Daniel Asaturov 468add5aa0
Remove dead code (#8504)
`` is the only place where `createSymlink()` is used with three arguments:
in the definition of `replaceSymlink()` with three parameters that _is not used at all_.

Closes #8495
2023-06-14 14:09:11 -04:00

998 lines
22 KiB

#pragma once
#include "types.hh"
#include "error.hh"
#include "logging.hh"
#include "ansicolor.hh"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <optional>
#define DT_UNKNOWN 0
#define DT_REG 1
#define DT_LNK 2
#define DT_DIR 3
namespace nix {
struct Sink;
struct Source;
void initLibUtil();
* The system for which Nix is compiled.
extern const std::string nativeSystem;
* @return an environment variable.
std::optional<std::string> getEnv(const std::string & key);
* @return a non empty environment variable. Returns nullopt if the env
* variable is set to ""
std::optional<std::string> getEnvNonEmpty(const std::string & key);
* Get the entire environment.
std::map<std::string, std::string> getEnv();
* Clear the environment.
void clearEnv();
* @return An absolutized path, resolving paths relative to the
* specified directory, or the current directory otherwise. The path
* is also canonicalised.
Path absPath(Path path,
std::optional<PathView> dir = {},
bool resolveSymlinks = false);
* Canonicalise a path by removing all `.` or `..` components and
* double or trailing slashes. Optionally resolves all symlink
* components such that each component of the resulting path is *not*
* a symbolic link.
Path canonPath(PathView path, bool resolveSymlinks = false);
* @return The directory part of the given canonical path, i.e.,
* everything before the final `/`. If the path is the root or an
* immediate child thereof (e.g., `/foo`), this means `/`
* is returned.
Path dirOf(const PathView path);
* @return the base name of the given canonical path, i.e., everything
* following the final `/` (trailing slashes are removed).
std::string_view baseNameOf(std::string_view path);
* Perform tilde expansion on a path.
std::string expandTilde(std::string_view path);
* Check whether 'path' is a descendant of 'dir'. Both paths must be
* canonicalized.
bool isInDir(std::string_view path, std::string_view dir);
* Check whether 'path' is equal to 'dir' or a descendant of
* 'dir'. Both paths must be canonicalized.
bool isDirOrInDir(std::string_view path, std::string_view dir);
* Get status of `path`.
struct stat stat(const Path & path);
struct stat lstat(const Path & path);
* @return true iff the given path exists.
bool pathExists(const Path & path);
* A version of pathExists that returns false on a permission error.
* Useful for inferring default paths across directories that might not
* be readable.
* @return true iff the given path can be accessed and exists
bool pathAccessible(const Path & path);
* Read the contents (target) of a symbolic link. The result is not
* in any way canonicalised.
Path readLink(const Path & path);
bool isLink(const Path & path);
* Read the contents of a directory. The entries `.` and `..` are
* removed.
struct DirEntry
std::string name;
ino_t ino;
* one of DT_*
unsigned char type;
DirEntry(std::string name, ino_t ino, unsigned char type)
: name(std::move(name)), ino(ino), type(type) { }
typedef std::vector<DirEntry> DirEntries;
DirEntries readDirectory(const Path & path);
unsigned char getFileType(const Path & path);
* Read the contents of a file into a string.
std::string readFile(int fd);
std::string readFile(const Path & path);
void readFile(const Path & path, Sink & sink);
* Write a string to a file.
void writeFile(const Path & path, std::string_view s, mode_t mode = 0666, bool sync = false);
void writeFile(const Path & path, Source & source, mode_t mode = 0666, bool sync = false);
* Flush a file's parent directory to disk
void syncParent(const Path & path);
* Read a line from a file descriptor.
std::string readLine(int fd);
* Write a line to a file descriptor.
void writeLine(int fd, std::string s);
* Delete a path; i.e., in the case of a directory, it is deleted
* recursively. It's not an error if the path does not exist. The
* second variant returns the number of bytes and blocks freed.
void deletePath(const Path & path);
void deletePath(const Path & path, uint64_t & bytesFreed);
std::string getUserName();
* @return the given user's home directory from /etc/passwd.
