510 lines
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510 lines
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(function() {
* return unchanged if array passed, otherwise wrap in an array
* @param {Object|Array|Null} arr any object
* @return {Array}
function ensureAnArray (arr) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]') {
return arr;
} else if (arr === null || arr === void 0) {
return [];
} else {
return [arr];
var Simulator = {
type: 'touch',
* set type
* @param type
setType: function(type) {
if(!Simulator.events[type]) {
throw new Error(type + " is not a valid event type.");
return this.type = type;
// simple easing methods
// found at the source of velocity.js
Simulator.easings = {
linear: function(p) { return p; },
swing: function(p) { return 0.5 - Math.cos(p * Math.PI) / 2; },
quad: function(p) { return Math.pow(p, 2); },
cubic: function(p) { return Math.pow(p, 3); },
quart: function(p) { return Math.pow(p, 4); },
quint: function(p) { return Math.pow(p, 5); },
expo: function(p) { return Math.pow(p, 6); }
Simulator.events = {
* pointer events
pointer: {
fakeSupport: function() {
if(!("PointerEvent" in window)) {
navigator.maxTouchPoints = 10;
window.PointerEvent = function () {};
typeMap: {
start: 'pointerdown',
move: 'pointermove',
end: 'pointerup',
cancel: 'pointercancel'
trigger: function(touches, element, type) {
touches.forEach(function (touch, i) {
var x = Math.round(touch.x),
y = Math.round(touch.y);
var eventType = this.typeMap[type];
// ie10 style events
var msEventType = window.MSPointerEvent && eventType.replace(/pointer([a-z])/, function(_, a) {
return 'MSPointer'+ a.toUpperCase();
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent(msEventType || eventType, true, true);
event.getCurrentPoint = function() { return touch; };
event.setPointerCapture = event.releasePointerCapture = function() { };
event.pointerId = i;
event.buttons = 1;
event.pageX = x;
event.pageY = y;
event.clientX = x;
event.clientY = y;
event.screenX = x;
event.screenY = y;
event.target = element;
event.pointerType = 'touch';
event.identifier = i;
}, this);
renderTouches(touches, element);
* touch events
touch: {
fakeSupport: function() {
if(!("ontouchstart" in window)) {
window.ontouchstart = function () {};
emptyTouchList: function() {
var touchList = [];
touchList.identifiedTouch = touchList.item = function(index) {
return this[index] || {};
return touchList;
trigger: function (touches, element, type) {
var touchList = this.emptyTouchList();
touches.forEach(function (touch, i) {
var x = Math.round(touch.x),
y = Math.round(touch.y);
pageX: x,
pageY: y,
clientX: x,
clientY: y,
screenX: x,
screenY: y,
target: touch.target,
identifier: i
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('touch' + type, true, true);
if (type !== 'end') {
var targetTouches = touchList.filter(function(touch){
return touch.target === element;
event.changedTouches = targetTouches;
} else {
// assume that last touch is released touch. Pop it out from list of touches
event.changedTouches = [touchList.pop()];
var targetTouches = touchList.filter(function(touch){
return touch.target === element;
event.touches = touchList;
event.targetTouches = targetTouches;
renderTouches(touches, element);
* merge objects
* @param dest
* @param src
* @returns dest
function merge(dest, src) {
dest = dest || {};
src = src || {};
for (var key in src) {
if (src.hasOwnProperty(key) && dest[key] === undefined) {
dest[key] = src[key];
return dest;
* generate a list of x/y around the center
* @param center
* @param countTouches
* @param [radius=100]
* @param [rotation=0]
function getTouches(center, elements, countTouches, radius, rotation) {
var cx = center[0],
cy = center[1],
touches = [],
slice, i, angle;
elements = ensureAnArray(elements);
// just one touch, at the center
if (countTouches === 1) {
if (elements.length) {
return [{ x: cx, y: cy, target: elements[0] }];
} else {
return [{ x: cx, y: cy }];
radius = radius || 100;
rotation = (rotation * Math.PI / 180) || 0;
slice = 2 * Math.PI / countTouches;
for (i = 0; i < countTouches; i++) {
angle = (slice * i) + rotation;
x: (cx + radius * Math.cos(angle)),
y: (cy + radius * Math.sin(angle)),
target: elements[i % elements.length]
return touches;
* render the touches
* @param touches
* @param element
* @param type
function renderTouches(touches, element) {
touches.forEach(function(touch) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.style.width = '20px';
el.style.height = '20px';
el.style.background = 'red';
el.style.position = 'fixed';
el.style.top = touch.y +'px';
el.style.left = touch.x +'px';
el.style.borderRadius = '100%';
el.style.border = 'solid 2px #000';
el.style.zIndex = 6000;
setTimeout(function() {
el && el.parentNode && el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
el = null;
}, 100);
* trigger the touch events
* @param touches
* @param element
* @param type
* @returns {*}
function trigger(touches, element, type) {
