forked from lix-project/lix
E.g. $ time nix cat-store --store \ /nix/store/b0w2hafndl09h64fhb86kw6bmhbmnpm1-blender-2.79/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/blender.svg > /dev/null real 0m4.139s $ time nix cat-store --store \ /nix/store/b0w2hafndl09h64fhb86kw6bmhbmnpm1-blender-2.79/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/blender.svg > /dev/null real 0m0.024s (Before, the second call took ~0.220s.) This will use a NAR listing in /tmp/nars/ containing all metadata, including the offsets of regular files inside the NAR. Thus, we don't need to read the entire NAR. (We do read the entire listing, but that's generally pretty small. We could use a SQLite DB by borrowing some more code from nixos-channel-scripts/file-cache.hh.) This is primarily useful when Hydra is serving files from an S3 binary cache, in particular when you have giant NARs. E.g. we had some 12 GiB NARs, so accessing individuals files was pretty slow.
338 lines
10 KiB
338 lines
10 KiB
#include "archive.hh"
#include "binary-cache-store.hh"
#include "compression.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "fs-accessor.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "nar-info.hh"
#include "sync.hh"
#include "remote-fs-accessor.hh"
#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
#include "nar-accessor.hh"
#include "json.hh"
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
namespace nix {
BinaryCacheStore::BinaryCacheStore(const Params & params)
: Store(params)
if (secretKeyFile != "")
secretKey = std::unique_ptr<SecretKey>(new SecretKey(readFile(secretKeyFile)));
StringSink sink;
sink << narVersionMagic1;
narMagic = *sink.s;
void BinaryCacheStore::init()
std::string cacheInfoFile = "nix-cache-info";
auto cacheInfo = getFile(cacheInfoFile);
if (!cacheInfo) {
upsertFile(cacheInfoFile, "StoreDir: " + storeDir + "\n", "text/x-nix-cache-info");
} else {
for (auto & line : tokenizeString<Strings>(*cacheInfo, "\n")) {
size_t colon = line.find(':');
if (colon == std::string::npos) continue;
auto name = line.substr(0, colon);
auto value = trim(line.substr(colon + 1, std::string::npos));
if (name == "StoreDir") {
if (value != storeDir)
throw Error(format("binary cache '%s' is for Nix stores with prefix '%s', not '%s'")
% getUri() % value % storeDir);
} else if (name == "WantMassQuery") {
wantMassQuery_ = value == "1";
} else if (name == "Priority") {
string2Int(value, priority);
std::shared_ptr<std::string> BinaryCacheStore::getFile(const std::string & path)
std::promise<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> promise;
[&](std::shared_ptr<std::string> result) {
[&](std::exception_ptr exc) {
return promise.get_future().get();
Path BinaryCacheStore::narInfoFileFor(const Path & storePath)
return storePathToHash(storePath) + ".narinfo";
void BinaryCacheStore::writeNarInfo(ref<NarInfo> narInfo)
auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(narInfo->path);
upsertFile(narInfoFile, narInfo->to_string(), "text/x-nix-narinfo");
auto hashPart = storePathToHash(narInfo->path);
auto state_(state.lock());
state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>(narInfo));
if (diskCache)
diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>(narInfo));
void BinaryCacheStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, const ref<std::string> & nar,
RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor)
if (!repair && isValidPath(info.path)) return;
/* Verify that all references are valid. This may do some .narinfo
reads, but typically they'll already be cached. */
for (auto & ref : info.references)
try {
if (ref != info.path)
} catch (InvalidPath &) {
throw Error(format("cannot add '%s' to the binary cache because the reference '%s' is not valid")
% info.path % ref);
assert(nar->compare(0, narMagic.size(), narMagic) == 0);
auto narInfo = make_ref<NarInfo>(info);
narInfo->narSize = nar->size();
narInfo->narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *nar);
if (info.narHash && info.narHash != narInfo->narHash)
throw Error(format("refusing to copy corrupted path '%1%' to binary cache") % info.path);
auto accessor_ = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteFSAccessor>(accessor);
/* Optionally write a JSON file containing a listing of the
contents of the NAR. */
if (writeNARListing) {
std::ostringstream jsonOut;
JSONObject jsonRoot(jsonOut);
jsonRoot.attr("version", 1);
auto narAccessor = makeNarAccessor(nar);
if (accessor_)
accessor_->addToCache(info.path, *nar, narAccessor);
auto res = jsonRoot.placeholder("root");
listNar(res, narAccessor, "", true);
upsertFile(storePathToHash(info.path) + ".ls", jsonOut.str(), "application/json");
else {
if (accessor_)
accessor_->addToCache(info.path, *nar, makeNarAccessor(nar));
/* Compress the NAR. */
narInfo->compression = compression;
auto now1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto narCompressed = compress(compression, *nar);
auto now2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
narInfo->fileHash = hashString(htSHA256, *narCompressed);
narInfo->fileSize = narCompressed->size();
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now2 - now1).count();
printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("copying path '%1%' (%2% bytes, compressed %3$.1f%% in %4% ms) to binary cache")
% narInfo->path % narInfo->narSize
% ((1.0 - (double) narCompressed->size() / nar->size()) * 100.0)
% duration);
/* Atomically write the NAR file. */
narInfo->url = "nar/" + narInfo->fileHash.to_string(Base32, false) + ".nar"
+ (compression == "xz" ? ".xz" :
compression == "bzip2" ? ".bz2" :
compression == "br" ? ".br" :
if (repair || !fileExists(narInfo->url)) {
upsertFile(narInfo->url, *narCompressed, "application/x-nix-nar");
} else
stats.narWriteBytes += nar->size();
stats.narWriteCompressedBytes += narCompressed->size();
stats.narWriteCompressionTimeMs += duration;
/* Atomically write the NAR info file.*/
if (secretKey) narInfo->sign(*secretKey);
bool BinaryCacheStore::isValidPathUncached(const Path & storePath)
// FIXME: this only checks whether a .narinfo with a matching hash
// part exists. So ‘f4kb...-foo’ matches ‘f4kb...-bar’, even
// though they shouldn't. Not easily fixed.
