source clearStore # Test nix-shell -A export IMPURE_VAR=foo export SELECTED_IMPURE_VAR=baz export NIX_BUILD_SHELL=$SHELL output=$(nix-shell --pure shell.nix -A shellDrv --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX"') [ "$output" = " - foo - bar" ] # Test --keep output=$(nix-shell --pure --keep SELECTED_IMPURE_VAR shell.nix -A shellDrv --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX - $SELECTED_IMPURE_VAR"') [ "$output" = " - foo - bar - baz" ] # Test nix-shell on a .drv [[ $(nix-shell --pure $(nix-instantiate shell.nix -A shellDrv) --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX"') = " - foo - bar" ]] [[ $(nix-shell --pure $(nix-instantiate shell.nix -A shellDrv) --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX"') = " - foo - bar" ]] # Test nix-shell on a .drv symlink # Legacy: absolute path and .drv extension required nix-instantiate shell.nix -A shellDrv --indirect --add-root shell.drv [[ $(nix-shell --pure $PWD/shell.drv --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX"') = " - foo - bar" ]] # New behaviour: just needs to resolve to a derivation in the store nix-instantiate shell.nix -A shellDrv --indirect --add-root shell [[ $(nix-shell --pure shell --run \ 'echo "$IMPURE_VAR - $VAR_FROM_STDENV_SETUP - $VAR_FROM_NIX"') = " - foo - bar" ]] # Test nix-shell -p output=$(NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=shell.nix nix-shell --pure -p foo bar --run 'echo "$(foo) $(bar)"') [ "$output" = "foo bar" ] # Test nix-shell shebang mode sed -e "s|@ENV_PROG@|$(type -p env)|" > $TEST_ROOT/ chmod a+rx $TEST_ROOT/ output=$($TEST_ROOT/ abc def) [ "$output" = "foo bar abc def" ] # Test nix-shell shebang mode for ruby # This uses a fake interpreter that returns the arguments passed # This, in turn, verifies the `rc` script is valid and the `load()` script (given using `-e`) is as expected. sed -e "s|@SHELL_PROG@|$(type -p nix-shell)|" shell.shebang.rb > $TEST_ROOT/shell.shebang.rb chmod a+rx $TEST_ROOT/shell.shebang.rb output=$($TEST_ROOT/shell.shebang.rb abc ruby) [ "$output" = '-e load("'"$TEST_ROOT"'/shell.shebang.rb") -- abc ruby' ]