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2024-04-27 03:39:10 +00:00
<h1 align="center">
<img src="" alt="micromark" width="400" />
The smallest CommonMark compliant markdown parser with positional info and
concrete tokens.
* [x] **[compliant][commonmark]** (100% to CommonMark)
* [x] **[extensions][]** ([GFM][], [directives][], [footnotes][],
[frontmatter][], [math][], [MDX.js][mdxjs])
* [x] **[safe][security]** (by default)
* [x] **[small][size]** (smallest CM parser that exists)
* [x] **[robust][test]** (1800+ tests, 100% coverage, fuzz testing)
## Intro
micromark is a long awaited markdown parser.
It uses a [state machine][cmsm] to parse the entirety of markdown into concrete
Its the smallest 100% [CommonMark][] compliant markdown parser in JavaScript.
It was made to replace the internals of [`remark-parse`][remark-parse], the most
[popular][] markdown parser.
Its API compiles to HTML, but its parts are made to be used separately, so as to
generate syntax trees ([`mdast-util-from-markdown`][from-markdown]) or compile
to other output formats.
Its in open beta: up next are [CMSM][] and CSTs.
* for updates, see [Twitter][]
* for more about us, see [``][site]
* for questions, see [Discussions][chat]
* to help, see [contribute][] or [sponsor][] below
## Contents
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`micromark(doc[, encoding][, options])`](#micromarkdoc-encoding-options)
* [`micromarkStream(options?)`](#micromarkstreamoptions)
* [Extensions](#extensions)
* [`SyntaxExtension`](#syntaxextension)
* [`HtmlExtension`](#htmlextension)
* [List of extensions](#list-of-extensions)
* [Syntax tree](#syntax-tree)
* [CommonMark](#commonmark)
* [Grammar](#grammar)
* [Test](#test)
* [Size & debug](#size--debug)
* [Comparison](#comparison)
* [Version](#version)
* [Security](#security)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [Sponsor](#sponsor)
* [Origin story](#origin-story)
* [License](#license)
## Install
npm install micromark
## Use
Typical use (buffering):
var micromark = require('micromark')
console.log(micromark('## Hello, *world*!'))
<h2>Hello, <em>world</em>!</h2>
The same can be done with ESM (in Node 10+, browsers that support it, or with a
bundler), in an `example.mjs` file, like so:
import micromark from 'micromark'
console.log(micromark('## Hello, *world*!'))
You can pass extensions (in this case [`micromark-extension-gfm`][gfm]):
var micromark = require('micromark')
var gfmSyntax = require('micromark-extension-gfm')
var gfmHtml = require('micromark-extension-gfm/html')
var doc = '* [x] ~~strikethrough~~'
var result = micromark(doc, {
extensions: [gfmSyntax()],
htmlExtensions: [gfmHtml]
<li><input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> <a href=""></a> <del>strikethrough</del></li>
Streaming interface:
var fs = require('fs')
var micromarkStream = require('micromark/stream')
.on('error', handleError)
function handleError(err) {
// Handle your error here!
throw err
## API
This section documents the API.
The parts can be used separately, but this isnt documented yet.
### `micromark(doc[, encoding][, options])`
Compile markdown to HTML.
##### Parameters
###### `doc`
Markdown to parse (`string` or `Buffer`)
###### `encoding`
[Character encoding][encoding] to understand `doc` as when its a
[`Buffer`][buffer] (`string`, default: `'utf8'`).
###### `options.defaultLineEnding`
Value to use for line endings not in `doc` (`string`, default: first line
ending or `'\n'`).
Generally, micromark copies line endings (`'\r'`, `'\n'`, `'\r\n'`) in the
markdown document over to the compiled HTML.
In some cases, such as `> a`, CommonMark requires that extra line endings are
added: `<blockquote>\n<p>a</p>\n</blockquote>`.
###### `options.allowDangerousHtml`
Whether to allow embedded HTML (`boolean`, default: `false`).
###### `options.allowDangerousProtocol`
Whether to allow potentially dangerous protocols in links and images (`boolean`,
default: `false`).
URLs relative to the current protocol are always allowed (such as, `image.jpg`).
For links, the allowed protocols are `http`, `https`, `irc`, `ircs`, `mailto`,
and `xmpp`.
For images, the allowed protocols are `http` and `https`.
###### `options.extensions`
Array of syntax extensions ([`Array.<SyntaxExtension>`][syntax-extension],
default: `[]`).
###### `options.htmlExtensions`
Array of HTML extensions ([`Array.<HtmlExtension>`][html-extension], default:
##### Returns
`string` — Compiled HTML.
