#pragma once ///@file #include #include #include "error.hh" struct sqlite3; struct sqlite3_stmt; namespace nix { enum class SQLiteOpenMode { /** * Open the database in read-write mode. * If the database does not exist, it will be created. */ Normal, /** * Open the database in read-write mode. * Fails with an error if the database does not exist. */ NoCreate, /** * Open the database in immutable mode. * In addition to the database being read-only, * no wal or journal files will be created by sqlite. * Use this mode if the database is on a read-only filesystem. * Fails with an error if the database does not exist. */ Immutable, }; /** * RAII wrapper to close a SQLite database automatically. */ struct SQLite { sqlite3 * db = 0; SQLite() { } SQLite(const Path & path, SQLiteOpenMode mode = SQLiteOpenMode::Normal); SQLite(const SQLite & from) = delete; SQLite& operator = (const SQLite & from) = delete; SQLite& operator = (SQLite && from) { db = from.db; from.db = 0; return *this; } ~SQLite(); operator sqlite3 * () { return db; } /** * Disable synchronous mode, set truncate journal mode. */ void isCache(); void exec(const std::string & stmt); uint64_t getLastInsertedRowId(); }; /** * RAII wrapper to create and destroy SQLite prepared statements. */ struct SQLiteStmt { sqlite3 * db = 0; sqlite3_stmt * stmt = 0; std::string sql; SQLiteStmt() { } SQLiteStmt(sqlite3 * db, const std::string & sql) { create(db, sql); } void create(sqlite3 * db, const std::string & s); ~SQLiteStmt(); operator sqlite3_stmt * () { return stmt; } /** * Helper for binding / executing statements. */ class Use { friend struct SQLiteStmt; private: SQLiteStmt & stmt; unsigned int curArg = 1; Use(SQLiteStmt & stmt); public: ~Use(); /** * Bind the next parameter. */ Use & operator () (std::string_view value, bool notNull = true); Use & operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len, bool notNull = true); Use & operator () (int64_t value, bool notNull = true); Use & bind(); // null int step(); /** * Execute a statement that does not return rows. */ void exec(); /** * For statements that return 0 or more rows. Returns true iff * a row is available. */ bool next(); std::string getStr(int col); int64_t getInt(int col); bool isNull(int col); }; Use use() { return Use(*this); } }; /** * RAII helper that ensures transactions are aborted unless explicitly * committed. */ struct SQLiteTxn { bool active = false; sqlite3 * db; SQLiteTxn(sqlite3 * db); void commit(); ~SQLiteTxn(); }; struct SQLiteError : Error { std::string path; std::string errMsg; int errNo, extendedErrNo, offset; template [[noreturn]] static void throw_(sqlite3 * db, const std::string & fs, const Args & ... args) { throw_(db, HintFmt(fs, args...)); } SQLiteError(const char *path, const char *errMsg, int errNo, int extendedErrNo, int offset, HintFmt && hf); protected: template SQLiteError(const char *path, const char *errMsg, int errNo, int extendedErrNo, int offset, const std::string & fs, const Args & ... args) : SQLiteError(path, errMsg, errNo, extendedErrNo, offset, HintFmt(fs, args...)) { } [[noreturn]] static void throw_(sqlite3 * db, HintFmt && hf); }; MakeError(SQLiteBusy, SQLiteError); void handleSQLiteBusy(const SQLiteBusy & e, time_t & nextWarning); /** * Convenience function for retrying a SQLite transaction when the * database is busy. */ template T retrySQLite(F && fun) { time_t nextWarning = time(0) + 1; while (true) { try { return fun(); } catch (SQLiteBusy & e) { handleSQLiteBusy(e, nextWarning); } } } }