#include "serialise.hh" #include "path-with-outputs.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "build-result.hh" #include "worker-protocol.hh" #include "worker-protocol-impl.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "path-info.hh" #include namespace nix { /* protocol-specific definitions */ std::optional WorkerProto::Serialise>::read(const Store & store, WorkerProto::ReadConn conn) { auto temp = readNum(conn.from); switch (temp) { case 0: return std::nullopt; case 1: return { Trusted }; case 2: return { NotTrusted }; default: throw Error("Invalid trusted status from remote"); } } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise>::write(const Store & store, WorkerProto::WriteConn conn, const std::optional & optTrusted) { if (!optTrusted) co_yield (uint8_t)0; else { switch (*optTrusted) { case Trusted: co_yield (uint8_t)1; break; case NotTrusted: co_yield (uint8_t)2; break; default: assert(false); }; } } DerivedPath WorkerProto::Serialise::read(const Store & store, WorkerProto::ReadConn conn) { auto s = readString(conn.from); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 30) { return DerivedPath::parseLegacy(store, s); } else { return parsePathWithOutputs(store, s).toDerivedPath(); } } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise::write(const Store & store, WorkerProto::WriteConn conn, const DerivedPath & req) { if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 30) { co_yield req.to_string_legacy(store); } else { auto sOrDrvPath = StorePathWithOutputs::tryFromDerivedPath(req); co_yield std::visit(overloaded { [&](const StorePathWithOutputs & s) -> std::string { return s.to_string(store); }, [&](const StorePath & drvPath) -> std::string { throw Error("trying to request '%s', but daemon protocol %d.%d is too old (< 1.29) to request a derivation file", store.printStorePath(drvPath), GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(conn.version), GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version)); }, [&](std::monostate) -> std::string { throw Error("wanted to build a derivation that is itself a build product, but protocols do not support that. Try upgrading the Nix implementation on the other end of this connection"); }, }, sOrDrvPath); } } KeyedBuildResult WorkerProto::Serialise::read(const Store & store, WorkerProto::ReadConn conn) { auto path = WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn); auto br = WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn); return KeyedBuildResult { std::move(br), /* .path = */ std::move(path), }; } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise::write(const Store & store, WorkerProto::WriteConn conn, const KeyedBuildResult & res) { co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, res.path); co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, static_cast(res)); } BuildResult WorkerProto::Serialise::read(const Store & store, WorkerProto::ReadConn conn) { BuildResult res; res.status = (BuildResult::Status) readInt(conn.from); conn.from >> res.errorMsg; if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 29) { conn.from >> res.timesBuilt >> res.isNonDeterministic >> res.startTime >> res.stopTime; } if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 28) { auto builtOutputs = WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn); for (auto && [output, realisation] : builtOutputs) res.builtOutputs.insert_or_assign( std::move(output.outputName), std::move(realisation)); } return res; } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise::write(const Store & store, WorkerProto::WriteConn conn, const BuildResult & res) { co_yield res.status; co_yield res.errorMsg; if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 29) { co_yield res.timesBuilt; co_yield res.isNonDeterministic; co_yield res.startTime; co_yield res.stopTime; } if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.version) >= 28) { DrvOutputs builtOutputs; for (auto & [output, realisation] : res.builtOutputs) builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(realisation.id, realisation); co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, builtOutputs); } } ValidPathInfo WorkerProto::Serialise::read(const Store & store, ReadConn conn) { auto path = WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn); return ValidPathInfo { std::move(path), WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn), }; } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise::write(const Store & store, WriteConn conn, const ValidPathInfo & pathInfo) { co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, pathInfo.path); co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, static_cast(pathInfo)); } UnkeyedValidPathInfo WorkerProto::Serialise::read(const Store & store, ReadConn conn) { auto deriver = readString(conn.from); auto narHash = Hash::parseAny(readString(conn.from), htSHA256); UnkeyedValidPathInfo info(narHash); if (deriver != "") info.deriver = store.parseStorePath(deriver); info.references = WorkerProto::Serialise::read(store, conn); conn.from >> info.registrationTime >> info.narSize; conn.from >> info.ultimate; info.sigs = readStrings(conn.from); info.ca = ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(conn.from)); return info; } WireFormatGenerator WorkerProto::Serialise::write(const Store & store, WriteConn conn, const UnkeyedValidPathInfo & pathInfo) { co_yield (pathInfo.deriver ? store.printStorePath(*pathInfo.deriver) : ""); co_yield pathInfo.narHash.to_string(Base16, false); co_yield WorkerProto::write(store, conn, pathInfo.references); co_yield pathInfo.registrationTime; co_yield pathInfo.narSize; co_yield pathInfo.ultimate; co_yield pathInfo.sigs; co_yield renderContentAddress(pathInfo.ca); } }