hg", { "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input->rev->gitRev(), "--template", "1" })
.killStderr(true)).second == "1"))
Activity act(*logger, lvlTalkative, actUnknown, fmt("fetching Mercurial repository '%s'", actualUrl));
if (pathExists(cacheDir)) {
try {
runProgram("hg", true, { "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
catch (ExecError & e) {
string transJournal = cacheDir + "/.hg/store/journal";
/* hg throws "abandoned transaction" error only if this file exists */
if (pathExists(transJournal)) {
runProgram("hg", true, { "recover", "-R", cacheDir });
runProgram("hg", true, { "pull", "-R", cacheDir, "--", actualUrl });
} else {
throw ExecError(e.status, fmt("'hg pull' %s", statusToString(e.status)));
} else {
runProgram("hg", true, { "clone", "--noupdate", "--", actualUrl, cacheDir });
writeFile(stampFile, "");
auto tokens = tokenizeString<std::vector<std::string>>(
runProgram("hg", true, { "log", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", revOrRef, "--template", "{node} {rev} {branch}" }));
assert(tokens.size() == 3);
input->rev = Hash(tokens[0], htSHA1);
auto revCount = std::stoull(tokens[1]);
input->ref = tokens[2];
std::string storeLinkName = hashString(htSHA512, name + std::string("\0"s) + input->rev->gitRev()).to_string(Base32, false);
Path storeLink = fmt("%s/.hg/", cacheDir, storeLinkName);
try {
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(storeLink));
assert(json["name"] == name && json["rev"] == input->rev->gitRev());
auto storePath = store->parseStorePath((std::string) json["storePath"]);
if (store->isValidPath(storePath)) {
printTalkative("using cached Mercurial store path '%s'", store->printStorePath(storePath));
return {Tree {
.actualPath = store->printStorePath(storePath),
.storePath = std::move(storePath),
.rev = input->rev,
.revCount = revCount,
}, input};
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo != ENOENT) throw;
Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
AutoDelete delTmpDir(tmpDir, true);
runProgram("hg", true, { "archive", "-R", cacheDir, "-r", input->rev->gitRev(), tmpDir });
deletePath(tmpDir + "/.hg_archival.txt");
auto storePath = store->addToStore(name, tmpDir);
nlohmann::json json;
json["storePath"] = store->printStorePath(storePath);
json["uri"] = actualUrl;
json["name"] = name;
json["branch"] = *input->ref;
json["rev"] = input->rev->gitRev();
json["revCount"] = revCount;
writeFile(storeLink, json.dump());
return {Tree {
.actualPath = store->printStorePath(storePath),
.storePath = std::move(storePath),
.rev = input->rev,
.revCount = revCount,
}, input};
struct MercurialInputScheme : InputScheme
std::unique_ptr<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & url) override
if (url.scheme != "hg+http" &&
url.scheme != "hg+https" &&
url.scheme != "hg+ssh" &&
url.scheme != "hg+file") return nullptr;
auto input = std::make_unique<MercurialInput>(url);
2020-01-29 21:53:03 +00:00
for (auto &[name, value] : url.query) {
if (name == "rev") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, revRegex))
throw BadURL("Mercurial URL '%s' contains an invalid commit hash", url.url);
input->rev = Hash(value, htSHA1);
else if (name == "ref") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, refRegex))
throw BadURL("Mercurial URL '%s' contains an invalid branch/tag name", url.url);
input->ref = value;
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else input->url.query.insert_or_assign(name, value);
return input;
std::unique_ptr<Input> inputFromAttrs(const Input::Attrs & attrs) override
if (maybeGetStrAttr(attrs, "type") != "hg") return {};
auto input = std::make_unique<MercurialInput>(parseURL(getStrAttr(attrs, "url")));
input->ref = maybeGetStrAttr(attrs, "ref");
if (auto rev = maybeGetStrAttr(attrs, "rev"))
input->rev = Hash(*rev, htSHA1);
return input;
static auto r1 = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<MercurialInputScheme>()); });