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This chapter explains how to install Hydra on your own build farm
To install and use Hydra you need to have installed the following
- Nix
- PostgreSQL
- many Perl packages, notably Catalyst, EmailSender, and NixPerl (see
the [Hydra expression in
Nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/blob/master/release.nix) for
the complete list)
At the moment, Hydra runs only on GNU/Linux (*i686-linux* and
For small projects, Hydra can be run on any reasonably modern machine.
For individual projects you can even run Hydra on a laptop. However, the
charm of a buildfarm server is usually that it operates without
disturbing the developer\'s working environment and can serve releases
over the internet. In conjunction you should typically have your source
code administered in a version management system, such as subversion.
Therefore, you will probably want to install a server that is connected
to the internet. To scale up to large and/or many projects, you will
need at least a considerable amount of diskspace to store builds. Since
Hydra can schedule multiple simultaneous build jobs, it can be useful to
have a multi-core machine, and/or attach multiple build machines in a
network to the central Hydra server.
Of course we think it is a good idea to use the
[NixOS](http://nixos.org/nixos) GNU/Linux distribution for your
buildfarm server. But this is not a requirement. The Nix software
deployment system can be installed on any GNU/Linux distribution in
parallel to the regular package management system. Thus, you can use
Hydra on a Debian, Fedora, SuSE, or Ubuntu system.
Getting Nix
If your server runs NixOS you are all set to continue with installation
of Hydra. Otherwise you first need to install Nix. The latest stable
version can be found one [the Nix web
site](http://nixos.org/nix/download.html), along with a manual, which
includes installation instructions.
The latest development snapshot of Hydra can be installed by visiting
the URL
and using the one-click install available at one of the build pages. You
can also install Hydra through the channel by performing the following
nix-channel --add http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/hydra/master/channel/latest
nix-channel --update
nix-env -i hydra
Command completion should reveal a number of command-line tools from
Hydra, such as `hydra-queue-runner`.
Creating the database
Hydra stores its results in a PostgreSQL database.
To setup a PostgreSQL database with *hydra* as database name and user
name, issue the following commands on the PostgreSQL server:
createuser -S -D -R -P hydra
createdb -O hydra hydra
Note that *\$prefix* is the location of Hydra in the nix store.
Hydra uses an environment variable to know which database should be
used, and a variable which point to a location that holds some state. To
set these variables for a PostgreSQL database, add the following to the
file `~/.profile` of the user running the Hydra services.
export HYDRA_DBI="dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;host=dbserver.example.org;user=hydra;"
export HYDRA_DATA=/var/lib/hydra
You can provide the username and password in the file `~/.pgpass`, e.g.
Make sure that the *HYDRA\_DATA* directory exists and is writable for
the user which will run the Hydra services.
Having set these environment variables, you can now initialise the
database by doing:
To create projects, you need to create a user with *admin* privileges.
This can be done using the command `hydra-create-user`:
$ hydra-create-user alice --full-name 'Alice Q. User' \
--email-address 'alice@example.org' --password foobar --role admin
Additional users can be created through the web interface.
If you\'re upgrading Hydra from a previous version, you should do the
following to perform any necessary database schema migrations:
Getting Started
To start the Hydra web server, execute:
When the server is started, you can browse to [http://localhost:3000/]()
to start configuring your Hydra instance.
The `hydra-server` command launches the web server. There are two other
processes that come into play:
- The
is responsible for periodically evaluating job sets, checking out
their dependencies off their version control systems (VCS), and
queueing new builds if the result of the evaluation changed. It is
launched by the
- The
queue runner
launches builds (using Nix) as they are queued by the evaluator,
scheduling them onto the configured Nix hosts. It is launched using
All three processes must be running for Hydra to be fully functional,
though it\'s possible to temporarily stop any one of them for
maintenance purposes, for instance.
Serving behind reverse proxy
To serve hydra web server behind reverse proxy like *nginx* or *httpd*
some additional configuration must be made.
Edit your `hydra.conf` file in a similar way to this example:
using_frontend_proxy 1
base_uri example.com
`base_uri` should be your hydra servers proxied URL. If you are using
Hydra nixos module then setting `hydraURL` option should be enough.
If you want to serve Hydra with a prefix path, for example
[http://example.com/hydra]() then you need to configure your reverse
proxy to pass `X-Request-Base` to hydra, with prefix path as value. For
example if you are using nginx, then use configuration similar to
server {
listen 433 ssl;
server_name example.com;
.. other configuration ..
location /hydra/ {
proxy_redirect https://example.com/hydra;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Request-Base /hydra;
Statsd Configuration
By default, Hydra will send stats to statsd at `localhost:8125`. Point Hydra to a different server via:
host = alternative.host
port = 18125
Using LDAP as authentication backend (optional)
Instead of using Hydra\'s built-in user management you can optionally
use LDAP to manage roles and users.
The `hydra-server` accepts the environment variable
*HYDRA\_LDAP\_CONFIG*. The value of the variable should point to a valid
YAML file containing the Catalyst LDAP configuration. The format of the
configuration file is describe in the
An example is given below.
Roles can be assigned to users based on their LDAP group membership
(*use\_roles: 1* in the below example). For a user to have the role
*admin* assigned to them they should be in the group *hydra\_admin*. In
general any LDAP group of the form *hydra\_some\_role* (notice the
*hydra\_* prefix) will work.
class: Password
password_field: password
password_type: self_check
class: LDAP
ldap_server: localhost
ldap_server_options.timeout: 30
binddn: "cn=root,dc=example"
bindpw: notapassword
start_tls: 0
verify: none
user_basedn: "ou=users,dc=example"
user_filter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=%s))"
user_scope: one
user_field: cn
deref: always
use_roles: 1
role_basedn: "ou=groups,dc=example"
role_filter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=%s))"
role_scope: one
role_field: cn
role_value: dn
deref: always