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<a name="table"></a>
# Table
> Produces a string that represents array data in a text table.
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* [Table](#table)
* [Features](#table-features)
* [Install](#table-install)
* [Usage](#table-usage)
* [API](#table-api)
* [table](#table-api-table-1)
* [createStream](#table-api-createstream)
* [getBorderCharacters](#table-api-getbordercharacters)
![Demo of table displaying a list of missions to the Moon.](./.README/demo.png)
<a name="table-features"></a>
## Features
* Works with strings containing [fullwidth]( characters.
* Works with strings containing [ANSI escape codes](
* Configurable border characters.
* Configurable content alignment per column.
* Configurable content padding per column.
* Configurable column width.
* Text wrapping.
<a name="table-install"></a>
## Install
npm install table
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<a name="table-usage"></a>
## Usage
import { table } from 'table';
// Using commonjs?
// const { table } = require('table');
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C']
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
<a name="table-api"></a>
## API
<a name="table-api-table-1"></a>
### table
Returns the string in the table format
- **_data_:** The data to display
- Type: `any[][]`
- Required: `true`
- **_config_:** Table configuration
- Type: `object`
- Required: `false`
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-border"></a>
##### config.border
Type: `{ [type: string]: string }`\
Default: `honeywell` [template](#getbordercharacters)
Custom borders. The keys are any of:
- `topLeft`, `topRight`, `topBody`,`topJoin`
- `bottomLeft`, `bottomRight`, `bottomBody`, `bottomJoin`
- `joinLeft`, `joinRight`, `joinBody`, `joinJoin`
- `bodyLeft`, `bodyRight`, `bodyJoin`
- `headerJoin`
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C']
const config = {
border: {
topBody: `─`,
topJoin: `┬`,
topLeft: `┌`,
topRight: `┐`,
bottomBody: `─`,
bottomJoin: `┴`,
bottomLeft: `└`,
bottomRight: `┘`,
bodyLeft: `│`,
bodyRight: `│`,
bodyJoin: `│`,
joinBody: `─`,
joinLeft: `├`,
joinRight: `┤`,
joinJoin: `┼`
console.log(table(data, config));
│ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │
│ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │
│ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-drawverticalline"></a>
##### config.drawVerticalLine
Type: `(lineIndex: number, columnCount: number) => boolean`\
Default: `() => true`
It is used to tell whether to draw a vertical line. This callback is called for each vertical border of the table.
If the table has `n` columns, then the `index` parameter is alternatively received all numbers in range `[0, n]` inclusively.
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C'],
['3A', '3B', '3C'],
['4A', '4B', '4C']
const config = {
drawVerticalLine: (lineIndex, columnCount) => {
return lineIndex === 0 || lineIndex === columnCount;
console.log(table(data, config));
║ 0A 0B 0C ║
║ 1A 1B 1C ║
║ 2A 2B 2C ║
║ 3A 3B 3C ║
║ 4A 4B 4C ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-drawhorizontalline"></a>
##### config.drawHorizontalLine
Type: `(lineIndex: number, rowCount: number) => boolean`\
Default: `() => true`
It is used to tell whether to draw a horizontal line. This callback is called for each horizontal border of the table.
If the table has `n` rows, then the `index` parameter is alternatively received all numbers in range `[0, n]` inclusively.
If the table has `n` rows and contains the header, then the range will be `[0, n+1]` inclusively.
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C'],
['3A', '3B', '3C'],
['4A', '4B', '4C']
const config = {
drawHorizontalLine: (lineIndex, rowCount) => {
return lineIndex === 0 || lineIndex === 1 || lineIndex === rowCount - 1 || lineIndex === rowCount;
console.log(table(data, config));
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
║ 3A │ 3B │ 3C ║
║ 4A │ 4B │ 4C ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-singleline"></a>
##### config.singleLine
Type: `boolean`\
Default: `false`
If `true`, horizontal lines inside the table are not drawn. This option also overrides the `config.drawHorizontalLine` if specified.
const data = [
['-rw-r--r--', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '1529', 'May 23 11:25', 'LICENSE'],
['-rw-r--r--', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '16327', 'May 23 11:58', ''],
['drwxr-xr-x', '76', 'pandorym', 'staff', '2432', 'May 23 12:02', 'dist'],
['drwxr-xr-x', '634', 'pandorym', 'staff', '20288', 'May 23 11:54', 'node_modules'],
['-rw-r--r--', '1,', 'pandorym', 'staff', '525688', 'May 23 11:52', 'package-lock.json'],
['-rw-r--r--@', '1', 'pandorym', 'staff', '2440', 'May 23 11:25', 'package.json'],
['drwxr-xr-x', '27', 'pandorym', 'staff', '864', 'May 23 11:25', 'src'],
['drwxr-xr-x', '20', 'pandorym', 'staff', '640', 'May 23 11:25', 'test'],
const config = {
singleLine: true
console.log(table(data, config));
║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 1529 │ May 23 11:25 │ LICENSE ║
║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 16327 │ May 23 11:58 │ ║
║ drwxr-xr-x │ 76 │ pandorym │ staff │ 2432 │ May 23 12:02 │ dist ║
║ drwxr-xr-x │ 634 │ pandorym │ staff │ 20288 │ May 23 11:54 │ node_modules ║
║ -rw-r--r-- │ 1, │ pandorym │ staff │ 525688 │ May 23 11:52 │ package-lock.json ║
║ -rw-r--r--@ │ 1 │ pandorym │ staff │ 2440 │ May 23 11:25 │ package.json ║
║ drwxr-xr-x │ 27 │ pandorym │ staff │ 864 │ May 23 11:25 │ src ║
║ drwxr-xr-x │ 20 │ pandorym │ staff │ 640 │ May 23 11:25 │ test ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns"></a>
##### config.columns
Type: `Column[] | { [columnIndex: number]: Column }`
Column specific configurations.
