source set -u if [[ -z $(type -p git) ]]; then echo "Git not installed; skipping Git submodule tests" exit 99 fi clearStore rootRepo=$TEST_ROOT/gitSubmodulesRoot subRepo=$TEST_ROOT/gitSubmodulesSub rm -rf ${rootRepo} ${subRepo} $TEST_HOME/.cache/nix/gitv2 initGitRepo() { git init $1 git -C $1 config "" git -C $1 config "Foobar" } addGitContent() { echo "lorem ipsum" > $1/content git -C $1 add content git -C $1 commit -m "Initial commit" } initGitRepo $subRepo addGitContent $subRepo initGitRepo $rootRepo git -C $rootRepo submodule init git -C $rootRepo submodule add $subRepo sub git -C $rootRepo add sub git -C $rootRepo commit -m "Add submodule" rev=$(git -C $rootRepo rev-parse HEAD) pathWithoutSubmodules=$(nix eval --raw "(builtins.fetchGit { url = file://$rootRepo; rev = \"$rev\"; }).outPath") pathWithSubmodules=$(nix eval --raw "(builtins.fetchGit { url = file://$rootRepo; rev = \"$rev\"; submodules = true; }).outPath") pathWithSubmodulesAgain=$(nix eval --raw "(builtins.fetchGit { url = file://$rootRepo; rev = \"$rev\"; submodules = true; }).outPath") # The resulting store path cannot be the same. [[ $pathWithoutSubmodules != $pathWithSubmodules ]] # Checking out the same repo with submodules returns in the same store path. [[ $pathWithSubmodules == $pathWithSubmodulesAgain ]] # The submodules flag is actually honored. [[ ! -e $pathWithoutSubmodules/sub/content ]] [[ -e $pathWithSubmodules/sub/content ]] # No .git directory or submodule reference files must be left test "$(find "$pathWithSubmodules" -name .git)" = "" # Git repos without submodules can be fetched with submodules = true. noSubmoduleRepoBaseline=$(nix eval --raw "(builtins.fetchGit { url = file://$subRepo; rev = \"$rev\"; }).outPath") noSubmoduleRepo=$(nix eval --raw "(builtins.fetchGit { url = file://$subRepo; rev = \"$rev\"; submodules = true; }).outPath") [[ $noSubmoduleRepoBaseline == $noSubmoduleRepo ]]