forked from lix-project/hydra
hydra-create-user: support prompting for passwords
I'm not sure this is a good implementation as-is. It does work, but the password gets echo'd to the screen. I tried to use IO::Prompt but IO::Prompt really seems to want to read the password from ARGV.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 56 additions and 4 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Usage: hydra-create-user NAME
[--type hydra|google|github]
[--full-name FULLNAME]
[--email-address EMAIL-ADDRESS]
[--password-hash HASH]
[--password PASSWORD (dangerous)]
@ -27,6 +28,14 @@ renamed.
* Specifying Passwords
** Interactively
Pass `--password-prompt` to collect the password on stdin.
$ hydra-create-user alice --password-prompt --role admin
** Specifying a Hash
You can generate a password hash and provide the hash as well. This
@ -63,7 +72,7 @@ Example:
exit 0;
my ($renameFrom, $type, $fullName, $emailAddress, $password, $passwordHash);
my ($renameFrom, $type, $fullName, $emailAddress, $password, $passwordHash, $passwordPrompt);
my $wipeRoles = 0;
my @roles;
@ -72,6 +81,7 @@ GetOptions("rename-from=s" => \$renameFrom,
"full-name=s" => \$fullName,
"email-address=s" => \$emailAddress,
"password=s" => \$password,
"password-prompt" => \$passwordPrompt,
"password-hash=s" => \$passwordHash,
"wipe-roles" => \$wipeRoles,
"role=s" => \@roles,
@ -81,9 +91,9 @@ GetOptions("rename-from=s" => \$renameFrom,
die "$0: one user name required\n" if scalar @ARGV != 1;
my $userName = $ARGV[0];
my $chosenPasswordOptions = grep { defined($_) } ($passwordHash, $password);
my $chosenPasswordOptions = grep { defined($_) } ($passwordPrompt, $passwordHash, $password);
if ($chosenPasswordOptions > 1) {
die "$0: please specify only one --password* option. See --help for more information.\n";
die "$0: please specify one of --password-prompt or --password-hash. See --help for more information.\n";
die "$0: type must be `hydra', `google' or `github'\n"
@ -118,6 +128,8 @@ $db->txn_do(sub {
if defined $password;
die "$0: Google and GitHub accounts do not have a password.\n"
if defined $passwordHash;
die "$0: Google and GitHub accounts do not have a password.\n"
if defined $passwordPrompt;
$user->update({ emailaddress => $userName, password => "!" });
} else {
$user->update({ emailaddress => $emailAddress }) if defined $emailAddress;
@ -129,6 +141,24 @@ $db->txn_do(sub {
if (defined $passwordHash) {
if (defined $passwordPrompt) {
print STDERR "Password: ";
my $password = <STDIN> // "";
chomp $password;
print STDERR "Password Confirmation: ";
my $passwordConfirm = <STDIN> // "";
chomp $passwordConfirm;
if ($password ne $passwordConfirm) {
die "Passwords don't match."
} elsif ($password eq "") {
die "Password cannot be empty."
$user->userroles->delete if $wipeRoles;
@ -46,15 +46,37 @@ subtest "Handling password and password hash creation" => sub {
is($storedPassword, $user->password, "The password was not upgraded.");
subtest "Creating a user by prompting for the password" => sub {
subtest "with the same password twice" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderrWithStdin(5, ["hydra-create-user", "prompted-pass-user", "--password-prompt"], "my-password\nmy-password\n");
is($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit zero");
my $user = $db->resultset('Users')->find({ username => "prompted-pass-user" });
isnt($user, undef, "The user exists");
like($user->password, qr/^\$argon2id\$v=/, "The password was saved, hashed with argon2id.");
my $storedPassword = $user->password;
ok($user->check_password("my-password"), "Their password validates");
subtest "With mismatched password confirmation" => sub {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderrWithStdin(5, ["hydra-create-user", "prompted-pass-user", "--password-prompt"], "my-password\nnot-my-password\n");
isnt($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit non-zero");
subtest "Specifying conflicting password options fails" => sub {
my @cases = (
[ "--password=foo", "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878", "--password-prompt" ],
[ "--password=foo", "--password-prompt" ],
[ "--password=foo", "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878" ],
[ "--password-hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878", "--password-prompt" ],
for my $case (@cases) {
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(5, (
"hydra-create-user", "bogus-password-options", @{$case}));
like($stderr, qr/please specify only one --password\* option/, "We get an error about specifying the password");
like($stderr, qr/please specify one of --password-prompt or --password-hash/, "We get an error about specifying the password");
isnt($res, 0, "hydra-create-user should exit non-zero with conflicting " . join(" ", @{$case}));
Reference in a new issue