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-width"></a>
###### config.columns[*].width
Type: `number`\
Default: the maximum cell widths of the column
Column width (excluding the paddings).
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C']
const config = {
columns: {
1: { width: 10 }
console.log(table(data, config));
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-alignment"></a>
###### config.columns[*].alignment
Type: `'center' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right'`\
Default: `'left'`
Cell content horizontal alignment
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C', '0D 0E 0F'],
['1A', '1B', '1C', '1D 1E 1F'],
['2A', '2B', '2C', '2D 2E 2F'],
const config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 10,
columns: [
{ alignment: 'left' },
{ alignment: 'center' },
{ alignment: 'right' },
{ alignment: 'justify' }
console.log(table(data, config));
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ 0D 0E 0F ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ 1D 1E 1F ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ 2D 2E 2F ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-verticalalignment"></a>
###### config.columns[*].verticalAlignment
Type: `'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'`\
Default: `'top'`
Cell content vertical alignment
const data = [
['A', 'B', 'C', 'DEF'],
const config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 1,
columns: [
{ verticalAlignment: 'top' },
{ verticalAlignment: 'middle' },
{ verticalAlignment: 'bottom' },
console.log(table(data, config));
║ A │ │ │ D ║
║ │ B │ │ E ║
║ │ │ C │ F ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-paddingleft"></a>
###### config.columns[*].paddingLeft
Type: `number`\
Default: `1`
The number of whitespaces used to pad the content on the left.
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-paddingright"></a>
###### config.columns[*].paddingRight
Type: `number`\
Default: `1`
The number of whitespaces used to pad the content on the right.
The `paddingLeft` and `paddingRight` options do not count on the column width. So the column has `width = 5`, `paddingLeft = 2` and `paddingRight = 2` will have the total width is `9`.
const data = [
['0A', 'AABBCC', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C']
const config = {
columns: [
paddingLeft: 3
width: 2,
paddingRight: 3
console.log(table(data, config));
║ 0A │ AA │ 0C ║
║ │ BB │ ║
║ │ CC │ ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-truncate"></a>
###### config.columns[*].truncate
Type: `number`\
Default: `Infinity`
The number of characters is which the content will be truncated.
To handle a content that overflows the container width, `table` package implements [text wrapping](#config.columns[*].wrapWord). However, sometimes you may want to truncate content that is too long to be displayed in the table.
const data = [
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.']
const config = {
columns: [
width: 20,
truncate: 100
console.log(table(data, config));
║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║
║ t amet, consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║
║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║
║ sed mauris convall… ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columns-config-columns-wrapword"></a>
###### config.columns[*].wrapWord
Type: `boolean`\
Default: `false`
The `table` package implements auto text wrapping, i.e., text that has the width greater than the container width will be separated into multiple lines at the nearest space or one of the special characters: `\|/_.,;-`.
When `wrapWord` is `false`:
const data = [
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.']
const config = {
columns: [ { width: 20 } ]
console.log(table(data, config));
║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║
║ t amet, consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║
║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║
║ sed mauris convallis ║
║ dapibus. Nunc venena ║
║ tis tempus nulla sit ║
║ amet viverra. ║
When `wrapWord` is `true`:
║ Lorem ipsum dolor ║
║ sit amet, ║
║ consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. ║
║ Phasellus pulvinar ║
║ nibh sed mauris ║
║ convallis dapibus. ║
║ Nunc venenatis ║
║ tempus nulla sit ║
║ amet viverra. ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-columndefault"></a>
##### config.columnDefault
Type: `Column`\
Default: `{}`
The default configuration for all columns. Column-specific settings will overwrite the default values.
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-header"></a>
##### config.header
Type: `object`
Header configuration.
*Deprecated in favor of the new spanning cells API.*
The header configuration inherits the most of the column's, except:
- `content` **{string}**: the header content.
- `width:` calculate based on the content width automatically.
- `alignment:` `center` be default.
- `verticalAlignment:` is not supported.
- `config.border.topJoin` will be `config.border.topBody` for prettier.
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C'],
const config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 10,
header: {
alignment: 'center',
content: 'THE HEADER\nThis is the table about something',
console.log(table(data, config));
║ This is the table about something ║
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
<a name="table-api-table-1-config-spanningcells"></a>
##### config.spanningCells
Type: `SpanningCellConfig[]`
Spanning cells configuration.
