#include "command.hh" #include "cmd-profiles.hh" #include "installable-flake.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "builtins/buildenv.hh" #include "flake/flakeref.hh" #include "../nix-env/user-env.hh" #include "profiles.hh" #include "names.hh" #include #include #include using namespace nix; static std::map>> builtPathsPerInstallable( const std::vector, BuiltPathWithResult>> & builtPaths) { std::map>> res; for (auto & [installable, builtPath] : builtPaths) { auto & r = res.insert({ &*installable, { {}, make_ref(), } }).first->second; /* Note that there could be conflicting info (e.g. meta.priority fields) if the installable returned multiple derivations. So pick one arbitrarily. FIXME: print a warning? */ r.first.push_back(builtPath.path); r.second = builtPath.info; } return res; } struct CmdProfileInstall : InstallablesCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::optional priority; CmdProfileInstall() { addFlag({ .longName = "priority", .description = "The priority of the package to install.", .labels = {"priority"}, .handler = {&priority}, }); }; std::string description() override { return "install a package into a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-install.md" ; } void run(ref store, Installables && installables) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); auto builtPaths = builtPathsPerInstallable( Installable::build2( getEvalStore(), store, Realise::Outputs, installables, bmNormal)); for (auto & installable : installables) { ProfileElement element; auto iter = builtPaths.find(&*installable); if (iter == builtPaths.end()) continue; auto & [res, info] = iter->second; if (auto * info2 = dynamic_cast(&*info)) { element.source = ProfileElementSource { .originalRef = info2->flake.originalRef, .lockedRef = info2->flake.lockedRef, .attrPath = info2->value.attrPath, .outputs = info2->value.extendedOutputsSpec, }; } // If --priority was specified we want to override the // priority of the installable. element.priority = priority ? *priority : ({ auto * info2 = dynamic_cast(&*info); info2 ? info2->value.priority.value_or(DEFAULT_PRIORITY) : DEFAULT_PRIORITY; }); element.updateStorePaths(getEvalStore(), store, res); manifest.addElement(std::move(element)); } try { updateProfile(manifest.build(store)); } catch (BuildEnvFileConflictError & conflictError) { // FIXME use C++20 std::ranges once macOS has it // See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/compare/3efa476c5439f8f6c1968a6ba20a31d1239c2f04..1fe5d172ece51a619e879c4b86f603d9495cc102 auto findRefByFilePath = [&](Iterator begin, Iterator end) { for (auto it = begin; it != end; it++) { auto & profileElement = it->second; for (auto & storePath : profileElement.storePaths) { if (conflictError.fileA.starts_with(store->printStorePath(storePath))) { return std::pair(conflictError.fileA, profileElement.toInstallables(*store)); } if (conflictError.fileB.starts_with(store->printStorePath(storePath))) { return std::pair(conflictError.fileB, profileElement.toInstallables(*store)); } } } throw conflictError; }; // There are 2 conflicting files. We need to find out which one is from the already installed package and // which one is the package that is the new package that is being installed. // The first matching package is the one that was already installed (original). auto [originalConflictingFilePath, originalConflictingRefs] = findRefByFilePath(manifest.elements.begin(), manifest.elements.end()); // The last matching package is the one that was going to be installed (new). auto [newConflictingFilePath, newConflictingRefs] = findRefByFilePath(manifest.elements.rbegin(), manifest.elements.rend()); throw Error( "An existing package already provides the following file:\n" "\n" " %1%\n" "\n" "This is the conflicting file from the new package:\n" "\n" " %2%\n" "\n" "To remove the existing package:\n" "\n" " nix profile remove %3%\n" "\n" "The new package can also be installed next to the existing one by assigning a different priority.\n" "The conflicting packages have a priority of %5%.