2024-04-26 22:49:34 -06:00

34 lines
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import { GitIgnoreHierarchy, IsIgnoredExResult } from './GitIgnoreFile';
* Class to cache and process `.gitignore` file queries.
export declare class GitIgnore {
private resolvedGitIgnoreHierarchies;
private knownGitIgnoreHierarchies;
private _roots;
private _sortedRoots;
* @param roots - (search roots) an optional array of root paths to prevent searching for `.gitignore` files above the root.
* If a file is under multiple roots, the closest root will apply. If a file is not under any root, then
* the search for `.gitignore` will go all the way to the system root of the file.
constructor(roots?: string[]);
findResolvedGitIgnoreHierarchy(directory: string): GitIgnoreHierarchy | undefined;
isIgnoredQuick(file: string): boolean | undefined;
isIgnored(file: string): Promise<boolean>;
isIgnoredEx(file: string): Promise<IsIgnoredExResult | undefined>;
findGitIgnoreHierarchy(directory: string): Promise<GitIgnoreHierarchy>;
filterOutIgnored(files: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
filterOutIgnored(files: Iterable<string>): Promise<string[]>;
filterOutIgnored(files: AsyncIterable<string>): AsyncIterable<string>;
filterOutIgnored(files: Iterable<string> | AsyncIterable<string>): Promise<string[]> | AsyncIterable<string>;
filterOutIgnored(files: Iterable<string> & AsyncIterable<string>): AsyncIterable<string>;
filterOutIgnoredAsync(files: Iterable<string> | AsyncIterable<string>): AsyncIterable<string>;
get roots(): string[];
addRoots(roots: string[]): void;
peekGitIgnoreHierarchy(directory: string): Promise<GitIgnoreHierarchy> | undefined;
private cleanCachedEntries;
private _findGitIgnoreHierarchy;
private determineRoot;