Path getHomeOf(uid_t userId);
* @return $HOME or the user's home directory from /etc/passwd.
Path getHome();
* @return $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME/.cache.
Path getCacheDir();
* @return $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config.
Path getConfigDir();
* @return the directories to search for user configuration files
std::vector<Path> getConfigDirs();
* @return $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share.
Path getDataDir();
* @return the path of the current executable.
std::optional<Path> getSelfExe();
* @return $XDG_STATE_HOME or $HOME/.local/state.
Path getStateDir();
* Create the Nix state directory and return the path to it.
Path createNixStateDir();
* Create a directory and all its parents, if necessary. Returns the
* list of created directories, in order of creation.
Paths createDirs(const Path & path);
inline Paths createDirs(PathView path)
return createDirs(Path(path));
* Create a symlink.
void createSymlink(const Path & target, const Path & link);
* Atomically create or replace a symlink.
void replaceSymlink(const Path & target, const Path & link);
void renameFile(const Path & src, const Path & dst);
* Similar to 'renameFile', but fallback to a copy+remove if `src` and `dst`
* are on a different filesystem.
* Beware that this might not be atomic because of the copy that happens behind
* the scenes
void moveFile(const Path & src, const Path & dst);
* Wrappers arount read()/write() that read/write exactly the
* requested number of bytes.
void readFull(int fd, char * buf, size_t count);
void writeFull(int fd, std::string_view s, bool allowInterrupts = true);
MakeError(EndOfFile, Error);
* Read a file descriptor until EOF occurs.
std::string drainFD(int fd, bool block = true, const size_t reserveSize=0);
void drainFD(int fd, Sink & sink, bool block = true);
* If cgroups are active, attempt to calculate the number of CPUs available.
* If cgroups are unavailable or if cpu.max is set to "max", return 0.
unsigned int getMaxCPU();
* Automatic cleanup of resources.
class AutoDelete
Path path;
bool del;
bool recursive;
AutoDelete(const Path & p, bool recursive = true);
void cancel();
void reset(const Path & p, bool recursive = true);
operator Path() const { return path; }
operator PathView() const { return path; }
class AutoCloseFD
int fd;
AutoCloseFD(int fd);
AutoCloseFD(const AutoCloseFD & fd) = delete;
AutoCloseFD(AutoCloseFD&& fd);
AutoCloseFD& operator =(const AutoCloseFD & fd) = delete;
AutoCloseFD& operator =(AutoCloseFD&& fd);
int get() const;
explicit operator bool() const;
int release();
void close();
void fsync();
* Create a temporary directory.
Path createTempDir(const Path & tmpRoot = "", const Path & prefix = "nix",
bool includePid = true, bool useGlobalCounter = true, mode_t mode = 0755);
* Create a temporary file, returning a file handle and its path.
std::pair<AutoCloseFD, Path> createTempFile(const Path & prefix = "nix");
class Pipe
AutoCloseFD readSide, writeSide;
void create();
void close();
struct DIRDeleter
void operator()(DIR * dir) const {
typedef std::unique_ptr<DIR, DIRDeleter> AutoCloseDir;
class Pid
pid_t pid = -1;
bool separatePG = false;
int killSignal = SIGKILL;
Pid(pid_t pid);
void operator =(pid_t pid);
operator pid_t();
int kill();
int wait();
void setSeparatePG(bool separatePG);
void setKillSignal(int signal);
pid_t release();
* Kill all processes running under the specified uid by sending them
void killUser(uid_t uid);
* Fork a process that runs the given function, and return the child
* pid to the caller.