### `micromarkStream(options?)`
Streaming interface of micromark.
Compiles markdown to HTML.
`options` are the same as the buffering API above.
Available at `require('micromark/stream')`.
Note that some of the work to parse markdown can be done streaming, but in the
end buffering is required.
micromark does not handle errors for you, so you must handle errors on whatever
streams you pipe into it.
As markdown does not know errors, `micromark` itself does not emit errors.
## Extensions
There are two types of extensions for micromark:
[`SyntaxExtension`][syntax-extension] and [`HtmlExtension`][html-extension].
They can be passed in [`extensions`][option-extensions] or
[`htmlExtensions`][option-htmlextensions], respectively.
### `SyntaxExtension`
A syntax extension is an object whose fields are the names of hooks, referring
to where constructs “hook” into.
`content` (a block of, well, content: definitions and paragraphs), `document`
(containers such as block quotes and lists), `flow` (block constructs such as
ATX and setext headings, HTML, indented and fenced code, thematic breaks),
`string` (things that work in a few places such as destinations, fenced code
info, etc: character escapes and -references), or `text` (rich inline text:
autolinks, character escapes and -references, code, hard breaks, HTML, images,
links, emphasis, strong).
The fields at such objects are character codes, mapping to constructs as values.
The built in [constructs][] are an extension.
See it and the [existing extensions][extensions] for inspiration.
### `HtmlExtension`
An HTML extension is an object whose fields are either `enter` or `exit`
(reflecting whether a token is entered or exited).
The values at such objects are names of tokens mapping to handlers.
See the [existing extensions][extensions] for inspiration.
### List of extensions
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-directive`][directives]
— support directives (generic extensions)
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-footnote`][footnotes]
— support footnotes
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-frontmatter`][frontmatter]
— support frontmatter (YAML, TOML, etc)
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm`][gfm]
— support GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal`](
— support GFM autolink literals
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough`](
— support GFM strikethrough
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-table`](
— support GFM tables
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter`](
— support GFM tagfilter
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item`](
— support GFM tasklists
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-math`][math]
— support math
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdx`](
— support MDX
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdxjs`][mdxjs]
— support MDX.js
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-expression`](
— support MDX (or MDX.js) expressions
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-jsx`](
— support MDX (or MDX.js) JSX
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-md`](
— support misc MDX changes
* [`micromark/micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm`](
— support MDX.js import/exports
## Syntax tree
A higher level project, [`mdast-util-from-markdown`][from-markdown], can give
you an AST.
var fromMarkdown = require('mdast-util-from-markdown')
var result = fromMarkdown('## Hello, *world*!')
type: 'heading',
depth: 2,
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'Hello, ', position: [Object]},
{type: 'emphasis', children: [Array], position: [Object]},
{type: 'text', value: '!', position: [Object]}
position: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0},
end: {line: 1, column: 19, offset: 18}
Another level up is [**remark**][remark], which provides a nice interface and
hundreds of plugins.
## CommonMark
The first definition of “Markdown” gave several examples of how it worked,
showing input Markdown and output HTML, and came with a reference implementation
When new implementations followed, they mostly followed the first definition,
but deviated from the first implementation, and added extensions, thus making
the format a family of formats.
Some years later, an attempt was made to standardize the differences between
implementations, by specifying how several edge cases should be handled, through
more input and output examples.
This is known as [CommonMark][commonmark-spec], and many implementations now
work towards some degree of CommonMark compliancy.
Still, CommonMark describes what the output in HTML should be given some
input, which leaves many edge cases up for debate, and does not answer what
should happen for other output formats.
micromark passes all tests from CommonMark and has many more tests to match the
CommonMark reference parsers.
Finally, it comes with [CMSM][], which describes how to parse markup, instead
of documenting input and output examples.
## Grammar
The syntax of markdown can be described in BackusNaur form (BNF) as:
markdown = .*
No, thats not a [typo](
markdown has no syntax errors; anything thrown at it renders *something*.
## Test
micromark is tested with the \~650 CommonMark tests and more than 1.2k extra
tests confirmed with CM reference parsers.
These tests reach all branches in the code, thus this project has 100% coverage.
Finally, we use fuzz testing to ensure micromark is stable, reliable, and
To build, format, and test the codebase, use `$ npm test` after clone and
The `$ npm run test-api` and `$ npm run test-coverage` scripts check the unit
tests and their coverage, respectively.
The `$ npm run test-types` script checks TypeScript definitions.
