Rick van Schijndel ef619eca99
t: increase timeouts for slow commands with high load
We've seen many fails on ofborg, at lot of them ultimately appear to come down to
a timeout being hit, resulting in something like this:

Failure executing slapadd -F /<path>/slap.d -b dc=example -l /<path>/load.ldif.

Hopefully this resolves it for most cases.
I've done some endurance testing and this helps a lot.
some other commands also regularly time-out with high load:

- hydra-init
- hydra-create-user
- nix-store --delete

This should address most issues with tests randomly failing.

Used the following script for endurance testing:


import os
import subprocess

run_counter = 0
fail_counter = 0

while True:
        run_counter += 1
        print(f"Starting run {run_counter}")
        env = os.environ
        env["YATH_JOB_COUNT"] = "20"
        result = subprocess.run(["perl", "t/test.pl"], env=env)
        if (result.returncode != 0):
            fail_counter += 1
        print(f"Finish run {run_counter}, total fail count: {fail_counter}")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print(f"Finished {run_counter} runs with {fail_counter} fails")

In case someone else wants to do it on their system :).
Note that YATH_JOB_COUNT may need to be changed loosely based on your
I only have 4 cores (8 threads), so for others higher numbers might
yield better results in hashing out unstable tests.
2024-08-11 16:08:09 +02:00