struct ProcessOptions
std::string errorPrefix = "";
bool dieWithParent = true;
bool runExitHandlers = false;
bool allowVfork = false;
* use clone() with the specified flags (Linux only)
int cloneFlags = 0;
pid_t startProcess(std::function<void()> fun, const ProcessOptions & options = ProcessOptions());
* Run a program and return its stdout in a string (i.e., like the
* shell backtick operator).
std::string runProgram(Path program, bool searchPath = false,
const Strings & args = Strings(),
const std::optional<std::string> & input = {}, bool isInteractive = false);
struct RunOptions
Path program;
bool searchPath = true;
Strings args;
std::optional<uid_t> uid;
std::optional<uid_t> gid;
std::optional<Path> chdir;
std::optional<std::map<std::string, std::string>> environment;
std::optional<std::string> input;
Source * standardIn = nullptr;
Sink * standardOut = nullptr;
bool mergeStderrToStdout = false;
bool isInteractive = false;
std::pair<int, std::string> runProgram(RunOptions && options);
void runProgram2(const RunOptions & options);
* Change the stack size.
void setStackSize(size_t stackSize);
* Restore the original inherited Unix process context (such as signal
* masks, stack size).
* See startSignalHandlerThread(), saveSignalMask().
void restoreProcessContext(bool restoreMounts = true);
* Save the current mount namespace. Ignored if called more than
* once.
void saveMountNamespace();
* Restore the mount namespace saved by saveMountNamespace(). Ignored
* if saveMountNamespace() was never called.
void restoreMountNamespace();
* Cause this thread to not share any FS attributes with the main
* thread, because this causes setns() in restoreMountNamespace() to
* fail.
void unshareFilesystem();
class ExecError : public Error
int status;
template<typename... Args>
ExecError(int status, const Args & ... args)
: Error(args...), status(status)
{ }
* Convert a list of strings to a null-terminated vector of `char
* *`s. The result must not be accessed beyond the lifetime of the
* list of strings.
std::vector<char *> stringsToCharPtrs(const Strings & ss);
* Close all file descriptors except those listed in the given set.
* Good practice in child processes.
void closeMostFDs(const std::set<int> & exceptions);
* Set the close-on-exec flag for the given file descriptor.
void closeOnExec(int fd);
/* User interruption. */
extern std::atomic<bool> _isInterrupted;
extern thread_local std::function<bool()> interruptCheck;
void setInterruptThrown();
void _interrupted();
void inline checkInterrupt()
if (_isInterrupted || (interruptCheck && interruptCheck()))
MakeError(Interrupted, BaseError);
MakeError(FormatError, Error);
* String tokenizer.
template<class C> C tokenizeString(std::string_view s, std::string_view separators = " \t\n\r");
* Concatenate the given strings with a separator between the
* elements.
template<class C>
std::string concatStringsSep(const std::string_view sep, const C & ss)
size_t size = 0;
// need a cast to string_view since this is also called with Symbols
for (const auto & s : ss) size += sep.size() + std::string_view(s).size();
std::string s;
for (auto & i : ss) {
if (s.size() != 0) s += sep;
s += i;
return s;
template<class ... Parts>
auto concatStrings(Parts && ... parts)
-> std::enable_if_t<(... && std::is_convertible_v<Parts, std::string_view>), std::string>
std::string_view views[sizeof...(parts)] = { parts... };
return concatStringsSep({}, views);
* Add quotes around a collection of strings.
template<class C> Strings quoteStrings(const C & c)
Strings res;
for (auto & s : c)
res.push_back("'" + s + "'");
return res;
* Remove trailing whitespace from a string.