The configuration should be straightforward: just specify an array of minimal cell configurations including the position of top-left cell
and the number of columns and/or rows will be expanded from it.
The content of overlap cells will be ignored to make the `data` shape be consistent.
By default, the configuration of column that the top-left cell belongs to will be applied to the whole spanning cell, except:
* The `width` will be summed up of all spanning columns.
* The `paddingRight` will be received from the right-most column intentionally.
Advances customized column-like styles can be configurable to each spanning cell to overwrite the default behavior.
const data = [
['Test Coverage Report', '', '', '', '', ''],
['Module', 'Component', 'Test Cases', 'Failures', 'Durations', 'Success Rate'],
['Services', 'User', '50', '30', '3m 7s', '60.0%'],
['', 'Payment', '100', '80', '7m 15s', '80.0%'],
['Subtotal', '', '150', '110', '10m 22s', '73.3%'],
['Controllers', 'User', '24', '18', '1m 30s', '75.0%'],
['', 'Payment', '30', '24', '50s', '80.0%'],
['Subtotal', '', '54', '42', '2m 20s', '77.8%'],
['Total', '', '204', '152', '12m 42s', '74.5%'],
const config = {
columns: [
{ alignment: 'center', width: 12 },
{ alignment: 'center', width: 10 },
{ alignment: 'right' },
{ alignment: 'right' },
{ alignment: 'right' },
{ alignment: 'right' }
spanningCells: [
{ col: 0, row: 0, colSpan: 6 },
{ col: 0, row: 2, rowSpan: 2, verticalAlignment: 'middle'},
{ col: 0, row: 4, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right'},
{ col: 0, row: 5, rowSpan: 2, verticalAlignment: 'middle'},
{ col: 0, row: 7, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right' },
{ col: 0, row: 8, colSpan: 2, alignment: 'right' }
console.log(table(data, config));
║ Test Coverage Report ║
║ Module │ Component │ Test Cases │ Failures │ Durations │ Success Rate ║
║ │ User │ 50 │ 30 │ 3m 7s │ 60.0% ║
║ Services ├────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢
║ │ Payment │ 100 │ 80 │ 7m 15s │ 80.0% ║
║ Subtotal │ 150 │ 110 │ 10m 22s │ 73.3% ║
║ │ User │ 24 │ 18 │ 1m 30s │ 75.0% ║
║ Controllers ├────────────┼────────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────╢
║ │ Payment │ 30 │ 24 │ 50s │ 80.0% ║
║ Subtotal │ 54 │ 42 │ 2m 20s │ 77.8% ║
║ Total │ 204 │ 152 │ 12m 42s │ 74.5% ║
<a name="table-api-createstream"></a>
### createStream
`table` package exports `createStream` function used to draw a table and append rows.
- _**config:**_ the same as `table`'s, except `config.columnDefault.width` and `config.columnCount` must be provided.
import { createStream } from 'table';
const config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 50
columnCount: 1
const stream = createStream(config);
setInterval(() => {
stream.write([new Date()]);
}, 500);
![Streaming current date.](./.README/api/stream/streaming.gif)
`table` package uses ANSI escape codes to overwrite the output of the last line when a new row is printed.
The underlying implementation is explained in this [Stack Overflow answer](
Streaming supports all of the configuration properties and functionality of a static table (such as auto text wrapping, alignment and padding), e.g.
import { createStream } from 'table';
import _ from 'lodash';
const config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 50
columnCount: 3,
columns: [
width: 10,
alignment: 'right'
{ alignment: 'center' },
{ width: 10 }
const stream = createStream(config);
let i = 0;
setInterval(() => {
let random;
random = _.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', _.random(1, 30)).join('');
stream.write([i++, new Date(), random]);
}, 500);
![Streaming random data.](./.README/api/stream/streaming-random.gif)
<a name="table-api-getbordercharacters"></a>
### getBorderCharacters
- **_template_**
- Type: `'honeywell' | 'norc' | 'ramac' | 'void'`
- Required: `true`
You can load one of the predefined border templates using `getBorderCharacters` function.
import { table, getBorderCharacters } from 'table';
const data = [
['0A', '0B', '0C'],
['1A', '1B', '1C'],
['2A', '2B', '2C']
const config = {
border: getBorderCharacters(`name of the template`)
console.log(table(data, config));
# honeywell
║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║
║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║
║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║
# norc
│ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │
│ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │
│ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │
# ramac (ASCII; for use in terminals that do not support Unicode characters)
| 0A | 0B | 0C |
| 1A | 1B | 1C |
| 2A | 2B | 2C |
# void (no borders; see "borderless table" section of the documentation)
0A 0B 0C
1A 1B 1C
2A 2B 2C
Raise [an issue]( if you'd like to contribute a new border template.
<a name="table-api-getbordercharacters-borderless-table"></a>
#### Borderless Table
Simply using `void` border character template creates a table with a lot of unnecessary spacing.
To create a more pleasant to the eye table, reset the padding and remove the joining rows, e.g.
const output = table(data, {
border: getBorderCharacters('void'),
columnDefault: {
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 1
drawHorizontalLine: () => false
0A 0B 0C
1A 1B 1C
2A 2B 2C