return Simulator.events[Simulator.type].trigger(touches, element, type);
* trigger a gesture
* @param elements
* @param startTouches
* @param options
* @param done
function triggerGesture(elements, startTouches, options, done) {
var interval = 10,
loops = Math.ceil(options.duration / interval),
loop = 1;
elements = ensureAnArray(elements);
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
duration: 250,
touches: 1,
deltaX: 0,
deltaY: 0,
radius: 100,
scale: 1,
rotation: 0,
easing: 'swing'
function gestureLoop() {
// calculate the radius
// this is for scaling and multiple touches
var radius = options.radius;
if (options.scale !== 1) {
radius = options.radius - (options.radius * (1 - options.scale) * (1 / loops * loop));
// calculate new position/rotation
var easing = Simulator.easings[options.easing](1 / loops * loop),
posX = options.pos[0] + (options.deltaX / loops * loop) * easing,
posY = options.pos[1] + (options.deltaY / loops * loop) * easing,
rotation = options.rotation / loops * loop,
touches = getTouches([posX, posY], elements, startTouches.length, radius, rotation),
isFirst = (loop == 1),
isLast = (loop == loops);
for (var t = touches.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
if (isFirst) {
trigger(touches, touches[t].target, 'start');
} else if (isLast) {
trigger(touches, touches[t].target, 'end');
// Remove processed touch
if (touches.length === 0) {
return done();
} else {
trigger(touches, touches[t].target, 'move');
setTimeout(gestureLoop, interval);
Simulator.gestures = {
* press
* @param element
* @param options
* @param done
press: function(element, options, done) {
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
duration: 500,
touches: 1
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, element, 1);
trigger(touches, element, 'start');
setTimeout(function() {
trigger(touches, element, 'end');
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
}, options.duration);
* tap
* @param element
* @param options
* @param done
tap: function(element, options, done) {
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
duration: 100,
touches: 1
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, element, 1);
trigger(touches, element, 'start');
setTimeout(function() {
trigger(touches, element, 'end');
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
}, options.duration);
* double tap
* @param element
* @param options
* @param done
doubleTap: function(element, options, done) {
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
pos2: [11, 11],
duration: 100,
interval: 200,
touches: 1
Simulator.gestures.tap(element, options, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
options.pos = options.pos2;
Simulator.gestures.tap(element, options, done);
}, options.interval);
* pan
* @param element
* @param options
* @param done
pan: function(element, options, done) {
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
deltaX: 300,
deltaY: 150,
duration: 250,
touches: 1
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, element, options.touches);
triggerGesture(element, touches, options, function() {
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
* swipe
* @param element
* @param options
* @param done
swipe: function(element, options, done) {
options = merge(options, {
pos: [10, 10],
deltaX: 300,
deltaY: 150,
duration: 250,
touches: 1,
easing: 'cubic'
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, element, options.touches);
triggerGesture(element, touches, options, function() {
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
* pinch
* @param {HTMLElement|Array} elements
* @param options
* @param done
pinch: function(elements, options, done) {
elements = ensureAnArray(elements);
options = merge(options, {
pos: [300, 300],
scale: 2,
duration: 250,
radius: 100,
touches: 2
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, elements, options.touches);
triggerGesture(elements, touches, options, function() {
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
* rotate
* @param {HTMLElement|Array} elements
* @param options
* @param done
rotate: function(elements, options, done) {
elements = ensureAnArray(elements);
options = merge(options, {
pos: [300, 300],
rotation: 180,
duration: 250,
touches: 2
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, elements, options.touches);
triggerGesture(elements, touches, options, function() {
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
* combination of pinch and rotate
* @param {HTMLElement|Array} elements
* @param options
* @param done
pinchRotate: function(elements, options, done) {
elements = ensureAnArray(elements);
options = merge(options, {
pos: [300, 300],
rotation: 180,
radius: 100,
scale: .5,
duration: 250,
touches: 2
var touches = getTouches(options.pos, elements, options.touches);
triggerGesture(elements, touches, options, function() {
done && setTimeout(done, 25);
// initial
if(window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent) {
} else {
window.Simulator = Simulator;