node-BrowserStackTunnel ======================= [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( A Node.js wrapper for the BrowserStack tunnel client. On first run this will download the appropriate binary for your platform from BrowserStack. On Windows this will be a Jar file and you will need to have Java already installed. ## Installation ``` npm install browserstacktunnel-wrapper ``` ## API ```javascript var BrowserStackTunnel = require('browserstacktunnel-wrapper'); var browserStackTunnel = new BrowserStackTunnel({ key: YOUR_KEY, hosts: [{ name: 'localhost', port: 8080, sslFlag: 0 }], // optionally set hosts osxBin: 'your_bin_dir', // optionally override the default bin directory for the OSX binary linux32Bin: 'your_bin_dir', // optionally override the default bin directory for the Linux 32 bit binary linux64Bin: 'your_bin_dir', // optionally override the default bin directory for the Linux 64 bit binary win32Bin: 'your_bin_dir', // optionally override the default bin directory for the win32 binary localIdentifier: 'my_tunnel', // optionally set the -localIdentifier option v: true, // optionally set the -v (verbose) option proxyUser: PROXY_USER, // optionally set the -proxyUser option proxyPass: PROXY_PASS, // optionally set the -proxyPass option proxyPort: PROXY_PORT, // optionally set the -proxyPort option proxyHost: PROXY_HOST, // optionally set the -proxyHost option force: false, // optionally set the -force option forcelocal: false, // optionally set the -forcelocal option onlyAutomate: false, // optionally set the -onlyAutomate option enableLoggingForApi: true // optionally set the -enable-logging-for-api option }); browserStackTunnel.start(function(error) { if (error) { console.log(error); } else { // tunnel has started browserStackTunnel.stop(function(error) { if (error) { console.log(error); } else { // tunnel has stopped } }); } }); ``` ## Roadmap - Nothing yet ## Contributing In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using `npm test`. ## License Copyright © 2014 Peter Halliday Licensed under the MIT license. [![Donate Bitcoins](](bitcoin:17LtnRG4WxRLYBWzrBoEKP3F7fZx8vcAsK?amount=0.01&label=grunt-mocha-test) [17LtnRG4WxRLYBWzrBoEKP3F7fZx8vcAsK](bitcoin:17LtnRG4WxRLYBWzrBoEKP3F7fZx8vcAsK?amount=0.01&label=grunt-mocha-test)