
715 lines
20 KiB

#include <cerrno>
#include "globals.hh"
#include "normalise.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "parser.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "help.txt.hh"
struct Globals
Path linkPath;
Path nixExprPath;
EvalState state;
typedef void (* Operation) (Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs);
struct DrvInfo
string name;
Path drvPath;
Path outPath;
Hash drvHash;
typedef map<Path, DrvInfo> DrvInfos;
void printHelp()
cout << string((char *) helpText, sizeof helpText);
bool parseDerivation(EvalState & state, Expr e, DrvInfo & drv)
ATMatcher m;
e = evalExpr(state, e);
if (!(atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs")) return false;
Expr a = queryAttr(e, "type");
if (!a || evalString(state, a) != "derivation") return false;
a = queryAttr(e, "name");
if (!a) throw badTerm("derivation name missing", e); = evalString(state, a);
a = queryAttr(e, "drvPath");
if (!a) throw badTerm("derivation path missing", e);
drv.drvPath = evalPath(state, a);
a = queryAttr(e, "drvHash");
if (!a) throw badTerm("derivation hash missing", e);
drv.drvHash = parseHash(evalString(state, a));
a = queryAttr(e, "outPath");
if (!a) throw badTerm("output path missing", e);
drv.outPath = evalPath(state, a);
return true;
bool parseDerivations(EvalState & state, Expr e, DrvInfos & drvs)
ATMatcher m;
ATermList es;
DrvInfo drv;
e = evalExpr(state, e);
if (parseDerivation(state, e, drv))
drvs[drv.drvPath] = drv;
else if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs") {
ATermMap drvMap;
queryAllAttrs(e, drvMap);
for (ATermIterator i(drvMap.keys()); i; ++i) {
debug(format("evaluating attribute `%1%'") % *i);
if (parseDerivation(state, drvMap.get(*i), drv))
drvs[drv.drvPath] = drv;
else if (atMatch(m, e) >> "List" >> es) {
for (ATermIterator i(es); i; ++i) {
debug(format("evaluating list element"));
if (parseDerivation(state, *i, drv))
drvs[drv.drvPath] = drv;
return true;
void loadDerivations(EvalState & state, Path nePath, DrvInfos & drvs)
Expr e = parseExprFromFile(absPath(nePath));
if (!parseDerivations(state, e, drvs))
throw badTerm("expected set of derivations", e);
static Path getHomeDir()
Path homeDir(getenv("HOME"));
if (homeDir == "") throw Error("HOME environment variable not set");
return homeDir;
static Path getLinksDir()
return canonPath(nixStateDir + "/links");
static Path getDefNixExprPath()
return getHomeDir() + "/.nix-defexpr";
void queryInstalled(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & drvs,
const Path & userEnv)
Path path = userEnv + "/manifest";
if (!pathExists(path)) return; /* not an error, assume nothing installed */
Expr e = ATreadFromNamedFile(path.c_str());
if (!e) throw Error(format("cannot read Nix expression from `%1%'") % path);
if (!parseDerivations(state, e, drvs))
throw badTerm(format("expected set of derivations in `%1%'") % path, e);
Path createGeneration(Path outPath, Path drvPath)
Path linksDir = getLinksDir();
unsigned int num = 0;
Strings names = readDirectory(linksDir);
for (Strings::iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) {
istringstream s(*i);
unsigned int n;
if (s >> n && s.eof() && n >= num) num = n + 1;
Path generation;
while (1) {
generation = (format("%1%/%2%") % linksDir % num).str();
if (symlink(outPath.c_str(), generation.c_str()) == 0) break;
if (errno != EEXIST)
throw SysError(format("creating symlink `%1%'") % generation);
/* Somebody beat us to it, retry with a higher number. */
writeStringToFile(generation + "", drvPath);
return generation;
void switchLink(Path link, Path target)
Path tmp = canonPath(dirOf(link) + "/.new_" + baseNameOf(link));
if (symlink(target.c_str(), tmp.c_str()) != 0)
throw SysError(format("creating symlink `%1%'") % tmp);
/* The rename() system call is supposed to be essentially atomic
on Unix. That is, if we have links `current -> X' and
`new_current -> Y', and we rename new_current to current, a
process accessing current will see X or Y, but never a
file-not-found or other error condition. This is sufficient to
atomically switch user environments. */
if (rename(tmp.c_str(), link.c_str()) != 0)
throw SysError(format("renaming `%1%' to `%2%'") % tmp % link);
