forked from lix-project/hydra
Pierre Bourdon
New jobs have their "new" status take precedence over them being "failed" or "queued", which means actions that can act on "failed" or "queued" jobs weren't shown to the user when they could only act on "new" jobs.
103 lines
2.6 KiB
103 lines
2.6 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use Setup;
use Test2::V0;
use Hydra::Helper::BuildDiff;
my $ctx = test_context();
my $builds = $ctx->makeAndEvaluateJobset(
expression => "basic.nix",
build => 1
subtest "empty diff" => sub {
my $ret = buildDiff([], []);
stillSucceed => [],
stillFail => [],
nowSucceed => [],
nowFail => [],
new => [],
removed => [],
unfinished => [],
aborted => [],
totalAborted => 0,
totalFailed => 0,
totalQueued => 0,
"empty list of jobs returns empty diff"
subtest "2 different jobs" => sub {
my $ret = buildDiff([$builds->{"succeed_with_failed"}], [$builds->{"empty_dir"}]);
is($ret->{stillSucceed}, [], "stillSucceed");
is($ret->{stillFail}, [], "stillFail");
is($ret->{nowSucceed}, [], "nowSucceed");
is($ret->{nowFail}, [], "nowFail");
is($ret->{unfinished}, [], "unfinished");
is($ret->{aborted}, [], "aborted");
is(scalar(@{$ret->{new}}), 1, "list of new jobs is 1 element long");
"succeed_with_failed is a new job"
is($ret->{totalFailed}, 1, "total failed jobs is 1");
job => $builds->{"empty_dir"}->get_column('job'),
system => $builds->{"empty_dir"}->get_column('system')
"empty_dir is a removed job"
subtest "failed job with no previous history" => sub {
my $ret = buildDiff([$builds->{"fails"}], []);
is($ret->{totalFailed}, 1, "total failed jobs is 1");
"fails is a failed job"
subtest "not-yet-built job with no previous history" => sub {
my $builds = $ctx->makeAndEvaluateJobset(
expression => "build-products.nix",
build => 0
my $ret = buildDiff([$builds->{"simple"}], []);
is($ret->{stillSucceed}, [], "stillSucceed");
is($ret->{stillFail}, [], "stillFail");
is($ret->{nowSucceed}, [], "nowSucceed");
is($ret->{nowFail}, [], "nowFail");
is($ret->{removed}, [], "removed");
is($ret->{unfinished}, [], "unfinished");
is($ret->{aborted}, [], "aborted");
is(scalar(@{$ret->{new}}), 1, "list of new jobs is 1 element long");
"simple is a new job"