#include "compression.hh" #include namespace nix { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * compress / decompress * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(compress, compressWithUnknownMethod) { ASSERT_THROW(compress("invalid-method", "something-to-compress"), UnknownCompressionMethod); } TEST(compress, noneMethodDoesNothingToTheInput) { auto o = compress("none", "this-is-a-test"); ASSERT_EQ(o, "this-is-a-test"); } TEST(decompress, decompressEmptyString) { // Empty-method decompression used e.g. by S3 store // (Content-Encoding == ""). auto o = decompress("", "this-is-a-test"); ASSERT_EQ(o, "this-is-a-test"); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * compression sinks * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(makeCompressionSink, noneSinkDoesNothingToInput) { auto method = "none"; StringSink strSink; auto inputString = "slfja;sljfklsa;jfklsjfkl;sdjfkl;sadjfkl;sdjf;lsdfjsadlf"; auto sink = makeCompressionSink(method, strSink); (*sink)(inputString); sink->finish(); ASSERT_STREQ(strSink.s.c_str(), inputString); } /** Tests applied to all compression types */ class PerTypeCompressionTest : public testing::TestWithParam {}; /** Tests applied to non-passthrough compression types */ class PerTypeNonNullCompressionTest : public testing::TestWithParam {}; constexpr const char * COMPRESSION_TYPES_NONNULL[] = { // libarchive "bzip2", "compress", "gzip", "lzip", "lzma", "xz", "zstd", // Uses external program via libarchive so cannot be used :( /* "grzip", "lrzip", "lzop", "lz4", */ // custom "br", }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( compressionNonNull, PerTypeNonNullCompressionTest, testing::ValuesIn(COMPRESSION_TYPES_NONNULL) ); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( compressionNonNull, PerTypeCompressionTest, testing::ValuesIn(COMPRESSION_TYPES_NONNULL) ); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( compressionNull, PerTypeCompressionTest, testing::Values("none") ); /* --------------------------------------- * All compression types * --------------------------------------- */ TEST_P(PerTypeCompressionTest, roundTrips) { auto method = GetParam(); auto str = "slfja;sljfklsa;jfklsjfkl;sdjfkl;sadjfkl;sdjf;lsdfjsadlf"; auto o = decompress(method, compress(method, str)); ASSERT_EQ(o, str); } TEST_P(PerTypeCompressionTest, longerThanBuffer) { // This is targeted originally at regression testing a brotli bug, but we might as well do it to // everything auto method = GetParam(); auto str = std::string(65536, 'a'); auto o = decompress(method, compress(method, str)); // This is just to not print 64k of "a" for most failures ASSERT_EQ(o.length(), str.length()); ASSERT_EQ(o, str); } TEST_P(PerTypeCompressionTest, sinkAndSource) { auto method = GetParam(); auto inputString = "slfja;sljfklsa;jfklsjfkl;sdjfkl;sadjfkl;sdjf;lsdfjsadlf"; StringSink strSink; auto sink = makeCompressionSink(method, strSink); (*sink)(inputString); sink->finish(); StringSource strSource{strSink.s}; auto decompressionSource = makeDecompressionSource(method, strSource); ASSERT_STREQ(decompressionSource->drain().c_str(), inputString); } /* --------------------------------------- * Non null compression types * --------------------------------------- */ TEST_P(PerTypeNonNullCompressionTest, bogusInputDecompression) { auto param = GetParam(); auto bogus = "this data is bogus and should throw when decompressing"; ASSERT_THROW(decompress(param, bogus), CompressionError); } TEST_P(PerTypeNonNullCompressionTest, truncatedValidInput) { auto method = GetParam(); auto inputString = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy doggos"; auto compressed = compress(method, inputString); /* n.b. This also tests zero-length input, which is also invalid. * As of the writing of this comment, it returns empty output, but is * allowed to throw a compression error instead. */ for (int i = 0; i < compressed.length(); ++i) { auto newCompressed = compressed.substr(compressed.length() - i); try { decompress(method, newCompressed); // Success is acceptable as well, even though it is corrupt data. // The compression method is not expected to provide integrity, // just, not break explosively on bad input. } catch (CompressionError &) { // Acceptable } } } }