void createUserEnv(EvalState & state, const DrvInfos & drvs,
const Path & linkPath)
/* Get the environment builder expression. */
Expr envBuilder = parseExprFromFile(nixDataDir + "/nix/corepkgs/buildenv"); /* !!! */
/* Construct the whole top level derivation. */
ATermList inputs = ATempty;
for (DrvInfos::const_iterator i = drvs.begin();
i != drvs.end(); ++i)
ATerm t = ATmake(
"Bind(\"type\", Str(\"derivation\")), "
"Bind(\"name\", Str(<str>)), "
"Bind(\"drvPath\", Path(<str>)), "
"Bind(\"drvHash\", Str(<str>)), "
"Bind(\"outPath\", Path(<str>))"
((string) i->second.drvHash).c_str(),
inputs = ATinsert(inputs, t);
ATerm inputs2 = ATmake("List(<term>)", ATreverse(inputs));
/* Also write a copy of the list of inputs to the store; we need
it for future modifications of the environment. */
Path inputsFile = writeTerm(inputs2, "-env-inputs");
Expr topLevel = ATmake(
"Call(<term>, Attrs(["
"Bind(\"system\", Str(<str>)), "
"Bind(\"derivations\", <term>), " // !!! redundant
"Bind(\"manifest\", Path(<str>))"
envBuilder, thisSystem.c_str(), inputs2, inputsFile.c_str());
/* Instantiate it. */
debug(format("evaluating builder expression `%1%'") % topLevel);
DrvInfo topLevelDrv;
if (!parseDerivation(state, topLevel, topLevelDrv))
/* Realise the resulting store expression. */
debug(format("realising user environment"));
Path nfPath = normaliseStoreExpr(topLevelDrv.drvPath);
/* Switch the current user environment to the output path. */
debug(format("switching to new user environment"));
Path generation = createGeneration(
topLevelDrv.outPath, topLevelDrv.drvPath);
switchLink(linkPath, generation);
struct DrvName
string fullName;
string name;
string version;
unsigned int hits;
/* Parse a derivation name. The `name' part of a derivation name
is everything up to but not including the first dash *not*
followed by a letter. The `version' part is the rest
(excluding the separating dash). E.g., `apache-httpd-2.0.48'
is parsed to (`apache-httpd', '2.0.48'). */
DrvName(const string & s) : hits(0)
name = fullName = s;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
/* !!! isalpha/isdigit are affected by the locale. */
if (s[i] == '-' && i + 1 < s.size() && !isalpha(s[i + 1])) {
name = string(s, 0, i);
version = string(s, i + 1);
bool matches(DrvName & n)
if (name != "*" && name != return false;
if (version != "" && version != n.version) return false;
return true;
string nextComponent(string::const_iterator & p,
const string::const_iterator end)
/* Skip any dots and dashes (component separators). */
while (p != end && (*p == '.' || *p == '-')) ++p;
if (p == end) return "";
/* If the first character is a digit, consume the longest sequence
of digits. Otherwise, consume the longest sequence of
non-digit, non-separator characters. */
string s;
if (isdigit(*p))
while (p != end && isdigit(*p)) s += *p++;
while (p != end && (!isdigit(*p) && *p != '.' && *p != '-'))
s += *p++;
return s;
#include <fstream>
bool parseInt(const string & s, int & n)
istringstream st(s);
st >> n;
return !;
static bool componentsLT(const string & c1, const string & c2)
int n1, n2;
bool c1Num = parseInt(c1, n1), c2Num = parseInt(c2, n2);
if (c1Num && c2Num) return n1 < n2;
else if (c1 == "" && c2Num) return true;
else if (c1 == "pre" && c2 != "pre") return true;
else if (c2 == "pre") return false;
/* Assume that `2.3a' < `2.3.1'. */
else if (c2Num) return true;
else if (c1Num) return false;
else return c1 < c2;
static int compareVersions(const string & v1, const string & v2)
string::const_iterator p1 = v1.begin();
string::const_iterator p2 = v2.begin();
while (p1 != v1.end() || p2 != v2.end()) {
string c1 = nextComponent(p1, v1.end());
string c2 = nextComponent(p2, v2.end());
if (componentsLT(c1, c2)) return -1;
else if (componentsLT(c2, c1)) return 1;
return 0;
static void testCompareVersions()
#define TEST(v1, v2, n) assert( \
compareVersions(v1, v2) == n && compareVersions(v2, v1) == -n)
TEST("1.0", "2.3", -1);
TEST("2.1", "2.3", -1);
TEST("2.3", "2.3", 0);
TEST("2.5", "2.3", 1);
TEST("3.1", "2.3", 1);
TEST("2.3.1", "2.3", 1);
TEST("2.3.1", "2.3a", 1);
TEST("2.3pre1", "2.3", -1);
TEST("2.3pre3", "2.3pre12", -1);
TEST("2.3a", "2.3c", -1);