* \todo return std::string_view.
std::string chomp(std::string_view s);
* Remove whitespace from the start and end of a string.
std::string trim(std::string_view s, std::string_view whitespace = " \n\r\t");
* Replace all occurrences of a string inside another string.
std::string replaceStrings(
std::string s,
std::string_view from,
std::string_view to);
std::string rewriteStrings(std::string s, const StringMap & rewrites);
* Convert the exit status of a child as returned by wait() into an
* error string.
std::string statusToString(int status);
bool statusOk(int status);
* Parse a string into an integer.
template<class N>
std::optional<N> string2Int(const std::string_view s)
if (s.substr(0, 1) == "-" && !std::numeric_limits<N>::is_signed)
return std::nullopt;
try {
return boost::lexical_cast<N>(, s.size());
} catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
return std::nullopt;
* Like string2Int(), but support an optional suffix 'K', 'M', 'G' or
* 'T' denoting a binary unit prefix.
template<class N>
N string2IntWithUnitPrefix(std::string_view s)
N multiplier = 1;
if (!s.empty()) {
char u = std::toupper(*s.rbegin());
if (std::isalpha(u)) {
if (u == 'K') multiplier = 1ULL << 10;
else if (u == 'M') multiplier = 1ULL << 20;
else if (u == 'G') multiplier = 1ULL << 30;
else if (u == 'T') multiplier = 1ULL << 40;
else throw UsageError("invalid unit specifier '%1%'", u);
if (auto n = string2Int<N>(s))
return *n * multiplier;
throw UsageError("'%s' is not an integer", s);
* Parse a string into a float.
template<class N>
std::optional<N> string2Float(const std::string_view s)
try {
return boost::lexical_cast<N>(, s.size());
} catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
return std::nullopt;
* Convert a little-endian integer to host order.
template<typename T>
T readLittleEndian(unsigned char * p)
T x = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(x); ++i, ++p) {
x |= ((T) *p) << (i * 8);
return x;
* @return true iff `s` starts with `prefix`.
bool hasPrefix(std::string_view s, std::string_view prefix);
* @return true iff `s` ends in `suffix`.
bool hasSuffix(std::string_view s, std::string_view suffix);
* Convert a string to lower case.
std::string toLower(const std::string & s);
* Escape a string as a shell word.
std::string shellEscape(const std::string_view s);
* Exception handling in destructors: print an error message, then
* ignore the exception.
void ignoreException(Verbosity lvl = lvlError);
* Tree formatting.
constexpr char treeConn[] = "├───";
constexpr char treeLast[] = "└───";
constexpr char treeLine[] = "";
constexpr char treeNull[] = " ";
* Determine whether ANSI escape sequences are appropriate for the
* present output.
bool shouldANSI();
* Truncate a string to 'width' printable characters. If 'filterAll'
* is true, all ANSI escape sequences are filtered out. Otherwise,
* some escape sequences (such as colour setting) are copied but not
* included in the character count. Also, tabs are expanded to
* spaces.
std::string filterANSIEscapes(std::string_view s,
bool filterAll = false,
unsigned int width = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
* Base64 encoding/decoding.
std::string base64Encode(std::string_view s);
std::string base64Decode(std::string_view s);
* Remove common leading whitespace from the lines in the string
* 's'. For example, if every line is indented by at least 3 spaces,
* then we remove 3 spaces from the start of every line.
std::string stripIndentation(std::string_view s);
* Get the prefix of 's' up to and excluding the next line break (LF
* optionally preceded by CR), and the remainder following the line
* break.
std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view> getLine(std::string_view s);
* Get a value for the specified key from an associate container.
template <class T>
const typename T::mapped_type * get(const T & map, const typename T::key_type & key)
auto i = map.find(key);
if (i == map.end()) return nullptr;
return &i->second;
template <class T>
typename T::mapped_type * get(T & map, const typename T::key_type & key)
auto i = map.find(key);
if (i == map.end()) return nullptr;
return &i->second;
* Get a value for the specified key from an associate container, or a default value if the key isn't present.
template <class T>
const typename T::mapped_type & getOr(T & map,
const typename T::key_type & key,
const typename T::mapped_type & defaultValue)
auto i = map.find(key);
if (i == map.end()) return defaultValue;
return i->second;
* Remove and return the first item from a container.
