2024-04-26 22:49:34 -06:00

133 lines
5.2 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.parseSyml = exports.stringifySyml = exports.PreserveOrdering = void 0;
const js_yaml_1 = require("js-yaml");
const syml_1 = require("./grammars/syml");
const simpleStringPattern = /^(?![-?:,\][{}#&*!|>'"%@` \t\r\n]).([ \t]*(?![,\][{}:# \t\r\n]).)*$/;
// The following keys will always be stored at the top of the object, in the
// specified order. It's not fair but life isn't fair either.
const specialObjectKeys = [`__metadata`, `version`, `resolution`, `dependencies`, `peerDependencies`, `dependenciesMeta`, `peerDependenciesMeta`, `binaries`];
class PreserveOrdering {
constructor(data) { = data;
exports.PreserveOrdering = PreserveOrdering;
function stringifyString(value) {
if (value.match(simpleStringPattern)) {
return value;
else {
return JSON.stringify(value);
function isRemovableField(value) {
if (typeof value === `undefined`)
return true;
if (typeof value === `object` && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value))
return Object.keys(value).every(key => isRemovableField(value[key]));
return false;
function stringifyValue(value, indentLevel, newLineIfObject) {
if (value === null)
return `null\n`;
if (typeof value === `number` || typeof value === `boolean`)
return `${value.toString()}\n`;
if (typeof value === `string`)
return `${stringifyString(value)}\n`;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length === 0)
return `[]\n`;
const indent = ` `.repeat(indentLevel);
const serialized = => {
return `${indent}- ${stringifyValue(sub, indentLevel + 1, false)}`;
return `\n${serialized}`;
if (typeof value === `object` && value) {
const [data, sort] = value instanceof PreserveOrdering
? [, false]
: [value, true];
const indent = ` `.repeat(indentLevel);
const keys = Object.keys(data);
if (sort) {
keys.sort((a, b) => {
const aIndex = specialObjectKeys.indexOf(a);
const bIndex = specialObjectKeys.indexOf(b);
if (aIndex === -1 && bIndex === -1)
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? +1 : 0;
if (aIndex !== -1 && bIndex === -1)
return -1;
if (aIndex === -1 && bIndex !== -1)
return +1;
return aIndex - bIndex;
const fields = keys.filter(key => {
return !isRemovableField(data[key]);
}).map((key, index) => {
const value = data[key];
const stringifiedKey = stringifyString(key);
const stringifiedValue = stringifyValue(value, indentLevel + 1, true);
const recordIndentation = index > 0 || newLineIfObject
? indent
: ``;
// Yaml 1.2 spec says that keys over 1024 characters need to be prefixed with ? and the : goes in a new line
const keyPart = stringifiedKey.length > 1024
? `? ${stringifiedKey}\n${recordIndentation}:`
: `${stringifiedKey}:`;
const valuePart = stringifiedValue.startsWith(`\n`)
? stringifiedValue
: ` ${stringifiedValue}`;
return `${recordIndentation}${keyPart}${valuePart}`;
}).join(indentLevel === 0 ? `\n` : ``) || `\n`;
if (!newLineIfObject) {
return `${fields}`;
else {
return `\n${fields}`;
throw new Error(`Unsupported value type (${value})`);
function stringifySyml(value) {
try {
const stringified = stringifyValue(value, 0, false);
return stringified !== `\n` ? stringified : ``;
catch (error) {
if (error.location)
error.message = error.message.replace(/(\.)?$/, ` (line ${error.location.start.line}, column ${error.location.start.column})$1`);
throw error;
exports.stringifySyml = stringifySyml;
stringifySyml.PreserveOrdering = PreserveOrdering;
function parseViaPeg(source) {
if (!source.endsWith(`\n`))
source += `\n`;
return (0, syml_1.parse)(source);
const LEGACY_REGEXP = /^(#.*(\r?\n))*?#\s+yarn\s+lockfile\s+v1\r?\n/i;
function parseViaJsYaml(source) {
if (LEGACY_REGEXP.test(source))
return parseViaPeg(source);
const value = (0, js_yaml_1.safeLoad)(source, {
schema: js_yaml_1.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA,
json: true,
// Empty files are parsed as `undefined` instead of an empty object
// Empty files with 2 newlines or more are `null` instead
if (value === undefined || value === null)
return {};
if (typeof value !== `object`)
throw new Error(`Expected an indexed object, got a ${typeof value} instead. Does your file follow Yaml's rules?`);
if (Array.isArray(value))
throw new Error(`Expected an indexed object, got an array instead. Does your file follow Yaml's rules?`);
return value;
function parseSyml(source) {
return parseViaJsYaml(source);
exports.parseSyml = parseSyml;