\n" "To prioritise the new package:\n" "\n" " nix profile install %4% --priority %6%\n" "\n" "To prioritise the existing package:\n" "\n" " nix profile install %4% --priority %7%\n", originalConflictingFilePath, newConflictingFilePath, concatStringsSep(" ", originalConflictingRefs), concatStringsSep(" ", newConflictingRefs), conflictError.priority, conflictError.priority - 1, conflictError.priority + 1 ); } } }; class MixProfileElementMatchers : virtual Args { std::vector _matchers; public: MixProfileElementMatchers() { expectArgs("elements", &_matchers); } struct RegexPattern { std::string pattern; std::regex reg; }; using Matcher = std::variant; std::vector getMatchers(ref store) { std::vector res; for (auto & s : _matchers) { if (auto n = string2Int(s)) { throw Error("'nix profile' no longer supports indices ('%d')", *n); } else if (store->isStorePath(s)) { res.push_back(s); } else { res.push_back(RegexPattern{s,std::regex(s, std::regex::extended | std::regex::icase)}); } } return res; } bool matches( Store const & store, // regex_match doesn't take a string_view lol std::string const & name, ProfileElement const & element, std::vector const & matchers ) { for (auto & matcher : matchers) { if (auto path = std::get_if(&matcher)) { if (element.storePaths.count(store.parseStorePath(*path))) return true; } else if (auto regex = std::get_if(&matcher)) { if (std::regex_match(name, regex->reg)) { return true; } } } return false; } }; struct CmdProfileRemove : virtual EvalCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProfileElementMatchers { std::string description() override { return "remove packages from a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-remove.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest oldManifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); auto matchers = getMatchers(store); ProfileManifest newManifest; for (auto & [name, element] : oldManifest.elements) { if (!matches(*store, name, element, matchers)) { newManifest.elements.insert_or_assign(name, std::move(element)); } else { notice("removing '%s'", element.identifier()); } } auto removedCount = oldManifest.elements.size() - newManifest.elements.size(); printInfo("removed %d packages, kept %d packages", removedCount, newManifest.elements.size()); if (removedCount == 0) { for (auto matcher: matchers) { if (const Path * path = std::get_if(&matcher)) { warn("'%s' does not match any paths", *path); } else if (const RegexPattern * regex = std::get_if(&matcher)){ warn("'%s' does not match any packages", regex->pattern); } } warn ("Use 'nix profile list' to see the current profile."); } updateProfile(newManifest.build(store)); } }; struct CmdProfileUpgrade : virtual SourceExprCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProfileElementMatchers { std::string description() override { return "upgrade packages using their most recent flake"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-upgrade.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); auto matchers = getMatchers(store); Installables installables; std::vector elems; auto matchedCount = 0; auto upgradedCount = 0; for (auto & [name, element] : manifest.elements) { if (!matches(*store, name, element, matchers)) { continue; } matchedCount += 1; if (!element.source) { warn( "Found package '%s', but it was not installed from a flake, so it can't be checked for upgrades", element.identifier() ); continue; } if (element.source->originalRef.input.isLocked()) { warn( "Found package '%s', but it was installed from a locked flake reference so it can't be upgraded", element.identifier() ); continue; } upgradedCount++; Activity act( *logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown, fmt("checking '%s' for updates", element.source->attrPath), Logger::Fields{element.source->attrPath} ); auto installable = make_ref( this, getEvalState(), FlakeRef(element.source->originalRef), "", element.source->outputs, Strings{element.source->attrPath}, Strings{}, lockFlags ); auto derivedPaths = installable->toDerivedPaths(); if (derivedPaths.empty()) { continue; } auto * infop = dynamic_cast(&*derivedPaths[0].info); // `InstallableFlake` should use `ExtraPathInfoFlake`. assert(infop); auto & info = *infop; if (element.source->lockedRef == info.flake.lockedRef) { continue; } printInfo( "upgrading '%s' from flake '%s' to '%s'", element.source->attrPath, element.source->lockedRef, info.flake.lockedRef ); element.source = ProfileElementSource { .originalRef = installable->flakeRef, .lockedRef = info.flake.lockedRef, .attrPath = info.value.attrPath, .outputs = installable->extendedOutputsSpec, }; installables.push_back(installable); elems.push_back(&element); } if (upgradedCount == 0) { if (matchedCount == 0) { for (auto & matcher : matchers) { if (const Path * path = std::get_if(&matcher)){ warn("'%s' does not match any paths", *path); } else if (const RegexPattern * regex = std::get_if(&matcher)) { warn("'%s' does not match any packages", regex->pattern); } } } else { warn("Found some packages but none of them could be upgraded"); } warn ("Use 'nix profile list' to see the current profile."); } auto builtPaths = builtPathsPerInstallable( Installable::build2( getEvalStore(), store, Realise::Outputs, installables, bmNormal)); for (size_t i = 0; i < installables.size(); ++i) { auto & installable = installables.at(i); auto & element = *elems.at(i); element.updateStorePaths( getEvalStore(), store, builtPaths.find(&*installable)->second.first); } updateProfile(manifest.build(store)); } }; struct CmdProfileList : virtual EvalCommand, virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixJSON { std::string description() override { return "list installed packages"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-list.