--- synopsis: Concise error printing in `nix repl` prs: 9928 --- Previously, if an element of a list or attribute set threw an error while evaluating, `nix repl` would print the entire error (including source location information) inline. This output was clumsy and difficult to parse: ``` nix-repl> { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; } { err = «error: … while calling the 'throw' builtin at «string»:1:9: 1| { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; } | ^ error: uh oh!»; } ``` Now, only the error message is displayed, making the output much more readable. ``` nix-repl> { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; } { err = «error: uh oh!»; } ``` However, if the whole expression being evaluated throws an error, source locations and (if applicable) a stack trace are printed, just like you'd expect: ``` nix-repl> builtins.throw "uh oh!" error: … while calling the 'throw' builtin at «string»:1:1: 1| builtins.throw "uh oh!" | ^ error: uh oh! ```