Differing from the current official Nix installer scripts:
* Nix is installed with the `nix-command` and `flakes` features enabled in the `nix.conf`
* Harmonic stores an installation receipt (for uninstalling) at `/nix/receipt.json`
## Motivations
The current Nix installer scripts do an excellent job, however they are difficult to maintain. Subtle differences in the shell implementations, and certain characteristics of bash scripts make it difficult to make meaningful changes to the installer.
Our team wishes to experiment with the idea of an installer in a more structured language and see if this is a worthwhile alternative. Along the way, we are also exploring a few other ideas, such as:
* offering users a chance to review an accurate, calculated install plan
* keeping an installation receipt for uninstallation
* offering users with a failing install the chance to revert
* doing whatever tasks we can in parallel
So far, our explorations have been quite fruitful, so we wanted to share and keep exploring.
## Building
Harmonic is pre-release and we do not provide binaries at this time.
Since you'll be using Harmonic to install Nix on systems without Nix, the default build is a static binary.
Build it on a system with Nix:
nix build github:determinatesystems/harmonic
Then copy the `result/bin/harmonic` to the machine you wish to run it on.
To observe verbose logging, either use `harmonic -v`, this tool [also respects the `RUST_LOG` environment](https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/filter/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives). (Eg `RUST_LOG=harmonic=trace harmonic`).