TEST("2.3pre1", "2.3c", -1);
TEST("2.3pre1", "2.3q", -1);
typedef list<DrvName> DrvNames;
static DrvNames drvNamesFromArgs(const Strings & opArgs)
DrvNames result;
for (Strings::const_iterator i = opArgs.begin();
i != opArgs.end(); ++i)
return result;
static void installDerivations(EvalState & state,
Path nePath, DrvNames & selectors, const Path & linkPath)
debug(format("installing derivations from `%1%'") % nePath);
/* Fetch all derivations from the input file. */
DrvInfos availDrvs;
loadDerivations(state, nePath, availDrvs);
/* Filter out the ones we're not interested in. */
DrvInfos selectedDrvs;
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = availDrvs.begin();
i != availDrvs.end(); ++i)
DrvName drvName(i->;
for (DrvNames::iterator j = selectors.begin();
j != selectors.end(); ++j)
if (j->matches(drvName)) {
format("installing `%1%'") % i->;
/* Check that all selectors have been used. */
for (DrvNames::iterator i = selectors.begin();
i != selectors.end(); ++i)
if (i->hits == 0)
throw Error(format("selector `%1%' matches no derivations")
% i->fullName);
/* Add in the already installed derivations. */
DrvInfos installedDrvs;
queryInstalled(state, installedDrvs, linkPath);
selectedDrvs.insert(installedDrvs.begin(), installedDrvs.end());
createUserEnv(state, selectedDrvs, linkPath);
static void opInstall(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
if (opFlags.size() > 0)
throw UsageError(format("unknown flags `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
DrvNames drvNames = drvNamesFromArgs(opArgs);
installDerivations(globals.state, globals.nixExprPath,
drvNames, globals.linkPath);
static void upgradeDerivations(EvalState & state,
Path nePath, DrvNames & selectors, const Path & linkPath)
debug(format("upgrading derivations from `%1%'") % nePath);
/* Upgrade works as follows: we take all currently installed
derivations, and for any derivation matching any selector, look
for a derivation in the input Nix expression that has the same
name and a higher version number. */
/* Load the currently installed derivations. */
DrvInfos installedDrvs;
queryInstalled(state, installedDrvs, linkPath);
/* Fetch all derivations from the input file. */
DrvInfos availDrvs;
loadDerivations(state, nePath, availDrvs);
/* Go through all installed derivations. */
DrvInfos newDrvs;
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = installedDrvs.begin();
i != installedDrvs.end(); ++i)
DrvName drvName(i->;
/* Do we want to upgrade this derivation? */
bool upgrade = false;
for (DrvNames::iterator j = selectors.begin();
j != selectors.end(); ++j)
if (j->matches(drvName)) {
upgrade = true;
/* If yes, find the derivation in the input Nix expression
with the same name and the highest version number. */
DrvInfos::iterator bestDrv = i;
DrvName bestName = drvName;
if (upgrade) {
for (DrvInfos::iterator j = availDrvs.begin();
j != availDrvs.end(); ++j)
DrvName newName(j->;
if ( == &&
compareVersions(newName.version, bestName.version) > 0)
bestDrv = j;
if (bestDrv != i) {
format("upgrading `%1%' to `%2%'")
% i-> % bestDrv->;
createUserEnv(state, newDrvs, linkPath);
static void opUpgrade(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
if (opFlags.size() > 0)
throw UsageError(format("unknown flags `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
if (opArgs.size() < 1) throw UsageError("Nix file expected");
DrvNames drvNames = drvNamesFromArgs(opArgs);
upgradeDerivations(globals.state, globals.nixExprPath,
drvNames, globals.linkPath);
static void uninstallDerivations(EvalState & state, DrvNames & selectors,
Path & linkPath)
DrvInfos installedDrvs;
queryInstalled(state, installedDrvs, linkPath);
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = installedDrvs.begin();
i != installedDrvs.end(); ++i)
DrvName drvName(i->;
for (DrvNames::iterator j = selectors.begin();
j != selectors.end(); ++j)
if (j->matches(drvName)) {
format("uninstalling `%1%'") % i->;
createUserEnv(state, installedDrvs, linkPath);
static void opUninstall(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
if (opFlags.size() > 0)
throw UsageError(format("unknown flags `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