return fileExists(narInfoFileFor(storePath));
void BinaryCacheStore::narFromPath(const Path & storePath, Sink & sink)
auto info = queryPathInfo(storePath).cast<const NarInfo>();
auto nar = getFile(info->url);
if (!nar) throw Error(format("file '%s' missing from binary cache") % info->url);
stats.narReadCompressedBytes += nar->size();
/* Decompress the NAR. FIXME: would be nice to have the remote
side do this. */
try {
nar = decompress(info->compression, *nar);
} catch (UnknownCompressionMethod &) {
throw Error(format("binary cache path '%s' uses unknown compression method '%s'")
% storePath % info->compression);
stats.narReadBytes += nar->size();
printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("exporting path '%1%' (%2% bytes)") % storePath % nar->size());
assert(nar->size() % 8 == 0);
sink((unsigned char *) nar->c_str(), nar->size());
void BinaryCacheStore::queryPathInfoUncached(const Path & storePath,
std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>)> success,
std::function<void(std::exception_ptr exc)> failure)
auto uri = getUri();
auto act = std::make_shared<Activity>(*logger, lvlTalkative, actQueryPathInfo,
fmt("querying info about '%s' on '%s'", storePath, uri), Logger::Fields{storePath, uri});
PushActivity pact(act->id);
auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(storePath);
[=](std::shared_ptr<std::string> data) {
if (!data) return success(0);
callSuccess(success, failure, (std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>)
std::make_shared<NarInfo>(*this, *data, narInfoFile));
(void) act; // force Activity into this lambda to ensure it stays alive
Path BinaryCacheStore::addToStore(const string & name, const Path & srcPath,
bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter, RepairFlag repair)
// FIXME: some cut&paste from LocalStore::addToStore().
/* Read the whole path into memory. This is not a very scalable
method for very large paths, but `copyPath' is mainly used for
small files. */
StringSink sink;
Hash h;
if (recursive) {
dumpPath(srcPath, sink, filter);
h = hashString(hashAlgo, *sink.s);
} else {
auto s = readFile(srcPath);
dumpString(s, sink);
h = hashString(hashAlgo, s);
ValidPathInfo info;
info.path = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, name);
addToStore(info, sink.s, repair, CheckSigs, nullptr);
return info.path;
Path BinaryCacheStore::addTextToStore(const string & name, const string & s,
const PathSet & references, RepairFlag repair)
ValidPathInfo info;
info.path = computeStorePathForText(name, s, references);
info.references = references;
if (repair || !isValidPath(info.path)) {
StringSink sink;
dumpString(s, sink);
addToStore(info, sink.s, repair, CheckSigs, nullptr);
return info.path;
ref<FSAccessor> BinaryCacheStore::getFSAccessor()
return make_ref<RemoteFSAccessor>(ref<Store>(shared_from_this()), localNarCache);
void BinaryCacheStore::addSignatures(const Path & storePath, const StringSet & sigs)
/* Note: this is inherently racy since there is no locking on
binary caches. In particular, with S3 this unreliable, even
when addSignatures() is called sequentially on a path, because
S3 might return an outdated cached version. */
auto narInfo = make_ref<NarInfo>((NarInfo &) *queryPathInfo(storePath));
narInfo->sigs.insert(sigs.begin(), sigs.end());
auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(narInfo->path);
std::shared_ptr<std::string> BinaryCacheStore::getBuildLog(const Path & path)
Path drvPath;
if (isDerivation(path))
drvPath = path;
else {
try {
auto info = queryPathInfo(path);
// FIXME: add a "Log" field to .narinfo
if (info->deriver == "") return nullptr;
drvPath = info->deriver;
} catch (InvalidPath &) {
return nullptr;
auto logPath = "log/" + baseNameOf(drvPath);
debug("fetching build log from binary cache '%s/%s'", getUri(), logPath);
return getFile(logPath);