Valentin Gagarin 61188cb820 move final template to the top
this allows readers to enter the code starting with what is visible from
the outside, instead of working themselves up from purely technical details.
2022-09-30 01:43:57 +02:00

99 lines
3.3 KiB

{ command }:
with builtins;
with import ./utils.nix;
showCommand = { command, def, filename }:
result = ''
> **Warning** \
> This program is **experimental** and its interface is subject to change.
# Name
`${command}` - ${def.description}
# Synopsis
${showSynopsis command def.args}
showSynopsis = command: args:
showArgument = arg: "*${arg.label}*" + (if arg ? arity then "" else "...");
arguments = concatStringsSep " " (map showArgument args);
in ''
`${command}` [*option*...] ${arguments}
maybeSubcommands = if def ? commands && def.commands != {}
then ''
where *subcommand* is one of the following:
else "";
subcommands = if length categories > 1
then listCategories
else listSubcommands def.commands;
categories = sort (x: y: < (unique (map (cmd: cmd.category) (attrValues def.commands)));
listCategories = concatStrings (map showCategory categories);
showCategory = cat: ''
**${toString cat.description}:**
${listSubcommands (filterAttrs (n: v: v.category == cat) def.commands)}
listSubcommands = cmds: concatStrings (attrValues (mapAttrs showSubcommand cmds));
showSubcommand = name: subcmd: ''
* [`${command} ${name}`](./${appendName filename name}.md) - ${subcmd.description}
maybeDocumentation = if def ? doc then def.doc else "";
maybeOptions = if def.flags == {} then "" else ''
# Options
${showOptions def.flags}
showOptions = options:
showCategory = cat: ''
${if cat != "" then "**${cat}:**" else ""}
${listOptions (filterAttrs (n: v: v.category == cat) options)}
listOptions = opts: concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (mapAttrs showOption opts));
showOption = name: option:
shortName = if option ? shortName then "/ `-${option.shortName}`" else "";
labels = if option ? labels then (concatStringsSep " " (map (s: "*${s}*") option.labels)) else "";
in trim ''
- `--${name}` ${shortName} ${labels}
categories = sort builtins.lessThan (unique (map (cmd: cmd.category) (attrValues options)));
in concatStrings (map showCategory categories);
in squash result;
appendName = filename: name: (if filename == "nix" then "nix3" else filename) + "-" + name;
processCommand = { command, def, filename }:
[ { name = filename + ".md"; value = showCommand { inherit command def filename; }; inherit command; } ]
++ concatMap
(name: processCommand {
filename = appendName filename name;
command = command + " " + name;
def = def.commands.${name};
(attrNames def.commands or {});
manpages = processCommand { filename = "nix"; command = "nix"; def = builtins.fromJSON command; };
summary = concatStrings (map (manpage: " - [${manpage.command}](command-ref/new-cli/${})\n") manpages);
(listToAttrs manpages) // { "" = summary; }