
175 lines
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2024-04-27 03:39:10 +00:00
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
/** @typedef {`.${string}`} Extension */
/** @typedef {NonNullable<import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext['settings']> & { 'import/extensions'?: Extension[], 'import/parsers'?: { [k: string]: Extension[] }, 'import/cache'?: { lifetime: number | '∞' | 'Infinity' } }} ESLintSettings */
const moduleRequire = require('./module-require').default;
const extname = require('path').extname;
const fs = require('fs');
const log = require('debug')('eslint-plugin-import:parse');
/** @type {(parserPath: NonNullable<import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext['parserPath']>) => unknown} */
function getBabelEslintVisitorKeys(parserPath) {
if (parserPath.endsWith('index.js')) {
const hypotheticalLocation = parserPath.replace('index.js', 'visitor-keys.js');
if (fs.existsSync(hypotheticalLocation)) {
const keys = moduleRequire(hypotheticalLocation);
return keys.default || keys;
return null;
/** @type {(parserPath: import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext['parserPath'], parserInstance: { VisitorKeys: unknown }, parsedResult?: { visitorKeys?: unknown }) => unknown} */
function keysFromParser(parserPath, parserInstance, parsedResult) {
// Exposed by @typescript-eslint/parser and @babel/eslint-parser
if (parsedResult && parsedResult.visitorKeys) {
return parsedResult.visitorKeys;
if (typeof parserPath === 'string' && (/.*espree.*/).test(parserPath)) {
return parserInstance.VisitorKeys;
if (typeof parserPath === 'string' && (/.*babel-eslint.*/).test(parserPath)) {
return getBabelEslintVisitorKeys(parserPath);
return null;
// this exists to smooth over the unintentional breaking change in v2.7.
// TODO, semver-major: avoid mutating `ast` and return a plain object instead.
/** @type {<T extends import('eslint').AST.Program>(ast: T, visitorKeys: unknown) => T} */
function makeParseReturn(ast, visitorKeys) {
if (ast) {
// @ts-expect-error see TODO
ast.visitorKeys = visitorKeys;
// @ts-expect-error see TODO
ast.ast = ast;
return ast;
/** @type {(text: string) => string} */
function stripUnicodeBOM(text) {
return text.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF ? text.slice(1) : text;
/** @type {(text: string) => string} */
function transformHashbang(text) {
return text.replace(/^#!([^\r\n]+)/u, (_, captured) => `//${captured}`);
/** @type {import('./parse').default} */
exports.default = function parse(path, content, context) {
if (context == null) { throw new Error('need context to parse properly'); }
// ESLint in "flat" mode only sets context.languageOptions.parserOptions
let parserOptions = context.languageOptions && context.languageOptions.parserOptions || context.parserOptions;
const parserOrPath = getParser(path, context);
if (!parserOrPath) { throw new Error('parserPath or languageOptions.parser is required!'); }
// hack: espree blows up with frozen options
parserOptions = Object.assign({}, parserOptions);
parserOptions.ecmaFeatures = Object.assign({}, parserOptions.ecmaFeatures);
// always include comments and tokens (for doc parsing)
parserOptions.comment = true;
parserOptions.attachComment = true; // keeping this for backward-compat with older parsers
parserOptions.tokens = true;
// attach node locations
parserOptions.loc = true;
parserOptions.range = true;
// provide the `filePath` like eslint itself does, in `parserOptions`
parserOptions.filePath = path;
// @typescript-eslint/parser will parse the entire project with typechecking if you provide
// "project" or "projects" in parserOptions. Removing these options means the parser will
// only parse one file in isolate mode, which is much, much faster.
delete parserOptions.EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService;
delete parserOptions.project;
delete parserOptions.projects;
// require the parser relative to the main module (i.e., ESLint)
const parser = typeof parserOrPath === 'string' ? moduleRequire(parserOrPath) : parserOrPath;
// replicate bom strip and hashbang transform of ESLint
content = transformHashbang(stripUnicodeBOM(String(content)));
if (typeof parser.parseForESLint === 'function') {
let ast;
try {
const parserRaw = parser.parseForESLint(content, parserOptions);
ast = parserRaw.ast;
// @ts-expect-error TODO: FIXME
return makeParseReturn(ast, keysFromParser(parserOrPath, parser, parserRaw));
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Error while parsing ' + parserOptions.filePath);
// @ts-expect-error e is almost certainly an Error here
console.warn('Line ' + e.lineNumber + ', column ' + e.column + ': ' + e.message);
if (!ast || typeof ast !== 'object') {
// Can only be invalid for custom parser per imports/parser
'`parseForESLint` from parser `' + (typeof parserOrPath === 'string' ? parserOrPath : '`context.languageOptions.parser`') + '` is invalid and will just be ignored'
} else {
// @ts-expect-error TODO: FIXME
return makeParseReturn(ast, keysFromParser(parserOrPath, parser, undefined));
const ast = parser.parse(content, parserOptions);
// @ts-expect-error TODO: FIXME
return makeParseReturn(ast, keysFromParser(parserOrPath, parser, undefined));
/** @type {(path: string, context: import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext) => string | null | (import('eslint').Linter.ParserModule)} */
function getParser(path, context) {
const parserPath = getParserPath(path, context);
if (parserPath) {
return parserPath;
if (
&& !!context.languageOptions.parser
&& typeof context.languageOptions.parser !== 'string'
&& (
// @ts-expect-error TODO: figure out a better type
typeof context.languageOptions.parser.parse === 'function'
// @ts-expect-error TODO: figure out a better type
|| typeof context.languageOptions.parser.parseForESLint === 'function'
) {
return context.languageOptions.parser;
return null;
/** @type {(path: string, context: import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext & { settings?: ESLintSettings }) => import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext['parserPath']} */
function getParserPath(path, context) {
const parsers = context.settings['import/parsers'];
if (parsers != null) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens
const extension = /** @type {Extension} */ (extname(path));
for (const parserPath in parsers) {
if (parsers[parserPath].indexOf(extension) > -1) {
// use this alternate parser
log('using alt parser:', parserPath);
return parserPath;
// default to use ESLint parser
return context.parserPath;