DrvNames drvNames = drvNamesFromArgs(opArgs);
uninstallDerivations(globals.state, drvNames, globals.linkPath);
static void opQuery(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
enum { qName, qDrvPath, qStatus } query = qName;
enum { sInstalled, sAvailable } source = sInstalled;
for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin();
i != opFlags.end(); ++i)
if (*i == "--name") query = qName;
else if (*i == "--expr" || *i == "-e") query = qDrvPath;
else if (*i == "--status" || *i == "-s") query = qStatus;
else if (*i == "--installed") source = sInstalled;
else if (*i == "--available" || *i == "-a") source = sAvailable;
else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i);
/* Obtain derivation information from the specified source. */
DrvInfos drvs;
switch (source) {
case sInstalled:
queryInstalled(globals.state, drvs, globals.linkPath);
case sAvailable: {
loadDerivations(globals.state, globals.nixExprPath, drvs);
default: abort();
if (opArgs.size() != 0) throw UsageError("no arguments expected");
/* Perform the specified query on the derivations. */
switch (query) {
case qName: {
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = drvs.begin(); i != drvs.end(); ++i)
cout << format("%1%\n") % i->;
case qDrvPath: {
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = drvs.begin(); i != drvs.end(); ++i)
cout << format("%1%\n") % i->second.drvPath;
case qStatus: {
DrvInfos installed;
queryInstalled(globals.state, installed, globals.linkPath);
PathSet installedPaths; /* output paths of installed drvs */
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = installed.begin();
i != installed.end(); ++i)
for (DrvInfos::iterator i = drvs.begin(); i != drvs.end(); ++i) {
cout << format("%1%%2% %3%\n")
% (installedPaths.find(i->second.outPath)
!= installedPaths.end() ? 'I' : '-')
% (isValidPath(i->second.outPath) ? 'P' : '-')
% i->;
default: abort();
static void opSwitchProfile(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
if (opFlags.size() > 0)
throw UsageError(format("unknown flags `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
if (opArgs.size() > 1)
throw UsageError(format("`--profile' takes at most one argument"));
Path linkPath =
absPath(opArgs.size() == 0 ? globals.linkPath : opArgs.front());
Path linkPathFinal = getHomeDir() + "/.nix-userenv";
switchLink(linkPathFinal, linkPath);
static void opDefaultExpr(Globals & globals,
Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
if (opFlags.size() > 0)
throw UsageError(format("unknown flags `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
if (opArgs.size() != 1)
throw UsageError(format("`--import' takes exactly one argument"));
Path defNixExpr = absPath(opArgs.front());
Path defNixExprLink = getDefNixExprPath();
switchLink(defNixExprLink, defNixExpr);
void run(Strings args)
/* Use a higher default verbosity (lvlInfo). */
verbosity = (Verbosity) ((int) verbosity + 1);
Strings opFlags, opArgs;
Operation op = 0;
Globals globals;
globals.linkPath = getLinksDir() + "/current";
globals.nixExprPath = getDefNixExprPath();
for (Strings::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) {
string arg = *i;
Operation oldOp = op;
if (arg == "--install" || arg == "-i")
op = opInstall;
else if (arg == "--uninstall" || arg == "-e")
op = opUninstall;
else if (arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u")
op = opUpgrade;
else if (arg == "--query" || arg == "-q")
op = opQuery;
else if (arg == "--import" || arg == "-I") /* !!! bad name */
op = opDefaultExpr;
else if (arg == "--link" || arg == "-l") {
if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError(
format("`%1%' requires an argument") % arg);
globals.linkPath = absPath(*i);
else if (arg == "--file" || arg == "-f") {
if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError(
format("`%1%' requires an argument") % arg);
globals.nixExprPath = absPath(*i);
else if (arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p")
op = opSwitchProfile;
else if (arg[0] == '-')
if (oldOp && oldOp != op)
throw UsageError("only one operation may be specified");
if (!op) throw UsageError("no operation specified");
op(globals, opFlags, opArgs);
string programId = "nix-env";