Eelco Dolstra 84989d3af2
Improve filtering of ANSI escape sequences in build logs
All ANSI sequences except color setting are now filtered out. In
particular, terminal resets (such as from NixOS VM tests) are filtered

Also, fix the completely broken tab character handling.
2018-02-07 15:23:57 +01:00

411 lines
12 KiB

#include "progress-bar.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "sync.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
namespace nix {
static std::string getS(const std::vector<Logger::Field> & fields, size_t n)
assert(n < fields.size());
assert(fields[n].type == Logger::Field::tString);
return fields[n].s;
static uint64_t getI(const std::vector<Logger::Field> & fields, size_t n)
assert(n < fields.size());
assert(fields[n].type == Logger::Field::tInt);
return fields[n].i;
class ProgressBar : public Logger
struct ActInfo
std::string s, lastLine, phase;
ActivityType type = actUnknown;
uint64_t done = 0;
uint64_t expected = 0;
uint64_t running = 0;
uint64_t failed = 0;
std::map<ActivityType, uint64_t> expectedByType;
bool visible = true;
ActivityId parent;
struct ActivitiesByType
std::map<ActivityId, std::list<ActInfo>::iterator> its;
uint64_t done = 0;
uint64_t expected = 0;
uint64_t failed = 0;
struct State
std::list<ActInfo> activities;
std::map<ActivityId, std::list<ActInfo>::iterator> its;
std::map<ActivityType, ActivitiesByType> activitiesByType;
uint64_t filesLinked = 0, bytesLinked = 0;
uint64_t corruptedPaths = 0, untrustedPaths = 0;
bool active = true;
Sync<State> state_;
std::thread updateThread;
std::condition_variable quitCV, updateCV;
updateThread = std::thread([&]() {
auto state(state_.lock());
while (state->active) {
state.wait_for(quitCV, std::chrono::milliseconds(50));
void stop()
auto state(state_.lock());
if (!state->active) return;
state->active = false;
std::string status = getStatus(*state);
if (status != "")
writeToStderr("[" + status + "]\n");
void log(Verbosity lvl, const FormatOrString & fs) override
auto state(state_.lock());
log(*state, lvl, fs.s);
void log(State & state, Verbosity lvl, const std::string & s)
writeToStderr("\r\e[K" + s + ANSI_NORMAL "\n");
void startActivity(ActivityId act, Verbosity lvl, ActivityType type,
const std::string & s, const Fields & fields, ActivityId parent) override
auto state(state_.lock());
if (lvl <= verbosity && !s.empty())
log(*state, lvl, s + "...");
auto i = std::prev(state->activities.end());
i->s = s;
i->type = type;
i->parent = parent;
state->its.emplace(act, i);
state->activitiesByType[type].its.emplace(act, i);
if (type == actBuild) {
auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0));
if (hasSuffix(name, ".drv"))
name.resize(name.size() - 4);
i->s = fmt("building " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, name);
auto machineName = getS(fields, 1);
if (machineName != "")
i->s += fmt(" on " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL, machineName);
auto curRound = getI(fields, 2);
auto nrRounds = getI(fields, 3);
if (nrRounds != 1)
i->s += fmt(" (round %d/%d)", curRound, nrRounds);
if (type == actSubstitute) {
auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0));
auto sub = getS(fields, 1);
i->s = fmt(
hasPrefix(sub, "local")
? "copying " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " from %s"
: "fetching " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " from %s",
name, sub);
if (type == actQueryPathInfo) {
auto name = storePathToName(getS(fields, 0));
i->s = fmt("querying " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL " on %s", name, getS(fields, 1));
if ((type == actDownload && hasAncestor(*state, actCopyPath, parent))
|| (type == actDownload && hasAncestor(*state, actQueryPathInfo, parent))
|| (type == actCopyPath && hasAncestor(*state, actSubstitute, parent)))
i->visible = false;
/* Check whether an activity has an ancestore with the specified
type. */
bool hasAncestor(State & state, ActivityType type, ActivityId act)
while (act != 0) {
auto i = state.its.find(act);
if (i == state.its.end()) break;
if (i->second->type == type) return true;
act = i->second->parent;
return false;
void stopActivity(ActivityId act) override
auto state(state_.lock());
auto i = state->its.find(act);
if (i != state->its.end()) {
auto & actByType = state->activitiesByType[i->second->type];
actByType.done += i->second->done;
actByType.failed += i->second->failed;
for (auto & j : i->second->expectedByType)
state->activitiesByType[j.first].expected -= j.second;