272 lines
7.7 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
package HydraTestContext;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(rcopy);
use File::Which qw(which);
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
use CliRunners;
use Hydra::Helper::Exec;
# Set up the environment for running tests.
# Hash Parameters:
# * hydra_config: configuration for the Hydra processes for your test.
# * nix_config: text to include in the test's nix.conf
# * use_external_destination_store: Boolean indicating whether hydra should
# use a destination store different from the evaluation store.
# True by default.
# * before_init: a sub which is called after the database is up, but before
# hydra-init is executed. It receives the HydraTestContext object as
# its argument.
# This clears several environment variables and sets them to ephemeral
# values: a temporary database, temporary Nix store, temporary Hydra
# data directory, etc.
# Note: This function must run _very_ early, before nearly any Hydra
# libraries are loaded. To use this, you very likely need to `use Setup`
# and then run `test_init`, and then `require` the Hydra libraries you
# need.
# It returns a tuple: a handle to a temporary directory and a handle to
# the postgres service. If either of these variables go out of scope,
# those resources are released and the test environment becomes invalid.
# Look at the top of an existing `.t` file to see how this should be used
# in practice.
sub new {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $deststoredir;
# Cleanup will be managed by yath. By the default it will be cleaned
# up, but can be kept to aid in debugging test failures.
my $dir = File::Temp->newdir(CLEANUP => 0);
$ENV{'HYDRA_DATA'} = "$dir/hydra-data";
mkdir $ENV{'HYDRA_DATA'};
$ENV{'NIX_CONF_DIR'} = "$dir/nix/etc/nix";
my $nixconf = "$ENV{'NIX_CONF_DIR'}/nix.conf";
my $nix_config = "sandbox = false\n" . ($opts{'nix_config'} || "");
write_file($nixconf, $nix_config);
$ENV{'HYDRA_CONFIG'} = "$dir/hydra.conf";
my $hydra_config = $opts{'hydra_config'} || "";
$hydra_config = "queue_runner_metrics_address =\n" . $hydra_config;
if ($opts{'use_external_destination_store'} // 1) {
$deststoredir = "$dir/nix/dest-store";
$hydra_config = "store_uri = file://$dir/nix/dest-store\n" . $hydra_config;
write_file($ENV{'HYDRA_CONFIG'}, $hydra_config);
my $nix_store_dir = "$dir/nix/store";
my $nix_state_dir = "$dir/nix/var/nix";
my $nix_log_dir = "$dir/nix/var/log/nix";
$ENV{'NIX_REMOTE'} = "local?store=$nix_store_dir&state=$nix_state_dir&log=$nix_log_dir";
$ENV{'NIX_STATE_DIR'} = $nix_state_dir; # FIXME: remove
$ENV{'NIX_STORE_DIR'} = $nix_store_dir; # FIXME: remove
my $pgsql = Test::PostgreSQL->new(
extra_initdb_args => "--locale C.UTF-8"
$ENV{'HYDRA_DBI'} = $pgsql->dsn;
my $jobsdir = "$dir/jobs";
rcopy(abs_path(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../jobs"), $jobsdir);
my $coreutils_path = dirname(which 'install');
replace_variable_in_file($jobsdir . "/config.nix", '@testPath@', $coreutils_path);
replace_variable_in_file($jobsdir . "/declarative/project.json", '@jobsPath@', $jobsdir);
my $self = bless {
_db => undef,
db_handle => $pgsql,
tmpdir => $dir,
nix_state_dir => $nix_state_dir,
nix_log_dir => $nix_log_dir,
testdir => abs_path(dirname(__FILE__) . "/.."),
jobsdir => $jobsdir,
deststoredir => $deststoredir,
}, $class;
if ($opts{'before_init'}) {
expectOkay(30, ("hydra-init"));
return $self;
sub db {
my ($self, $setup) = @_;
if (!defined $self->{_db}) {
require Hydra::Schema;
require Hydra::Model::DB;
$self->{_db} = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
if (!(defined $setup && $setup == 0)) {
username => "root",
emailaddress => 'root@invalid.org',
password => ''
return $self->{_db};
sub tmpdir {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{tmpdir};
sub testdir {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{testdir};
sub jobsdir {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{jobsdir};
sub nix_state_dir {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{nix_state_dir};
# Create a jobset, evaluate it, and optionally build the jobs.
# In return, you get a hash of all the Builds records, keyed
# by their Nix attribute name.
# This always uses an `expression` from the `jobsdir` directory.
# Hash Parameters:
# * expression: The file in the jobsdir directory to evaluate
# * jobsdir: An alternative jobsdir to source the expression from
# * build: Bool. Attempt to build all the resulting jobs. Default: false.
sub makeAndEvaluateJobset {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
my $expression = $opts{'expression'} || die "Mandatory 'expression' option not passed to makeAndEvaluateJobset.\n";
my $jobsdir = $opts{'jobsdir'} // $self->jobsdir;
my $should_build = $opts{'build'} // 0;
my $jobsetCtx = $self->makeJobset(
expression => $expression,
jobsdir => $jobsdir,
my $jobset = $jobsetCtx->{"jobset"};
evalSucceeds($jobset) or die "Evaluating jobs/$expression should exit with return code 0.\n";
my $builds = {};
for my $build ($jobset->builds) {
if ($should_build) {
runBuild($build) or die "Build '".$build->job."' from jobs/$expression should exit with return code 0.\n";
$builds->{$build->job} = $build;
return $builds;
# Create a jobset.
# In return, you get a hash of the user, project, and jobset records.
# This always uses an `expression` from the `jobsdir` directory.
# Hash Parameters:
# * expression: The file in the jobsdir directory to evaluate
# * jobsdir: An alternative jobsdir to source the expression from
sub makeJobset {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
my $expression = $opts{'expression'} || die "Mandatory 'expression' option not passed to makeJobset.\n";
my $jobsdir = $opts{'jobsdir'} // $self->jobsdir;
# Create a new user for this test
my $user = $self->db()->resultset('Users')->create({
username => rand_chars(),
emailaddress => rand_chars() . '@example.org',
password => ''
# Create a new project for this test
my $project = $self->db()->resultset('Projects')->create({
name => rand_chars(),
displayname => rand_chars(),
owner => $user->username
# Create a new jobset for this test and set up the inputs
my $jobset = $project->jobsets->create({
name => rand_chars(),
nixexprinput => "jobs",
nixexprpath => $expression,
emailoverride => ""
my $jobsetinput = $jobset->jobsetinputs->create({name => "jobs", type => "path"});
$jobsetinput->jobsetinputalts->create({altnr => 0, value => $jobsdir});
return {
user => $user,
project => $project,
jobset => $jobset,
my ($self) = @_;
sub write_file {
my ($path, $text) = @_;
open(my $fh, '>', $path) or die "Could not open file '$path' $!\n.";
print $fh $text || "";
close $fh;
sub replace_variable_in_file {
my ($fn, $var, $val) = @_;
open (my $input, '<', "$fn.in") or die $!;
open (my $output, '>', $fn) or die $!;
while (my $line = <$input>) {
$line =~ s/$var/$val/g;
print $output $line;
sub rand_chars {
return sprintf("t%08X", rand(0xFFFFFFFF));