"use strict"; exports.id = 37; exports.ids = [37]; exports.modules = { /***/ 4037: /***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ "toFormData": () => (/* binding */ toFormData) /* harmony export */ }); /* harmony import */ var fetch_blob_from_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(2185); /* harmony import */ var formdata_polyfill_esm_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(8010); let s = 0; const S = { START_BOUNDARY: s++, HEADER_FIELD_START: s++, HEADER_FIELD: s++, HEADER_VALUE_START: s++, HEADER_VALUE: s++, HEADER_VALUE_ALMOST_DONE: s++, HEADERS_ALMOST_DONE: s++, PART_DATA_START: s++, PART_DATA: s++, END: s++ }; let f = 1; const F = { PART_BOUNDARY: f, LAST_BOUNDARY: f *= 2 }; const LF = 10; const CR = 13; const SPACE = 32; const HYPHEN = 45; const COLON = 58; const A = 97; const Z = 122; const lower = c => c | 0x20; const noop = () => {}; class MultipartParser { /** * @param {string} boundary */ constructor(boundary) { this.index = 0; this.flags = 0; this.onHeaderEnd = noop; this.onHeaderField = noop; this.onHeadersEnd = noop; this.onHeaderValue = noop; this.onPartBegin = noop; this.onPartData = noop; this.onPartEnd = noop; this.boundaryChars = {}; boundary = '\r\n--' + boundary; const ui8a = new Uint8Array(boundary.length); for (let i = 0; i < boundary.length; i++) { ui8a[i] = boundary.charCodeAt(i); this.boundaryChars[ui8a[i]] = true; } this.boundary = ui8a; this.lookbehind = new Uint8Array(this.boundary.length + 8); this.state = S.START_BOUNDARY; } /** * @param {Uint8Array} data */ write(data) { let i = 0; const length_ = data.length; let previousIndex = this.index; let {lookbehind, boundary, boundaryChars, index, state, flags} = this; const boundaryLength = this.boundary.length; const boundaryEnd = boundaryLength - 1; const bufferLength = data.length; let c; let cl; const mark = name => { this[name + 'Mark'] = i; }; const clear = name => { delete this[name + 'Mark']; }; const callback = (callbackSymbol, start, end, ui8a) => { if (start === undefined || start !== end) { this[callbackSymbol](ui8a && ui8a.subarray(start, end)); } }; const dataCallback = (name, clear) => { const markSymbol = name + 'Mark'; if (!(markSymbol in this)) { return; } if (clear) { callback(name, this[markSymbol], i, data); delete this[markSymbol]; } else { callback(name, this[markSymbol], data.length, data); this[markSymbol] = 0; } }; for (i = 0; i < length_; i++) { c = data[i]; switch (state) { case S.START_BOUNDARY: if (index === boundary.length - 2) { if (c === HYPHEN) { flags |= F.LAST_BOUNDARY; } else if (c !== CR) { return; } index++; break; } else if (index - 1 === boundary.length - 2) { if (flags & F.LAST_BOUNDARY && c === HYPHEN) { state = S.END; flags = 0; } else if (!(flags & F.LAST_BOUNDARY) && c === LF) { index = 0; callback('onPartBegin'); state = S.HEADER_FIELD_START; } else { return; } break; } if (c !== boundary[index + 2]) { index = -2; } if (c === boundary[index + 2]) { index++; } break; case S.HEADER_FIELD_START: state = S.HEADER_FIELD; mark('onHeaderField'); index = 0; // falls through case S.HEADER_FIELD: if (c === CR) { clear('onHeaderField'); state = S.HEADERS_ALMOST_DONE; break; } index++; if (c === HYPHEN) { break; } if (c === COLON) { if (index === 1) { // empty header field return; } dataCallback('onHeaderField', true); state = S.HEADER_VALUE_START; break; } cl = lower(c); if (cl < A || cl > Z) { return; } break; case S.HEADER_VALUE_START: if (c === SPACE) { break; } mark('onHeaderValue'); state = S.HEADER_VALUE; // falls through case S.HEADER_VALUE: if (c === CR) { dataCallback('onHeaderValue', true); callback('onHeaderEnd'); state = S.HEADER_VALUE_ALMOST_DONE; } break; case S.HEADER_VALUE_ALMOST_DONE: if (c !== LF) { return; } state = S.HEADER_FIELD_START; break; case S.HEADERS_ALMOST_DONE: if (c !== LF) { return; } callback('onHeadersEnd'); state = S.PART_DATA_START; break; case S.PART_DATA_START: state = S.PART_DATA; mark('onPartData'); // falls through case S.PART_DATA: previousIndex = index; if (index === 0) { // boyer-moore derrived algorithm to safely skip non-boundary data i += boundaryEnd; while (i < bufferLength && !