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); if (json) { std::cout << manifest.toJSON(*store).dump() << "\n"; } else { for (auto const & [i, nameElemPair] : enumerate(manifest.elements)) { auto & [name, element] = nameElemPair; if (i) { logger->cout(""); } logger->cout( "Name: " ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL "%s", name, element.active ? "" : " " ANSI_RED "(inactive)" ANSI_NORMAL ); if (element.source) { logger->cout("Flake attribute: %s%s", element.source->attrPath, element.source->outputs.to_string()); logger->cout("Original flake URL: %s", element.source->originalRef.to_string()); logger->cout("Locked flake URL: %s", element.source->lockedRef.to_string()); } logger->cout("Store paths: %s", concatStringsSep(" ", store->printStorePathSet(element.storePaths))); } } } }; struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "show the closure difference between each version of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-diff-closures.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { auto [gens, curGen] = findGenerations(*profile); std::optional prevGen; bool first = true; for (auto & gen : gens) { if (prevGen) { if (!first) logger->cout(""); first = false; logger->cout("Version %d -> %d:", prevGen->number, gen.number); printClosureDiff(store, store->followLinksToStorePath(prevGen->path), store->followLinksToStorePath(gen.path), " "); } prevGen = gen; } } }; struct CmdProfileHistory : virtual StoreCommand, EvalCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "show all versions of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-history.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { auto [gens, curGen] = findGenerations(*profile); std::optional> prevGen; bool first = true; for (auto & gen : gens) { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), gen.path); if (!first) logger->cout(""); first = false; logger->cout("Version %s%d" ANSI_NORMAL " (%s)%s:", gen.number == curGen ? ANSI_GREEN : ANSI_BOLD, gen.number, std::put_time(std::gmtime(&gen.creationTime), "%Y-%m-%d"), prevGen ? fmt(" <- %d", prevGen->first.number) : ""); ProfileManifest::printDiff( prevGen ? prevGen->second : ProfileManifest(), manifest, " "); prevGen = {gen, std::move(manifest)}; } } }; struct CmdProfileRollback : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixDryRun { std::optional version; CmdProfileRollback() { addFlag({ .longName = "to", .description = "The profile version to roll back to.", .labels = {"version"}, .handler = {&version}, }); } std::string description() override { return "roll back to the previous version or a specified version of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-rollback.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { switchGeneration(*profile, version, dryRun); } }; struct CmdProfileWipeHistory : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixDryRun { std::optional minAge; CmdProfileWipeHistory() { addFlag({ .longName = "older-than", .description = "Delete versions older than the specified age. *age* " "must be in the format *N*`d`, where *N* denotes a number " "of days.", .labels = {"age"}, .handler = {&minAge}, }); } std::string description() override { return "delete non-current versions of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-wipe-history.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { if (minAge) { auto t = parseOlderThanTimeSpec(*minAge); deleteGenerationsOlderThan(*profile, t, dryRun); } else deleteOldGenerations(*profile, dryRun); } }; struct CmdProfile : NixMultiCommand { CmdProfile() : MultiCommand({ {"install", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"remove", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"upgrade", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"list", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"diff-closures", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"history", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"rollback", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"wipe-history", []() { return make_ref(); }}, }) { } std::string description() override { return "manage Nix profiles"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile.md" ; } void run() override { if (!command) throw UsageError("'nix profile' requires a sub-command."); command->second->run(); } }; static auto rCmdProfile = registerCommand("profile");