source replCmds=" simple = 1 simple = import ./simple.nix :b simple :log simple " replFailingCmds=" failing = import ./simple-failing.nix :b failing :log failing " replUndefinedVariable=" import ./undefined-variable.nix " testRepl () { local nixArgs=("$@") local replOutput="$(nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replCmds")" echo "$replOutput" local outPath=$(echo "$replOutput" |& grep -o -E "$NIX_STORE_DIR/\w*-simple") nix path-info "${nixArgs[@]}" "$outPath" # simple.nix prints a PATH during build echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs 'PATH=' || fail "nix repl :log doesn't output logs" local replOutput="$(nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replFailingCmds" 2>&1)" echo "$replOutput" echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs 'This should fail' \ || fail "nix repl :log doesn't output logs for a failed derivation" local replOutput="$(nix repl --show-trace "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replUndefinedVariable" 2>&1)" echo "$replOutput" echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs "while evaluating the file" \ || fail "nix repl --show-trace doesn't show the trace" } # Simple test, try building a drv testRepl # Same thing (kind-of), but with a remote store. testRepl --store "$TEST_ROOT/store?real=$NIX_STORE_DIR" testReplResponse () { local response="$(nix repl <<< "$1")" echo "$response" | grep -qs "$2" \ || fail "repl command set: $1 does not respond with: $2 but with: $response" } # :a uses the newest version of a symbol testReplResponse ' :a { a = "1"; } :a { a = "2"; } "result: ${a}" ' "result: 2"