(data[i] in boundaryChars)) { i += boundaryLength; } i -= boundaryEnd; c = data[i]; } if (index < boundary.length) { if (boundary[index] === c) { if (index === 0) { dataCallback('onPartData', true); } index++; } else { index = 0; } } else if (index === boundary.length) { index++; if (c === CR) { // CR = part boundary flags |= F.PART_BOUNDARY; } else if (c === HYPHEN) { // HYPHEN = end boundary flags |= F.LAST_BOUNDARY; } else { index = 0; } } else if (index - 1 === boundary.length) { if (flags & F.PART_BOUNDARY) { index = 0; if (c === LF) { // unset the PART_BOUNDARY flag flags &= ~F.PART_BOUNDARY; callback('onPartEnd'); callback('onPartBegin'); state = S.HEADER_FIELD_START; break; } } else if (flags & F.LAST_BOUNDARY) { if (c === HYPHEN) { callback('onPartEnd'); state = S.END; flags = 0; } else { index = 0; } } else { index = 0; } } if (index > 0) { // when matching a possible boundary, keep a lookbehind reference // in case it turns out to be a false lead lookbehind[index - 1] = c; } else if (previousIndex > 0) { // if our boundary turned out to be rubbish, the captured lookbehind // belongs to partData const _lookbehind = new Uint8Array(lookbehind.buffer, lookbehind.byteOffset, lookbehind.byteLength); callback('onPartData', 0, previousIndex, _lookbehind); previousIndex = 0; mark('onPartData'); // reconsider the current character even so it interrupted the sequence // it could be the beginning of a new sequence i--; } break; case S.END: break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected state entered: ${state}`); } } dataCallback('onHeaderField'); dataCallback('onHeaderValue'); dataCallback('onPartData'); // Update properties for the next call this.index = index; this.state = state; this.flags = flags; } end() { if ((this.state === S.HEADER_FIELD_START && this.index === 0) || (this.state === S.PART_DATA && this.index === this.boundary.length)) { this.onPartEnd(); } else if (this.state !== S.END) { throw new Error('MultipartParser.end(): stream ended unexpectedly'); } } } function _fileName(headerValue) { // matches either a quoted-string or a token (RFC 2616 section 19.5.1) const m = headerValue.match(/\bfilename=("(.*?)"|([^()<>@,;:\\"/[\]?={}\s\t]+))($|;\s)/i); if (!m) { return; } const match = m[2] || m[3] || ''; let filename = match.slice(match.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); filename = filename.replace(/%22/g, '"'); filename = filename.replace(/&#(\d{4});/g, (m, code) => { return String.fromCharCode(code); }); return filename; } async function toFormData(Body, ct) { if (!/multipart/i.test(ct)) { throw new TypeError('Failed to fetch'); } const m = ct.match(/boundary=(?:"([^"]+)"|([^;]+))/i); if (!m) { throw new TypeError('no or bad content-type header, no multipart boundary'); } const parser = new MultipartParser(m[1] || m[2]); let headerField; let headerValue; let entryValue; let entryName; let contentType; let filename; const entryChunks = []; const formData = new formdata_polyfill_esm_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__/* .FormData */ .Ct(); const onPartData = ui8a => { entryValue += decoder.decode(ui8a, {stream: true}); }; const appendToFile = ui8a => { entryChunks.push(ui8a); }; const appendFileToFormData = () => { const file = new fetch_blob_from_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .File */ .$B(entryChunks, filename, {type: contentType}); formData.append(entryName, file); }; const appendEntryToFormData = () => { formData.append(entryName, entryValue); }; const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); decoder.decode(); parser.onPartBegin = function () { parser.onPartData = onPartData; parser.onPartEnd = appendEntryToFormData; headerField = ''; headerValue = ''; entryValue = ''; entryName = ''; contentType = ''; filename = null; entryChunks.length = 0; }; parser.onHeaderField = function (ui8a) { headerField += decoder.decode(ui8a, {stream: true}); }; parser.onHeaderValue = function (ui8a) { headerValue += decoder.decode(ui8a, {stream: true}); }; parser.onHeaderEnd = function () { headerValue += decoder.decode(); headerField = headerField.toLowerCase(); if (headerField === 'content-disposition') { // matches either a quoted-string or a token (RFC 2616 section 19.5.1) const m = headerValue.match(/\bname=("([^"]*)"|([^()<>@,;:\\"/[\]?={}\s\t]+))/i); if (m) { entryName = m[2] || m[3] || ''; } filename = _fileName(headerValue); if (filename) { parser.onPartData = appendToFile; parser.onPartEnd = appendFileToFormData; } } else if (headerField === 'content-type') { contentType = headerValue; } headerValue = ''; headerField = ''; }; for await (const chunk of Body) { parser.write(chunk); } parser.end(); return formData; } /***/ }) }; ; //# sourceMappingURL=37.index.js.map