#include "progress-bar.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "sync.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "names.hh" #include #include #include #include namespace nix { static std::string getS(const std::vector & fields, size_t n) { assert(n < fields.size()); assert(fields[n].type == Logger::Field::tString); return fields[n].s; } static uint64_t getI(const std::vector & fields, size_t n) { assert(n < fields.size()); assert(fields[n].type == Logger::Field::tInt); return fields[n].i; } static std::string_view storePathToName(std::string_view path) { auto base = baseNameOf(path); auto i = base.find('-'); return i == std::string::npos ? base.substr(0, 0) : base.substr(i + 1); } class ProgressBar : public Logger { private: struct ActInfo { std::string s, lastLine, phase; ActivityType type = actUnknown; uint64_t done = 0; uint64_t expected = 0; uint64_t running = 0; uint64_t failed = 0; std::map expectedByType; bool visible = true; ActivityId parent; std::optional name; }; struct ActivitiesByType { std::map::iterator> its; uint64_t done = 0; uint64_t expected = 0; uint64_t failed = 0; }; struct State { std::list activities; std::map::iterator> its; std::map activitiesByType; uint64_t filesLinked = 0, bytesLinked = 0; uint64_t corruptedPaths = 0, untrustedPaths = 0; bool active = true; bool haveUpdate = true; }; Sync state_; std::thread updateThread; std::condition_variable quitCV, updateCV; bool printBuildLogs; bool isTTY; public: ProgressBar(bool printBuildLogs, bool isTTY) : printBuildLogs(printBuildLogs) , isTTY(isTTY) { state_.lock()->active = isTTY; updateThread = std::thread([&]() { auto state(state_.lock()); while (state->active) { if (!state->haveUpdate) state.wait(updateCV); draw(*state); state.wait_for(quitCV, std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); } }); } ~ProgressBar() { stop(); updateThread.join(); } void stop() { auto state(state_.lock()); if (!state->active) return; state->active = false; std::string status = getStatus(*state); writeToStderr("\r\e[K"); /* if (status != "") writeToStderr("[" + status + "]\n"); */ updateCV.notify_one(); quitCV.notify_one(); } void log(Verbosity lvl, const FormatOrString & fs) override { auto state(state_.lock()); log(*state, lvl, fs.s); } void log(State & state, Verbosity lvl, const std::string & s) { if (state.active) { writeToStderr("\r\e[K" + filterANSIEscapes(s, !isTTY) + ANSI_NORMAL "\n"); draw(state); } else { auto s2 = s + ANSI_NORMAL "\n"; if (!isTTY) s2 = filterANSIEscapes(s2, true); writeToStderr(s2); } } void startActivity(ActivityId act, Verbosity lvl, ActivityType type, const std::string & s, const Fields & fields, ActivityId parent) override { auto state(state_.lock()); if (lvl <= verbosity && !s.empty()) log(*state, lvl, s + "..."); state->activities.emplace_back(ActInfo()); auto i = std::prev(state->activities.end()); i->s = s; i->type = type; i->parent = parent; state->its.emplace(act, i); state->activitiesByType[type].its.emplace(act, i); if (type == actBuild) { auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0)); if (hasSuffix(name, ".drv")) name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 4); i->s = fmt("building " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, name); auto machineName = getS(fields, 1); if (machineName != "") i->s += fmt(" on " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, machineName); auto curRound = getI(fields, 2); auto nrRounds = getI(fields, 3); if (nrRounds != 1) i->s += fmt(" (round %d/%d)", curRound, nrRounds); i->name = DrvName(name).name; } if (type == actSubstitute) { auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0)); auto sub = getS(fields, 1); i->s = fmt( hasPrefix(sub, "local") ? "copying " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " from %s" : "fetching " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " from %s", name, sub); } if (type == actPostBuildHook) { auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0)); if (hasSuffix(name, ".drv")) name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 4); i->s = fmt("post-build " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, name); i->name = DrvName(name).name; } if (type == actQueryPathInfo) { auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0)); i->s = fmt("querying " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " on %s", name, getS(fields, 1)); } if ((type == actFileTransfer && hasAncestor(*state, actCopyPath, parent)) || (type == actFileTransfer && hasAncestor(*state, actQueryPathInfo, parent)) || (type == actCopyPath && hasAncestor(*state, actSubstitute, parent))) i->visible = false; update(*state); } /* Check whether an activity has an ancestore with the specified type. */ bool hasAncestor(State & state, ActivityType type, ActivityId act) { while (act != 0) { auto i = state.its.find(act); if (i == state.its.end()) break; if (i->second->type == type) return true; act = i->second->parent; } return false; } void stopActivity(ActivityId act) override { auto state(state_.lock()); auto i = state->its.find(act); if (i != state->its.end()) { auto & actByType = state->activitiesByType[i->second->type]; actByType.done += i->second->done; actByType.failed += i->second->failed; for (auto & j : i->second->expectedByType) state->activitiesByType[j.first].expected -= j.second; actByType.its.erase(act); state->activities.erase(i->second); state->its.erase(i); } update(*state); } void result(ActivityId act, ResultType type, const std::vector & fields) override { auto