This replaces the '(...)' installable syntax, which is not very discoverable. The downside is that you can't have multiple expressions or mix expressions and other installables.
52 lines
2.8 KiB
52 lines
2.8 KiB
source common.sh
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E '1 + 2'
(! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval ./restricted.nix)
(! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval <(echo '1 + 2'))
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval ./simple.nix -I src=.
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval ./simple.nix -I src1=simple.nix -I src2=config.nix -I src3=./simple.builder.sh
(! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readFile ./simple.nix')
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readFile ./simple.nix' -I src=..
(! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readDir ../src/nix-channel')
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readDir ../src/nix-channel' -I src=../src
(! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'let __nixPath = [ { prefix = "foo"; path = ./.; } ]; in <foo>')
nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'let __nixPath = [ { prefix = "foo"; path = ./.; } ]; in <foo>' -I src=.
p=$(nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)")
cmp $p restricted.sh
(! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh" --impure --restrict-eval)
(! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh/")
nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)/restricted.sh"
(! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/archive/master.tar.gz" --impure --restrict-eval)
(! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/archive/master.tar.gz" --impure --restrict-eval)
(! nix eval --raw --expr "fetchGit git://github.com/NixOS/patchelf.git" --impure --restrict-eval)
ln -sfn $(pwd)/restricted.nix $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix
[[ $(nix-instantiate --eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix) == 3 ]]
(! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix)
(! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I $TEST_ROOT)
(! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I .)
nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I $TEST_ROOT -I .
[[ $(nix eval --raw --impure --restrict-eval -I . --expr 'builtins.readFile "${import ./simple.nix}/hello"') == 'Hello World!' ]]
# Check whether we can leak symlink information through directory traversal.
ln -sfn "$(pwd)/restricted-secret" "$(pwd)/restricted-innocent"
mkdir -p "$traverseDir"
goUp="..$(echo "$traverseDir" | sed -e 's,[^/]\+,..,g')"
output="$(nix eval --raw --restrict-eval -I "$traverseDir" \
--expr "builtins.readFile \"$traverseDir/$goUp$(pwd)/restricted-innocent\"" \
2>&1 || :)"
echo "$output" | grep "is forbidden"
! echo "$output" | grep -F restricted-secret