'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; const fs = require('fs'); const Module = require('module'); const path = require('path'); const hashObject = require('./hash').hashObject; const ModuleCache = require('./ModuleCache').default; const pkgDir = require('./pkgDir').default; const CASE_SENSITIVE_FS = !fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname.toUpperCase(), 'reSOLVE.js')); exports.CASE_SENSITIVE_FS = CASE_SENSITIVE_FS; const ERROR_NAME = 'EslintPluginImportResolveError'; const fileExistsCache = new ModuleCache(); // Polyfill Node's `Module.createRequireFromPath` if not present (added in Node v10.12.0) // Use `Module.createRequire` if available (added in Node v12.2.0) const createRequire = Module.createRequire // @ts-expect-error this only exists in older node || Module.createRequireFromPath || /** @type {(filename: string) => unknown} */ function (filename) { const mod = new Module(filename, void null); mod.filename = filename; // @ts-expect-error _nodeModulePaths is undocumented mod.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename)); // @ts-expect-error _compile is undocumented mod._compile(`module.exports = require;`, filename); return mod.exports; }; /** @type {(target: T, sourceFile?: string | null | undefined) => undefined | ReturnType} */ function tryRequire(target, sourceFile) { let resolved; try { // Check if the target exists if (sourceFile != null) { try { resolved = createRequire(path.resolve(sourceFile)).resolve(target); } catch (e) { resolved = require.resolve(target); } } else { resolved = require.resolve(target); } } catch (e) { // If the target does not exist then just return undefined return undefined; } // If the target exists then return the loaded module return require(resolved); } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/27382838 /** @type {import('./resolve').fileExistsWithCaseSync} */ exports.fileExistsWithCaseSync = function fileExistsWithCaseSync(filepath, cacheSettings, strict) { // don't care if the FS is case-sensitive if (CASE_SENSITIVE_FS) { return true; } // null means it resolved to a builtin if (filepath === null) { return true; } if (filepath.toLowerCase() === process.cwd().toLowerCase() && !strict) { return true; } const parsedPath = path.parse(filepath); const dir = parsedPath.dir; let result = fileExistsCache.get(filepath, cacheSettings); if (result != null) { return result; } // base case if (dir === '' || parsedPath.root === filepath) { result = true; } else { const filenames = fs.readdirSync(dir); if (filenames.indexOf(parsedPath.base) === -1) { result = false; } else { result = fileExistsWithCaseSync(dir, cacheSettings, strict); } } fileExistsCache.set(filepath, result); return result; }; /** @type {import('./types').ESLintSettings | null} */ let prevSettings = null; let memoizedHash = ''; /** @type {(modulePath: string, sourceFile: string, settings: import('./types').ESLintSettings) => import('./resolve').ResolvedResult} */ function fullResolve(modulePath, sourceFile, settings) { // check if this is a bonus core module const coreSet = new Set(settings['import/core-modules']); if (coreSet.has(modulePath)) { return { found: true, path: null }; } const sourceDir = path.dirname(sourceFile); if (prevSettings !== settings) { memoizedHash = hashObject(settings).digest('hex'); prevSettings = settings; } const cacheKey = sourceDir + memoizedHash + modulePath; const cacheSettings = ModuleCache.getSettings(settings); const cachedPath = fileExistsCache.get(cacheKey, cacheSettings); if (cachedPath !== undefined) { return { found: true, path: cachedPath }; } /** @type {(resolvedPath: string | null) => void} */ function cache(resolvedPath) { fileExistsCache.set(cacheKey, resolvedPath); } /** @type {(resolver: import('./resolve').Resolver, config: unknown) => import('./resolve').ResolvedResult} */ function withResolver(resolver, config) { if (resolver.interfaceVersion === 2) { return resolver.resolve(modulePath, sourceFile, config); } try { const resolved = resolver.resolveImport(modulePath, sourceFile, config); if (resolved === undefined) { return { found: false }; } return { found: true, path: resolved }; } catch (err) { return { found: false }; } } const configResolvers = settings['import/resolver'] || { node: settings['import/resolve'] }; // backward compatibility const resolvers = resolverReducer(configResolvers, new Map()); for (const pair of resolvers) { const name = pair[0]; const config = pair[1]; const resolver = requireResolver(name, sourceFile); const resolved = withResolver(resolver, config); if (!resolved.found) { continue; } // else, counts cache(resolved.path); return resolved; } // failed // cache(undefined) return { found: false }; } /** @type {import('./resolve').relative} */ function relative(modulePath, sourceFile, settings) { return fullResolve(modulePath, sourceFile, settings).path; } exports.relative = relative; /** @type {>(resolvers: string[] | string | { [k: string]: string }, map: T) => T} */ function resolverReducer(resolvers, map) { if (Array.isArray(resolvers)) { resolvers.forEach((r) => resolverReducer(r, map)); return map; } if (typeof resolvers === 'string') { map.set(resolvers, null); return map; } if (typeof resolvers === 'object') { for (const key in resolvers) { map.set(key, resolvers[key]); } return map; } const err = new Error('invalid resolver config'); err.name = ERROR_NAME; throw err; } /** @type {(sourceFile: string) => string} */ function getBaseDir(sourceFile) { return pkgDir(sourceFile) || process.cwd(); } /** @type {(name: string, sourceFile: string) => import('./resolve').Resolver} */ function requireResolver(name, sourceFile) { // Try to resolve package with conventional name const resolver = tryRequire(`eslint-import-resolver-${name}`, sourceFile) || tryRequire(name, sourceFile) || tryRequire(path.resolve(getBaseDir(sourceFile), name)); if (!resolver) { const err = new Error(`unable to load resolver "${name}".`); err.name = ERROR_NAME; throw err; } if (!isResolverValid(resolver)) { const err = new Error(`${name} with invalid interface loaded as resolver`); err.name = ERROR_NAME; throw err; } return resolver; } /** @type {(resolver: object) => resolver is import('./resolve').Resolver} */ function isResolverValid(resolver) { if ('interfaceVersion' in resolver && resolver.interfaceVersion === 2) { return 'resolve' in resolver && !!resolver.resolve && typeof resolver.resolve === 'function'; } return 'resolveImport' in resolver && !!resolver.resolveImport && typeof resolver.resolveImport === 'function'; } /** @type {Set} */ const erroredContexts = new Set(); /** * Given * @param p - module path * @param context - ESLint context * @return - the full module filesystem path; null if package is core; undefined if not found * @type {import('./resolve').default} */ function resolve(p, context) { try { return relative(p, context.getPhysicalFilename ? context.getPhysicalFilename() : context.getFilename(), context.settings); } catch (err) { if (!erroredContexts.has(context)) { // The `err.stack` string starts with `err.name` followed by colon and `err.message`. // We're filtering out the default `err.name` because it adds little value to the message. // @ts-expect-error this might be an Error let errMessage = err.message; // @ts-expect-error this might be an Error if (err.name !== ERROR_NAME && err.stack) { // @ts-expect-error this might be an Error errMessage = err.stack.replace(/^Error: /, ''); } context.report({ message: `Resolve error: ${errMessage}`, loc: { line: 1, column: 0 }, }); erroredContexts.add(context); } } } resolve.relative = relative; exports.default = resolve;