state(state_.lock()); if (type == resFileLinked) { state->filesLinked++; state->bytesLinked += getI(fields, 0); update(*state); } else if (type == resBuildLogLine || type == resPostBuildLogLine) { auto lastLine = trim(getS(fields, 0)); if (!lastLine.empty()) { auto i = state->its.find(act); assert(i != state->its.end()); ActInfo info = *i->second; if (printBuildLogs) { auto suffix = "> "; if (type == resPostBuildLogLine) { suffix = " (post)> "; } log(*state, lvlInfo, ANSI_FAINT + info.name.value_or("unnamed") + suffix + ANSI_NORMAL + lastLine); } else { state->activities.erase(i->second); info.lastLine = lastLine; state->activities.emplace_back(info); i->second = std::prev(state->activities.end()); update(*state); } } } else if (type == resUntrustedPath) { state->untrustedPaths++; update(*state); } else if (type == resCorruptedPath) { state->corruptedPaths++; update(*state); } else if (type == resSetPhase) { auto i = state->its.find(act); assert(i != state->its.end()); i->second->phase = getS(fields, 0); update(*state); } else if (type == resProgress) { auto i = state->its.find(act); assert(i != state->its.end()); ActInfo & actInfo = *i->second; actInfo.done = getI(fields, 0); actInfo.expected = getI(fields, 1); actInfo.running = getI(fields, 2); actInfo.failed = getI(fields, 3); update(*state); } else if (type == resSetExpected) { auto i = state->its.find(act); assert(i != state->its.end()); ActInfo & actInfo = *i->second; auto type = (ActivityType) getI(fields, 0); auto & j = actInfo.expectedByType[type]; state->activitiesByType[type].expected -= j; j = getI(fields, 1); state->activitiesByType[type].expected += j; update(*state); } } void update(State & state) { state.haveUpdate = true; updateCV.notify_one(); } void draw(State & state) { state.haveUpdate = false; if (!state.active) return; std::string line; std::string status = getStatus(state); if (!status.empty()) { line += '['; line += status; line += "]"; } if (!state.activities.empty()) { if (!status.empty()) line += " "; auto i = state.activities.rbegin(); while (i != state.activities.rend() && (!i->visible || (i->s.empty() && i->lastLine.empty()))) ++i; if (i != state.activities.rend()) { line += i->s; if (!i->phase.empty()) { line += " ("; line += i->phase; line += ")"; } if (!i->lastLine.empty()) { if (!i->s.empty()) line += ": "; line += i->lastLine; } } } auto width = getWindowSize().second; if (width <= 0) width = std::numeric_limits::max(); writeToStderr("\r" + filterANSIEscapes(line, false, width) + "\e[K"); } std::string getStatus(State & state) { auto MiB = 1024.0 * 1024.0; std::string res; auto renderActivity = [&](ActivityType type, const std::string & itemFmt, const std::string & numberFmt = "%d", double unit = 1) { auto & act = state.activitiesByType[type]; uint64_t done = act.done, expected = act.done, running = 0, failed = act.failed; for (auto & j : act.its) { done += j.second->done; expected += j.second->expected; running += j.second->running; failed += j.second->failed; } expected = std::max(expected, act.expected); std::string s; if (running || done || expected || failed) { if (running) if (expected != 0) s = fmt(ANSI_BLUE + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" + numberFmt, running / unit, done / unit, expected / unit); else s = fmt(ANSI_BLUE + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL, running / unit, done / unit); else if (expected != done) if (expected != 0) s = fmt(ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" + numberFmt, done / unit, expected / unit); else s = fmt(ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL, done / unit); else s = fmt(done ? ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL : numberFmt, done / unit); s = fmt(itemFmt, s); if (failed) s += fmt(" (" ANSI_RED "%d failed" ANSI_NORMAL ")", failed / unit); } return s; }; auto showActivity = [&](ActivityType type, const std::string & itemFmt, const std::string & numberFmt = "%d", double unit = 1) { auto s = renderActivity(type, itemFmt, numberFmt, unit); if (s.empty()) return; if (!res.empty()) res += ", "; res += s; }; showActivity(actBuilds, "%s built"); auto s1 = renderActivity(actCopyPaths, "%s copied"); auto s2 = renderActivity(actCopyPath, "%s MiB", "%.1f", MiB); if (!s1.empty() || !s2.empty()) { if (!res.empty()) res += ", "; if (s1.empty()) res += "0 copied"; else res += s1; if (!s2.empty()) { res += " ("; res += s2; res += ')'; } } showActivity(actFileTransfer, "%s MiB DL", "%.1f", MiB); { auto s = renderActivity(actOptimiseStore, "%s paths optimised"); if (s != "") { s += fmt(", %.1f MiB / %d inodes freed", state.bytesLinked / MiB, state.filesLinked); if (!res.empty()) res += ", "; res += s; } } // FIXME: don't show "done" paths in green. showActivity(actVerifyPaths, "%s paths verified"); if (state.corruptedPaths) { if (!res.empty()) res += ", "; res += fmt(ANSI_RED "%d corrupted" ANSI_NORMAL, state.corruptedPaths); } if (state.untrustedPaths) { if (!res.empty()) res += ", "; res += fmt(ANSI_RED "%d untrusted" ANSI_NORMAL, state.untrustedPaths); } return res; } void writeToStdout(std::string_view s) override { auto state(state_.lock()); if (state->active) { std::cerr << "\r\e[K"; Logger::writeToStdout(s); draw(*state); } else { Logger::writeToStdout(s); } } }; void startProgressBar(bool printBuildLogs) { logger = new ProgressBar( printBuildLogs, isatty(STDERR_FILENO) && getEnv("TERM").value_or("dumb") != "dumb"); } void stopProgressBar() { auto progressBar = dynamic_cast(logger); if (progressBar) progressBar->stop(); } }