#include "command.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "fs-accessor.hh" using namespace nix; struct CmdBundle : InstallableCommand { std::string bundler = "github:matthewbauer/nix-bundle"; std::optional outLink; CmdBundle() { addFlag({ .longName = "bundler", .description = "use custom bundler", .labels = {"flake-url"}, .handler = {&bundler}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeFlakeRef(getStore(), prefix); }} }); addFlag({ .longName = "out-link", .shortName = 'o', .description = "path of the symlink to the build result", .labels = {"path"}, .handler = {&outLink}, .completer = completePath }); } std::string description() override { return "bundle an application so that it works outside of the Nix store"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To bundle Hello:", "nix bundle hello" }, }; } Category category() override { return catSecondary; } Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths() override { Strings res{"defaultApp." + settings.thisSystem.get()}; for (auto & s : SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths()) res.push_back(s); return res; } Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes() override { Strings res{"apps." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".", "packages"}; for (auto & s : SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes()) res.push_back(s); return res; } void run(ref store) override { auto evalState = getEvalState(); auto app = installable->toApp(*evalState); store->buildPaths(app.context); auto [bundlerFlakeRef, bundlerName] = parseFlakeRefWithFragment(bundler, absPath(".")); const flake::LockFlags lockFlags{ .writeLockFile = false }; auto bundler = InstallableFlake( evalState, std::move(bundlerFlakeRef), Strings{bundlerName == "" ? "defaultBundler" : bundlerName}, Strings({"bundlers."}), lockFlags); Value * arg = evalState->allocValue(); evalState->mkAttrs(*arg, 2); PathSet context; for (auto & i : app.context) context.insert("=" + store->printStorePath(i.path)); mkString(*evalState->allocAttr(*arg, evalState->symbols.create("program")), app.program, context); mkString(*evalState->allocAttr(*arg, evalState->symbols.create("system")), settings.thisSystem.get()); arg->attrs->sort(); auto vRes = evalState->allocValue(); evalState->callFunction(*bundler.toValue(*evalState).first, *arg, *vRes, noPos); if (!evalState->isDerivation(*vRes)) throw Error("the bundler '%s' does not produce a derivation", bundler.what()); auto attr1 = vRes->attrs->find(evalState->sDrvPath); if (!attr1) throw Error("the bundler '%s' does not produce a derivation", bundler.what()); PathSet context2; StorePath drvPath = store->parseStorePath(evalState->coerceToPath(*attr1->pos, *attr1->value, context2)); auto attr2 = vRes->attrs->find(evalState->sOutPath); if (!attr2) throw Error("the bundler '%s' does not produce a derivation", bundler.what()); StorePath outPath = store->parseStorePath(evalState->coerceToPath(*attr2->pos, *attr2->value, context2)); store->buildPaths({{drvPath}}); auto outPathS = store->printStorePath(outPath); auto info = store->queryPathInfo(outPath); if (!info->references.empty()) throw Error("'%s' has references; a bundler must not leave any references", outPathS); if (!outLink) outLink = baseNameOf(app.program); store.dynamic_pointer_cast()->addPermRoot(outPath, absPath(*outLink)); } }; static auto r2 = registerCommand("bundle");