This moves the actual parsing of configuration contents into applyConfig which applyConfigFile is then going to call. By changing this we can now test the configuration file parsing without actually create a file on disk.
350 lines
9.1 KiB
350 lines
9.1 KiB
#include "config.hh"
#include "args.hh"
#include "json.hh"
namespace nix {
bool Config::set(const std::string & name, const std::string & value)
auto i = _settings.find(name);
if (i == _settings.end()) return false;
i->second.setting->overriden = true;
return true;
void Config::addSetting(AbstractSetting * setting)
_settings.emplace(setting->name, Config::SettingData(false, setting));
for (auto & alias : setting->aliases)
_settings.emplace(alias, Config::SettingData(true, setting));
bool set = false;
auto i = unknownSettings.find(setting->name);
if (i != unknownSettings.end()) {
setting->overriden = true;
set = true;
for (auto & alias : setting->aliases) {
auto i = unknownSettings.find(alias);
if (i != unknownSettings.end()) {
if (set)
warn("setting '%s' is set, but it's an alias of '%s' which is also set",
alias, setting->name);
else {
setting->overriden = true;
set = true;
void AbstractConfig::warnUnknownSettings()
for (auto & s : unknownSettings)
warn("unknown setting '%s'", s.first);
void AbstractConfig::reapplyUnknownSettings()
auto unknownSettings2 = std::move(unknownSettings);
for (auto & s : unknownSettings2)
set(s.first, s.second);
void Config::getSettings(std::map<std::string, SettingInfo> & res, bool overridenOnly)
for (auto & opt : _settings)
if (!opt.second.isAlias && (!overridenOnly || opt.second.setting->overriden))
res.emplace(opt.first, SettingInfo{opt.second.setting->to_string(), opt.second.setting->description});
void AbstractConfig::applyConfig(const std::string & contents, const std::string & path) {
unsigned int pos = 0;
while (pos < contents.size()) {
string line;
while (pos < contents.size() && contents[pos] != '\n')
line += contents[pos++];
string::size_type hash = line.find('#');
if (hash != string::npos)
line = string(line, 0, hash);
vector<string> tokens = tokenizeString<vector<string> >(line);
if (tokens.empty()) continue;
if (tokens.size() < 2)
throw UsageError("illegal configuration line '%1%' in '%2%'", line, path);
auto include = false;
auto ignoreMissing = false;
if (tokens[0] == "include")
include = true;
else if (tokens[0] == "!include") {
include = true;
ignoreMissing = true;
if (include) {
if (tokens.size() != 2)
throw UsageError("illegal configuration line '%1%' in '%2%'", line, path);
auto p = absPath(tokens[1], dirOf(path));
if (pathExists(p)) {
} else if (!ignoreMissing) {
throw Error("file '%1%' included from '%2%' not found", p, path);
if (tokens[1] != "=")
throw UsageError("illegal configuration line '%1%' in '%2%'", line, path);
string name = tokens[0];
vector<string>::iterator i = tokens.begin();
advance(i, 2);
set(name, concatStringsSep(" ", Strings(i, tokens.end()))); // FIXME: slow
void AbstractConfig::applyConfigFile(const Path & path)
try {
string contents = readFile(path);
applyConfig(contents, path);
} catch (SysError &) { }
void Config::resetOverriden()
for (auto & s : _settings)
s.second.setting->overriden = false;
void Config::toJSON(JSONObject & out)
for (auto & s : _settings)
if (!s.second.isAlias) {
JSONObject out2(out.object(s.first));
out2.attr("description", s.second.setting->description);
JSONPlaceholder out3(out2.placeholder("value"));
void Config::convertToArgs(Args & args, const std::string & category)
for (auto & s : _settings)
if (!s.second.isAlias)
s.second.setting->convertToArg(args, category);
const std::string & name,
const std::string & description,
const std::set<std::string> & aliases)
: name(name), description(description), aliases(aliases)
void AbstractSetting::setDefault(const std::string & str)
if (!overriden) set(str);
void AbstractSetting::toJSON(JSONPlaceholder & out)
void AbstractSetting::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
template<typename T>
void BaseSetting<T>::toJSON(JSONPlaceholder & out)
template<typename T>
void BaseSetting<T>::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
.longName = name,
.description = description,
.category = category,
.labels = {"value"},
.handler = {[=](std::string s) { overriden = true; set(s); }},
template<> void BaseSetting<std::string>::set(const std::string & str)
value = str;
template<> std::string BaseSetting<std::string>::to_string() const
return value;
template<typename T>
void BaseSetting<T>::set(const std::string & str)
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Integer required.");
if (!string2Int(str, value))
throw UsageError("setting '%s' has invalid value '%s'", name, str);
template<typename T>
std::string BaseSetting<T>::to_string() const
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Integer required.");
return std::to_string(value);
template<> void BaseSetting<bool>::set(const std::string & str)
if (str == "true" || str == "yes" || str == "1")
value = true;
else if (str == "false" || str == "no" || str == "0")
value = false;
throw UsageError("Boolean setting '%s' has invalid value '%s'", name, str);
template<> std::string BaseSetting<bool>::to_string() const
return value ? "true" : "false";
template<> void BaseSetting<bool>::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
.longName = name,
.description = description,
.category = category,
.handler = {[=]() { override(true); }}
.longName = "no-" + name,
.description = description,
.category = category,
.handler = {[=]() { override(false); }}
template<> void BaseSetting<Strings>::set(const std::string & str)
value = tokenizeString<Strings>(str);
template<> std::string BaseSetting<Strings>::to_string() const
return concatStringsSep(" ", value);
template<> void BaseSetting<Strings>::toJSON(JSONPlaceholder & out)
JSONList list(out.list());
for (auto & s : value)
template<> void BaseSetting<StringSet>::set(const std::string & str)
value = tokenizeString<StringSet>(str);
template<> std::string BaseSetting<StringSet>::to_string() const
return concatStringsSep(" ", value);
template<> void BaseSetting<StringSet>::toJSON(JSONPlaceholder & out)
JSONList list(out.list());
for (auto & s : value)
template class BaseSetting<int>;
template class BaseSetting<unsigned int>;
template class BaseSetting<long>;
template class BaseSetting<unsigned long>;
template class BaseSetting<long long>;
template class BaseSetting<unsigned long long>;
template class BaseSetting<bool>;
template class BaseSetting<std::string>;
template class BaseSetting<Strings>;
template class BaseSetting<StringSet>;
void PathSetting::set(const std::string & str)
if (str == "") {
if (allowEmpty)
value = "";
throw UsageError("setting '%s' cannot be empty", name);
} else
value = canonPath(str);
bool GlobalConfig::set(const std::string & name, const std::string & value)
for (auto & config : *configRegistrations)
if (config->set(name, value)) return true;
unknownSettings.emplace(name, value);
return false;
void GlobalConfig::getSettings(std::map<std::string, SettingInfo> & res, bool overridenOnly)
for (auto & config : *configRegistrations)
config->getSettings(res, overridenOnly);
void GlobalConfig::resetOverriden()
for (auto & config : *configRegistrations)
void GlobalConfig::toJSON(JSONObject & out)
for (auto & config : *configRegistrations)
void GlobalConfig::convertToArgs(Args & args, const std::string & category)
for (auto & config : *configRegistrations)
config->convertToArgs(args, category);
GlobalConfig globalConfig;
GlobalConfig::ConfigRegistrations * GlobalConfig::configRegistrations;
GlobalConfig::Register::Register(Config * config)
if (!configRegistrations)
configRegistrations = new ConfigRegistrations;