use feature 'unicode_strings'; use strict; use warnings; use Setup; use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json); my %ctx = test_init(); require Hydra::Schema; require Hydra::Model::DB; require Hydra::Helper::Nix; use Test2::V0; require Catalyst::Test; Catalyst::Test->import('Hydra'); use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST PUT GET DELETE); my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new; hydra_setup($db); # Create a user to log in to my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->create({ username => 'alice', emailaddress => '', password => '!' }); $user->setPassword('foobar'); $user->userroles->update_or_create({ role => 'admin' }); my $project = $db->resultset('Projects')->create({name => 'tests', displayname => 'Tests', owner => 'alice'}); my $jobset = createBaseJobset("basic", "basic.nix", $ctx{jobsdir}); ok(evalSucceeds($jobset), "Evaluating jobs/basic.nix should exit with return code 0"); is(nrQueuedBuildsForJobset($jobset), 3, "Evaluating jobs/basic.nix should result in 3 builds"); my ($eval, @evals) = $jobset->jobsetevals; isnt($eval, undef, "We have an evaluation to restart"); my ($build, @builds) = queuedBuildsForJobset($jobset); is($build->finished, 0, "Unbuilt build should not be finished."); is($build->buildstatus, undef, "Unbuilt build should be undefined."); # Login and save cookie for future requests my $req = request(POST '/login', Referer => 'http://localhost/', Content => { username => 'alice', password => 'foobar' } ); is($req->code, 302, "Logging in gets a 302"); my $cookie = $req->header("set-cookie"); subtest 'Cancel the JobsetEval builds' => sub { my $restart = request(PUT '/eval/' . $eval->id . '/cancel', Accept => 'application/json', Content_Type => 'application/json', Cookie => $cookie, ); is($restart->code, 302, "Canceling 302's back to the build"); is($restart->header("location"), "http://localhost/eval/" . $eval->id, "We're redirected back to the eval page"); my $newbuild = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($build->id); is($newbuild->finished, 1, "Build 'fails' from jobs/basic.nix should be 'finished'."); is($newbuild->buildstatus, 4, "Build 'fails' from jobs/basic.nix should be canceled."); }; done_testing;