The `$ npm run test-fuzz` script does fuzz testing for 15 minutes.
The timeout is provided by GNU coreutils **timeout(1)**, which might not be
available on your system.
Either install it or remove it from the script.
## Size & debug
micromark is really small.
A ton of time went into making sure it minifies well, by the way code is written
but also through custom build scripts to pre-evaluate certain expressions.
Furthermore, care went into making it compress well with GZip and Brotli.
Normally, youll use the pre-evaluated version of micromark, which is published
in the `dist/` folder and has entries in the root.
While developing or debugging, you can switch to use the source, which is
published in the `lib/` folder, and comes instrumented with assertions and debug
To see debug messages, run your script with a `DEBUG` env variable, such as with
`DEBUG="micromark" node script.js`.
To generate the codebase, use `$ npm run generate` after clone and install.
The `$ npm run generate-dist` script specifically takes `lib/` and generates
The `$ npm run generate-size` script checks the bundle size of `dist/`.
## Comparison
There are many other markdown parsers out there, and maybe theyre better suited
to your use case!
Here is a short comparison of a couple of em in JavaScript.
Note that this list is made by the folks who make `micromark` and `remark`, so
there is some bias.
**Note**: these are, in fact, not really comparable: micromark (and remark)
focus on completely different things than other markdown parsers do.
Sure, you can generate HTML from markdown with them, but micromark (and remark)
are created for (abstract or concrete) syntax trees—to inspect, transform, and
generate content, so that you can make things like [MDX][], [Prettier][], or
###### micromark
micromark can be used in two different ways.
It can either be used, optionally with existing extensions, to get HTML pretty
Or, it can give tremendous power, such as access to all tokens with positional
info, at the cost of being hard to get into.
Its super small, pretty fast, and has 100% CommonMark compliance.
It has syntax extensions, such as supporting 100% GFM compliance (with
`micromark-extension-gfm`), but theyre rather complex to write.
Its the newest parser on the block.
If youre looking for fine grained control, use micromark.
###### remark
[remark][] is the most popular markdown parser.
Its built on top of `micromark` and boasts syntax trees.
For an analogy, its like if Babel, ESLint, and more, were one project.
It supports the syntax extensions that micromark has (so its 100% CM compliant
and can be 100% GFM compliant), but most of the work is done in plugins that
transform or inspect the tree.
Transforming the tree is relatively easy: its a JSON object that can be
manipulated directly.
remark is stable, widely used, and extremely powerful for handling complex data.
If youre looking to inspect or transform lots of content, use [remark][].
###### marked
[marked][] is the oldest markdown parser on the block.
Its been around for ages, is battle tested, small, popular, and has a bunch of
extensions, but doesnt match CommonMark or GFM, and is unsafe by default.
If you have markdown you trust and want to turn it into HTML without a fuss, use
###### markdown-it
[markdown-it][] is a good, stable, and essentially CommonMark compliant markdown
parser, with (optional) support for some GFM features as well.
Its used a lot as a direct dependency in packages, but is rather big.
It shines at syntax extensions, where you want to support not just markdown, but
*your* (companys) version of markdown.
If youre in Node and have CommonMark-compliant (or funky) markdown and want to
turn it into HTML, use [markdown-it][].
###### Others
There are lots of other markdown parsers!
Some say theyre small, or fast, or that theyre CommonMark compliant — but
thats not always true.
This list is not supposed to be exhaustive.
This list of markdown parsers is a snapshot in time of why (not) to use
(alternatives to) `micromark`: theyre all good choices, depending on what your
goals are.
## Version
The open beta of micromark starts at version `2.0.0` (there was a different
package published on npm as `micromark` before).
micromark will adhere to semver at `3.0.0`.
Use tilde ranges for now: `"micromark": "~2.10.1"`.
## Security
The typical security aspect discussed for markdown is [cross-site scripting
(XSS)][xss] attacks.
Its safe to compile markdown to HTML if it does not include embedded HTML nor
uses dangerous protocols in links (such as `javascript:` or `data:`).
micromark is safe by default when embedded HTML or dangerous protocols are used
too, as it encodes or drops them.
Turning on the `allowDangerousHtml` or `allowDangerousProtocol` options for
user-provided markdown opens you up to XSS attacks.
Another aspect is DDoS attacks.
For example, an attacker could throw a 100mb file at micromark, in which case
the JavaScript engine will run out of memory and crash.
It is also possible to crash micromark with smaller payloads, notably when
thousands of links, images, emphasis, or strong are opened but not closed.
