2024-04-26 22:49:34 -06:00

178 lines
4.3 KiB

/* jshint node:true */
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
/* jshint -W030 */
var chai = require('chai');
var {assert, expect} = require('chai');
var jsonexport = require('../lib/index');
var os = require('os');
const isRemoteTest = process.env.APPVEYOR || process.env.TRAVIS;
if( isRemoteTest ){
console.log('\x1b[34mRemote testing server detected on '+os.type()+' '+os.platform()+' '+os.release()+'\x1b[0m');
describe('Object', () => {
it('simple', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport({
lang: 'Node.js',
module: 'jsonexport'
}, {})
assert.equal(csv, `lang,Node.js${os.EOL}module,jsonexport`);
it('complex', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport({
cars: 12,
roads: 5,
traffic: 'slow',
speed: {
max: 123,
avg: 20,
min: 5
size: [10, 20],
escaped: 'I am a "quoted" field'
}, {})
assert.equal(csv, `cars,12${os.EOL}roads,5${os.EOL}traffic,slow${os.EOL}speed.max,123${os.EOL}speed.avg,20${os.EOL}speed.min,5${os.EOL}size,10;20${os.EOL}escaped,"I am a ""quoted"" field"`);
it('Github #41 p1',async ()=>{
var contacts = [{
name: 'Bob',
lastname: 'Smith',
status: null,
test: true
name: 'James',
lastname: 'David',
status: 'fired',
test: true
const csv = await jsonexport(contacts)
assert.equal(csv, `name,lastname,status,test${os.EOL}Bob,Smith,,true${os.EOL}James,David,fired,true`);
it('Github #41 p2',async ()=>{
var contacts = {
'a' : 'another field',
'b' : '',
'c' : 'other field'
const csv = await jsonexport(contacts)
assert.equal(csv, `a,another field${os.EOL}b,${os.EOL}c,other field`);
it('Buffer to String - Github #48',async ()=>{
var contacts = {
'0' : true,
'1' : [11,22,33],
'2' : ()=>'bad ace',
'a' : Buffer.from('a2b', 'utf8'),
'b' : 'x',
'c' : 99,
'd' : {
x:Buffer.from('other field', 'utf8')
var options={
return 'replaced-array';
return 'replaced-boolean';
return value();
return 'replaced-number';
return 'replaced-string';
return 'parentless-'+index;
return value.toString();
const csv = await jsonexport(contacts, options)
assert.equal(csv, `0,replaced-boolean${os.EOL}1,replaced-array${os.EOL}2,bad ace${os.EOL}a,parentless-a${os.EOL}b,replaced-string${os.EOL}c,replaced-number${os.EOL}d.x,other field`);
it('Zero, undefined, & null', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport([
"a": 0,
"b": undefined,
"c": null,
"d": 1,
"e": "this"
], {})
assert.equal(csv, `a,b,c,d,e\n0,,,1,this`)
it('Date', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport([
"a": 0,
"b": undefined,
"c": null,
"d": 1,
"e": "this",
"f": new Date('10/20/2020'),
], {})
assert.equal(csv, `a,b,c,d,e,f\n0,,,1,this,${(new Date('10/20/2020')).toLocaleDateString()}`)
it('Date with typeHandlers.Date', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport([
"a": 0,
"b": undefined,
"c": null,
"d": 1,
"e": "this",
"f": new Date('10/20/2020'),
], {
typeHandlers: {
//Using "replace-date" because of problem of locale
Date: (value, index, parent) => "replaced-date",
assert.equal(csv, `a,b,c,d,e,f\n0,,,1,this,replaced-date`)
it('Date with handleDate', async () => {
const csv = await jsonexport([
"a": 0,
"b": undefined,
"c": null,
"d": 1,
"e": "this",
"f": new Date('10/20/2020'),
], {
handleDate: (element, item) => "replaced-date",
assert.equal(csv, `a,b,c,d,e,f\n0,,,1,this,replaced-date`)