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2024-04-27 03:39:10 +00:00
# Changelog
## 22.0.0
- Removed: `stylelint` less than `13.13.0` from peer dependencies.
- Changed: updated to [`stylelint-config-recommended@5.0.0`](
## 21.0.0
- Removed: `stylelint` less than `13.12.0` from peer dependencies.
- Changed: updated to [`stylelint-config-recommended@4.0.0`](
## 20.0.0
- Added: `value-keyword-case` rule.
## 19.0.0
- Removed: `stylelint` < 10.1.0 from peer dependencies. `stylelint@10.1.0+` is required now.
- Changed: updated to [`stylelint-config-recommended@3.0.0`](
## 18.3.0
- Added: `stylelint@10` to peer dependency range.
## 18.2.0
- Added: `stylelint-config-recommended@2.1.0` as dependency
## 18.1.0
- Added: `stylelint@9` to peer dependency range.
## 18.0.0
- Changed: updated to [`stylelint-config-recommended@2.0.0`](
## 17.0.0
- Changed: now extends [`stylelint-config-recommended`](, which turns on the `at-rule-no-unknown` rule. Therefore, if you use non-standard at-rules, like those introduced in SCSS and Less (e.g. `@extends`, `@includes` etc), be sure to [extend the config]( and make use of `at-rule-no-unknown`'s [`ignoreAtRules: []` secondary option](
## 16.0.0
- Changed: replaced the deprecated `rule-nested-empty-line-before` and `rule-non-nested-empty-line-before` rules with the `rule-empty-line-before` rule.
## 15.0.1
- Fixed: URLs to stylelint rules within README.
## 15.0.0
- Removed: `declaration-block-no-ignored-properties` rule.
- Removed: `media-feature-no-missing-punctuation` rule.
- Removed: `selector-no-empty` rule.
- Added: `font-family-no-duplicate-names` rule.
## 14.0.0
- Added: `selector-no-empty` rule.
## 13.0.2
- Fixed: the `ignore: ["consecutive-duplicates-with-different-values"` optional secondary option was wrongly assigned to `declaration-block-no-ignored-properties`.
## 13.0.1
- Fixed: `declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties` now uses the `ignore: ["consecutive-duplicates-with-different-values"` optional secondary option.
## 13.0.0
- Added: `declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties` rule.
- Added: `declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties` rule.
- Added: `media-feature-name-no-unknown` rule.
- Added: `property-no-unknown` rule.
- Added: `selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space` rule.
- Added: `value-list-max-empty-lines` rule.
## 12.0.0
- Changed: `at-rule-empty-line-before` now uses the `blockless-after-same-name-blockless` `except` option, rather than the `blockless-group` one.
- Added: `block-closing-brace-empty-line-before` rule.
- Added: `comment-no-empty` rule.
- Added: `custom-property-empty-line-before` rule.
- Added: `declaration-empty-line-before` rule.
- Added: `media-feature-name-case` rule.
- Added: `rule-nested-empty-line-before` rule.
## 11.0.0
- Removed: `at-rule-no-unknown` rule.
- Removed: `media-feature-parentheses-space-inside` rule.
- Removed: `no-missing-eof-newline` rule.
- Changed: `indentation` no longer uses the `indentInsideParens: "once"` option, as this is the default behaviour in `stylelint@7.0.0`.
- Added: `media-feature-parentheses-space-inside` rule.
- Added: `no-missing-end-of-source-newline` rule.
## 10.0.0
- Changed: `indentation` now uses the `indentInsideParens: "once"` option.
- Added: `at-rule-no-unknown` rule.
- Added: `no-empty-source` rule.
## 9.0.0
- Removed: `number-zero-length-no-unit` rule.
- Added: `length-zero-no-unit` rule.
## 8.0.0
- Added: `keyframe-declaration-no-important` rule.
- Added: `selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown` rule.
- Added: `selector-type-no-unknown` rule.
## 7.0.0
- Added: `at-rule-name-space-after` rule.
- Added: `function-max-empty-lines` rule.
- Added: `no-extra-semicolons` rule.
- Added: `selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside` rule.
- Added: `selector-attribute-operator-space-after` rule.
- Added: `selector-attribute-operator-space-before` rule.
- Added: `selector-max-empty-lines` rule.
- Added: `selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside` rule.
- Added: `selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown` rule.
- Added: `shorthand-property-no-redundant-values` rule.
## 6.0.0
- Added: `at-rule-name-case` rule.
- Added: `at-rule-semicolon-newline-after` rule.
- Added: `function-name-case` rule.
- Added: `property-case` rule.
- Added: `selector-pseudo-class-case` rule.
- Added: `selector-pseudo-element-case` rule.
- Added: `selector-type-case` rule.
- Added: `unit-case` rule.
- Added: `unit-no-unknown` rule.
## 5.0.0
- Removed: `font-family-name-quotes`, `function-url-quotes` and `string-quotes` rules.
- Added: `declaration-block-no-ignored-properties` rule.
## 4.0.1
- Fixed: include peerDependencies in `package.json` to expose compatibility.
## 4.0.0
- Removed: `stylelint < 4.5.0` compatibility.
- Added: `font-family-name-quotes` rule with `"double-where-recommended"` option.
- Added: `function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction` rule.
- Added: `media-feature-no-missing-punctuation` rule.
- Added: `no-invalid-double-slash-comments` rule.
- Added: `string-no-newline` rule.
## 3.0.0
- Changed: first-nested at-rules now behave the same as first-nested comments i.e. they can no longer be preceded by an empty line.
## 2.0.0
- Changed: first-nested comments can no longer be preceded by an empty line.
- Fixed: `comment-empty-line-before` now ignores `stylelint` command comments.
## 1.0.0
- Fixed: more forgiving empty lines rules when comments are present i.e. the `rule-non-nested-empty-line-before` and `at-rule-empty-line-before` now make use of the `ignore: ["after-comment"]` option.
## 0.2.0
- Added: `block-no-empty` rule.
## 0.1.0
- Initial release