It is wise to cap the accepted size of input (500kb can hold a big book) and to
process content in a different thread or worker so that it can be stopped when
Using extensions might also be unsafe, refer to their documentation for more
For more information on markdown sanitation, see
[``][improper] by [**@chalker**][chalker].
See [``][securitymd] in [`micromark/.github`][health] for how to
submit a security report.
## Contribute
See [``][contributing] in [`micromark/.github`][health] for ways
to get started.
See [``][support] for ways to get help.
This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
By interacting with this repository, organisation, or community you agree to
abide by its terms.
## Sponsor
Support this effort and give back by sponsoring on [OpenCollective][]!
<tr valign="middle">
<td width="100%" align="center" colspan="10">
<a href="">Salesforce</a> 🏅<br><br>
<a href=""><img src="" width="256"></a>
<tr valign="middle">
<td width="20%" align="center" colspan="2">
<a href="">Gatsby</a> 🥇<br><br>
<a href=""><img src="" width="128"></a>
<td width="20%" align="center" colspan="2">
<a href="">Vercel</a> 🥇<br><br>
<a href=""><img src="" width="128"></a>
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<a href="">Netlify</a><br><br>
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<a href="">Holloway</a><br><br>
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<a href="">ThemeIsle</a><br><br>
<a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
<td width="10%" align="center">
<a href="">Boost Hub</a><br><br>
<a href=""><img src="" width="64"></a>
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<a href="">Expo</a><br><br>
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<tr valign="middle">
<td width="100%" align="center" colspan="10">
<a href=""><strong>You?</strong></a>
## Origin story
Over the summer of 2018, micromark was planned, and the idea shared in August
with a couple of friends and potential sponsors.
The problem I (**[@wooorm][]**) had was that issues were piling up in remark and
other repos, but my day job (teaching) was fun, fulfilling, and deserved time
It was getting hard to combine the two.
The thought was to feed two birds with one scone: fix the issues in remark with
a new markdown parser (codename marydown) while being financially supported by
sponsors building fancy stuff on top, such as Gatsby, Contentful, and Vercel
(ZEIT at the time).
**[@johno][]** was making MDX on top of remark at the time (important historical
note: several other folks were working on JSX + markdown too).
We bundled our strengths: MDX was getting some traction and we thought together
we could perhaps make something sustainable.
In November 2018, we launched with the idea for micromark to solve all existing
bugs, sustaining the existing hundreds of projects, and furthering the exciting
high-level project MDX.
We pushed a single name: unified (which back then was a small but essential
part of the chain).
Gatsby and Vercel were immediate sponsors.
We didnt know whether it would work, and it worked.
But now you have a new problem: you are getting some financial support (much
more than other open source projects) but its not enough money for rent, and
too much money to print stickers with.
You still have your job and issues are still piling up.
At the start of summer 2019, after a couple months of saving up donations, I
quit my job and worked on unified through fall.
That got the number of open issues down significantly and set up a strong
governance and maintenance system for the collective.
But when the time came to work on micromark, the money was gone again, so I
contracted through winter 2019, and in spring 2020 I could do about half open
source, half contracting.
One of the contracting gigs was to write a new MDX parser, for which I also
documented how to do that with a state machine [in prose][mdx-cmsm].
That gave me the insight into how the same could be done for markdown: I drafted
[CMSM][], which was some of the core ideas for micromark, but in prose.
In May 2020, Salesforce reached out: they saw the bugs in remark, how micromark
could help, and the initial work on CMSM.
And they had thousands of Markdown files.
In a for open source uncharacteristic move, they decided to fund my work on
A large part of what maintaining open source means, is putting out fires,
triaging issues, and making sure users and sponsors are happy, so it was
amazing to get several months to just focus and make something new.
I remember feeling that this project would probably be the hardest thing Id
work on: yeah, parsers are pretty difficult, but markdown is on another level.
Markdown is such a giant stack of edge cases on edge cases on even more
weirdness, what a mess.
On August 20, 2020, I released [2.0.0][200], the first working version of
And its hard to describe how that moment felt.
It was great.
## License
[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
<!-- Definitions -->
[license]: license
[contribute]: #contribute
[constructs]: lib/constructs.mjs
[extensions]: #list-of-extensions
[syntax-extension]: #syntaxextension
[html-extension]: #htmlextension
[option-extensions]: #optionsextensions
[option-htmlextensions]: #optionshtmlextensions
[commonmark]: #commonmark
[size]: #size--debug
[test]: #test
[security]: #security
[sponsor]: #sponsor