source BINARY_CACHE=file://$cacheDir build() { nix-build --no-out-link "$@" --expr 'derivation { name = "text"; system = builtins.currentSystem; builder = "/bin/sh"; args = [ "-c" "echo some text to make the nar less empty > $out" ]; }' } path=$(build) nix copy --to "$BINARY_CACHE" "$path" nix-collect-garbage >/dev/null 2>&1 nar=0bylmx35yjy2b1b4k7gjsl7i4vc03cpmryb41grfb1mp40n3hifl.nar.xz [ -e $cacheDir/nar/$nar ] || fail "long nar missing?" xzcat $cacheDir/nar/$nar > $TEST_HOME/tmp truncate -s $(( $(stat -c %s $TEST_HOME/tmp) - 10 )) $TEST_HOME/tmp xz < $TEST_HOME/tmp > $cacheDir/nar/$nar # Copying back '$path' from the binary cache. This should fail as it is truncated if build --option substituters "$BINARY_CACHE" --option require-sigs false -j0; then fail "Importing a truncated nar should fail" fi