void result(ActivityId act, ResultType type, const std::vector<Field> & fields) override
auto state(state_.lock());
if (type == resFileLinked) {
state->bytesLinked += getI(fields, 0);
else if (type == resBuildLogLine) {
auto lastLine = trim(getS(fields, 0));
if (!lastLine.empty()) {
auto i = state->its.find(act);
assert(i != state->its.end());
ActInfo info = *i->second;
info.lastLine = lastLine;
i->second = std::prev(state->activities.end());
else if (type == resUntrustedPath) {
else if (type == resCorruptedPath) {
else if (type == resSetPhase) {
auto i = state->its.find(act);
assert(i != state->its.end());
i->second->phase = getS(fields, 0);
else if (type == resProgress) {
auto i = state->its.find(act);
assert(i != state->its.end());
ActInfo & actInfo = *i->second;
actInfo.done = getI(fields, 0);
actInfo.expected = getI(fields, 1);
actInfo.running = getI(fields, 2);
actInfo.failed = getI(fields, 3);
else if (type == resSetExpected) {
auto i = state->its.find(act);
assert(i != state->its.end());
ActInfo & actInfo = *i->second;
auto type = (ActivityType) getI(fields, 0);
auto & j = actInfo.expectedByType[type];
state->activitiesByType[type].expected -= j;
j = getI(fields, 1);
state->activitiesByType[type].expected += j;
void update()
void draw(State & state)
if (! return;
std::string line;
std::string status = getStatus(state);
if (!status.empty()) {
line += '[';
line += status;
line += "]";
if (!state.activities.empty()) {
if (!status.empty()) line += " ";
auto i = state.activities.rbegin();
while (i != state.activities.rend() && (!i->visible || (i->s.empty() && i->lastLine.empty())))
if (i != state.activities.rend()) {
line += i->s;
if (!i->phase.empty()) {
line += " (";
line += i->phase;
line += ")";
if (!i->lastLine.empty()) {
if (!i->s.empty()) line += ": ";
line += i->lastLine;
auto width = getWindowSize().second;
if (width <= 0) std::numeric_limits<decltype(width)>::max();
writeToStderr("\r" + filterANSIEscapes(line, width) + "\e[K");
std::string getStatus(State & state)
auto MiB = 1024.0 * 1024.0;
std::string res;
auto renderActivity = [&](ActivityType type, const std::string & itemFmt, const std::string & numberFmt = "%d", double unit = 1) {
auto & act = state.activitiesByType[type];
uint64_t done = act.done, expected = act.done, running = 0, failed = act.failed;
for (auto & j : act.its) {
done += j.second->done;
expected += j.second->expected;
running += j.second->running;
failed += j.second->failed;
expected = std::max(expected, act.expected);
std::string s;
if (running || done || expected || failed) {
if (running)
s = fmt(ANSI_BLUE + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" + numberFmt,
running / unit, done / unit, expected / unit);
else if (expected != done)
s = fmt(ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL "/" + numberFmt,
done / unit, expected / unit);
s = fmt(done ? ANSI_GREEN + numberFmt + ANSI_NORMAL : numberFmt, done / unit);
s = fmt(itemFmt, s);
if (failed)
s += fmt(" (" ANSI_RED "%d failed" ANSI_NORMAL ")", failed / unit);
return s;
auto showActivity = [&](ActivityType type, const std::string & itemFmt, const std::string & numberFmt = "%d", double unit = 1) {
auto s = renderActivity(type, itemFmt, numberFmt, unit);
if (s.empty()) return;
if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
res += s;
showActivity(actBuilds, "%s built");
auto s1 = renderActivity(actCopyPaths, "%s copied");
auto s2 = renderActivity(actCopyPath, "%s MiB", "%.1f", MiB);
if (!s1.empty() || !s2.empty()) {
if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
if (s1.empty()) res += "0 copied"; else res += s1;
if (!s2.empty()) { res += " ("; res += s2; res += ')'; }
showActivity(actDownload, "%s MiB DL", "%.1f", MiB);
auto s = renderActivity(actOptimiseStore, "%s paths optimised");
if (s != "") {
s += fmt(", %.1f MiB / %d inodes freed", state.bytesLinked / MiB, state.filesLinked);
if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
res += s;
// FIXME: don't show "done" paths in green.
showActivity(actVerifyPaths, "%s paths verified");
if (state.corruptedPaths) {
if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
res += fmt(ANSI_RED "%d corrupted" ANSI_NORMAL, state.corruptedPaths);
if (state.untrustedPaths) {
if (!res.empty()) res += ", ";
res += fmt(ANSI_RED "%d untrusted" ANSI_NORMAL, state.untrustedPaths);
return res;
void startProgressBar()
logger = new ProgressBar();
void stopProgressBar()
auto progressBar = dynamic_cast<ProgressBar *>(logger);
if (progressBar) progressBar->stop();