# Keycloak allow/ban plugin This is a plugin for Keycloak that checks an allow-list and a ban list for users from GitHub. ## Configuration Add the plugin to your keycloak plugins list. The plugin can be obtained via `nix build .#packages.default`. The configuration of this plugin is in a directory of text files with the format `github-id github-username`, allowing `#` comments. Specify a Keycloak config file option `spi-authenticator-allow-ban-check-authenticator-dbpath` pointing to the directory with the configuration. Note that the error if you don't configure this is complete garbage, and is also not printed by default (sorry)! Use `kc.sh --verbose start` to read your `NullPointerException`. There are three notable files in there: - `banned-users.txt`: contains a list of GitHub IDs which will be rejected outright on login. If you newly ban a user, you have to kill all their sessions across all infrastructure, including existing Keycloak sessions, since bans only apply on login. - `allowed-users.txt`: contains a list of GitHub IDs which will be allowed if the allow-list is enabled. - `use-allow-list.txt`: if present, the allow-list mechanism is used. Otherwise it is bypassed and all logins are allowed. The intent of the configuration is that it is synced by a cron job pulling a git repo. ## Setup 1. In the GitHub Identity Provider configuration on Keycloak, set up a mapper with type "Attribute Importer", importing the JSON field path "id" as a user profile attribute "githubId". 2. Create an auth flow for post login on the identity provider, containing one element "Allow/Ban check". This is necessary since it bypasses the standard login flow if you log in via the external IdP. 3. In the identity provider, set the *Post Login Flow* to the flow just created. 4. Add the "Allow/Ban check" action to the main login flow as a Required element at a point *after* the username is determined. ## Notes We are unsure if Store Tokens is necessary to set; it is not for this plugin, but it might be a good idea to simply have them around. We don't think there are ways to ban-evade, since this is managed by a user-invisible profile attribute that is permanently glued to all accounts originating from GitHub. We have tested this on Keycloak 23 and 24. ### Test environment! There is a test environment included with this plugin to avoid testing in prod. Run: ``` nix run .# ``` Then in a separate terminal: ``` sudo socat TCP-LISTEN:443,fork,reuseaddr TCP: ``` and add ` identity.test.lix.systems` to `/etc/hosts`. Dump Firefox DNS cache if necessary (`about:networking`), and create a GitHub OAuth app. You can ssh into the machine on port 2022 on localhost as root, with no password. Then finally go to `https://identity.test.lix.systems/superadmin`, and log in with `admin`/`Password1`. ### Attaching a debugger to Keycloak We are so sorry. If you are doing this to the VM here, change the last line of the keycloak startup script to this: `DEBUG=true DEBUG_PORT='*:1337' DEBUG_SUSPEND=y kc.sh --verbose start --optimized --debug` To actually make that work, you want to copy the file from `systemctl cat keycloak.service` to `/start-keycloak`, then `systemctl edit --runtime keycloak`, with the contents: ``` [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/start-keycloak ``` Then `systemctl restart keycloak`. Next create a forward like `ssh -L1337:localhost:1337 localvm` and attach your Java debugger to port 1337. ### Future steps We might need to do account age stuff, if we get sockpuppet problems. Note this also: https://keycloak.discourse.group/t/retrieve-identity-provider-github-token/16613 Also, the GitHub IdP mappers get all of this response's info, including account age: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/users?apiVersion=2022-11-28#get-the-authenticated-user