template <class T>
std::optional<typename T::value_type> remove_begin(T & c)
auto i = c.begin();
if (i == c.end()) return {};
auto v = std::move(*i);
return v;
* Remove and return the first item from a container.
template <class T>
std::optional<typename T::value_type> pop(T & c)
if (c.empty()) return {};
auto v = std::move(c.front());
return v;
template<typename T>
class Callback;
* Start a thread that handles various signals. Also block those signals
* on the current thread (and thus any threads created by it).
* Saves the signal mask before changing the mask to block those signals.
* See saveSignalMask().
void startSignalHandlerThread();
* Saves the signal mask, which is the signal mask that nix will restore
* before creating child processes.
* See setChildSignalMask() to set an arbitrary signal mask instead of the
* current mask.
void saveSignalMask();
* Sets the signal mask. Like saveSignalMask() but for a signal set that doesn't
* necessarily match the current thread's mask.
* See saveSignalMask() to set the saved mask to the current mask.
void setChildSignalMask(sigset_t *sigs);
struct InterruptCallback
virtual ~InterruptCallback() { };
* Register a function that gets called on SIGINT (in a non-signal
* context).
std::unique_ptr<InterruptCallback> createInterruptCallback(
std::function<void()> callback);
void triggerInterrupt();
* A RAII class that causes the current thread to receive SIGUSR1 when
* the signal handler thread receives SIGINT. That is, this allows
* SIGINT to be multiplexed to multiple threads.
struct ReceiveInterrupts
pthread_t target;
std::unique_ptr<InterruptCallback> callback;
: target(pthread_self())
, callback(createInterruptCallback([&]() { pthread_kill(target, SIGUSR1); }))
{ }
* A RAII helper that increments a counter on construction and
* decrements it on destruction.
template<typename T>
struct MaintainCount
T & counter;
long delta;
MaintainCount(T & counter, long delta = 1) : counter(counter), delta(delta) { counter += delta; }
~MaintainCount() { counter -= delta; }
* @return the number of rows and columns of the terminal.
std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> getWindowSize();
* Used in various places.
typedef std::function<bool(const Path & path)> PathFilter;
extern PathFilter defaultPathFilter;
* Common initialisation performed in child processes.
void commonChildInit();
* Create a Unix domain socket.
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket();
* Create a Unix domain socket in listen mode.
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket(const Path & path, mode_t mode);
* Bind a Unix domain socket to a path.
void bind(int fd, const std::string & path);
* Connect to a Unix domain socket.
void connect(int fd, const std::string & path);
* A Rust/Python-like enumerate() iterator adapter.
* Borrowed from
template <typename T,
typename TIter = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<T>())),
typename = decltype(std::end(std::declval<T>()))>
constexpr auto enumerate(T && iterable)
struct iterator
size_t i;
TIter iter;
constexpr bool operator != (const iterator & other) const { return iter != other.iter; }
constexpr void operator ++ () { ++i; ++iter; }
constexpr auto operator * () const { return std::tie(i, *iter); }
struct iterable_wrapper
T iterable;
constexpr auto begin() { return iterator{ 0, std::begin(iterable) }; }
constexpr auto end() { return iterator{ 0, std::end(iterable) }; }
return iterable_wrapper{ std::forward<T>(iterable) };
* C++17 std::visit boilerplate
template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;
std::string showBytes(uint64_t bytes);
* Provide an addition operator between strings and string_views
* inexplicably omitted from the standard library.
inline std::string operator + (const std::string & s1, std::string_view s2)
auto s = s1;
return s;
inline std::string operator + (std::string && s, std::string_view s2)
return std::move(s);
inline std::string operator + (std::string_view s1, const char * s2)
std::string s;
s.reserve(s1.size() + strlen(s2));
return s;