Pierre Bourdon 28a079f841
flake: update nixpkgs pin 23.11->24.05 (+ boehmgc compat changes)
The boehmgc changes are bundled into this commit because doing otherwise
would require an annoying dance of "adding compatibility for < 8.2.6 and
>= 8.2.6" then updating the pin then removing the (now unneeded)
compatibility. It doesn't seem worth the trouble to me given the low
complexity of said changes.

Rebased coroutine-sp-fallback.diff patch taken from

Change-Id: I8c590e9fe25c0f566d0cfeacb96d8cf50abf12e8
2024-06-09 01:25:53 +02:00

79 lines
2 KiB

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