source clearStore set -o pipefail # Make sure that 'nix build' returns all outputs by default. nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a b --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and (.outputs | keys | length == 2) and (.outputs.first | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-first")) and (.outputs.second | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-second"))) and (.[1] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-b.drv")) and (.outputs | keys | length == 1) and (.outputs.out | match(".*multiple-outputs-b"))) ' # Test output selection using the '^' syntax. nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a^first --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["first"])) ' nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a^second,first --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["first", "second"])) ' nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json 'a^*' --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["first", "second"])) ' # Test that 'outputsToInstall' is respected by default. nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["a", "b"])) ' # But not when it's overriden. nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e^a --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["a"])) ' nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json 'e^*' --no-link | jq --exit-status ' (.[0] | (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and (.outputs | keys == ["a", "b", "c"])) ' testNormalization () { clearStore outPath=$(nix-build ./simple.nix --no-out-link) test "$(stat -c %Y $outPath)" -eq 1 } testNormalization