set -eu DEST="$1" GIT_ISH="$2" DEST_INSTALL_URL="$3" is_tag() { if [[ "$GITHUB_REF_TYPE" == "tag" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # If the revision directory has already been created in S3 somehow, we don't want to reupload if aws s3 ls "$AWS_BUCKET"/"$GIT_ISH"/; then # Only exit if it's not a tag (since we're tagging a commit previously pushed to main) if ! is_tag; then echo "Revision $GIT_ISH was already uploaded; exiting" exit 1 fi fi sudo chown $USER: -R artifacts/ mkdir "$DEST" mkdir "$GIT_ISH" cp "$DEST"/ cp "$GIT_ISH"/ for artifact in $(find artifacts/ -type f); do chmod +x "$artifact" cp "$artifact" "$DEST"/ cp "$artifact" "$GIT_ISH"/ done sed -i "s@$DEST_INSTALL_URL@" "$DEST/" sed -i "s@$GIT_ISH@" "$GIT_ISH/" if is_tag; then cp "$DEST/" ./ fi # If any artifact already exists in S3 and the hash is the same, we don't want to reupload check_reupload() { dest="$1" for file in $(find "$dest" -type f); do artifact_path="$dest"/"$(basename "$artifact")" md5="$(md5sum "$artifact" | cut -d' ' -f1)" obj="$(aws s3api head-object --bucket "$AWS_BUCKET" --key "$artifact_path" || echo '{}')" obj_md5="$(jq -r .ETag <<<"$obj" | jq -r)" # head-object call returns ETag quoted, so `jq -r` again to unquote it if [[ "$md5" == "$obj_md5" ]]; then echo "Artifact $artifact was already uploaded; exiting" # If we already uploaded to a tag, that's probably bad is_tag && exit 1 || exit 0 fi done } check_reupload "$DEST" if ! is_tag; then check_reupload "$GIT_ISH" fi aws s3 sync "$DEST"/ s3://"$AWS_BUCKET"/"$DEST"/ --acl public-read if ! is_tag; then aws s3 sync "$GIT_ISH"/ s3://"$AWS_BUCKET"/"$GIT_ISH"/ --acl public-read fi