116 lines
5.9 KiB
116 lines
5.9 KiB
* Recreating the schema bindings:
$ rm tmp.sqlite
$ sqlite3 tmp.sqlite < sql/hydra.sql
# $ ~/bin/genfkey tmp.sqlite > sql/fk-triggers.sql
$ perl -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader=make_schema_at,dump_to_dir:./lib -e 'make_schema_at("Hydra::Schema", { relationships => 1, moniker_map => sub {return $_;} }, ["dbi:SQLite:tmp.sqlite"])'
* Running the test server:
$ DBIC_TRACE=1 ./script/hydra_server.pl
* Setting the maximum number of concurrent builds per system type:
$ sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "insert into SystemTypes(system, maxConcurrent) values('i686-linux', 3);"
* Creating a user:
$ sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "insert into Users(userName, emailAddress, password) values('root', 'e.dolstra@tudelft.nl', '$(echo -n foobar | sha1sum | cut -c1-40)');"
(Replace "foobar" with the desired password.)
To make the user an admin:
$ sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "insert into UserRoles(userName, role) values('root', 'admin');"
To enable a non-admin user to create projects:
$ sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "insert into UserRoles(userName, role) values('alice', 'create-projects');"
* Creating a release set:
insert into ReleaseSets(project, name) values('patchelf', 'unstable');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(isPrimary, project, release, job, attrs, description) values(1, 'patchelf', 'unstable', 'tarball', 'officialRelease=false', 'Source distribution');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'unstable', 'build', 'system=i686-linux', 'Build on i686-linux');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'unstable', 'build', 'system=x86_64-linux', 'Build on x86_64-linux');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description, mayFail) values('patchelf', 'unstable', 'rpm_fedora9i386', '', 'Fedora 9 (i386)', 1);
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'unstable', 'rpm_fedora10i386', '', 'Fedora 10 (i386)');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'unstable', 'deb_ubuntu804i386', '', 'Ubuntu 8.04 (i386)');
insert into ReleaseSets(project, name) values('patchelf', 'stable');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(isPrimary, project, release, job, attrs, description) values(1, 'patchelf', 'stable', 'tarball', 'officialRelease=true', 'Source distribution');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'stable', 'build', 'system=i686-linux', 'Build on i686-linux');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'stable', 'build', 'system=x86_64-linux', 'Build on x86_64-linux');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description, mayFail) values('patchelf', 'stable', 'rpm_fedora9i386', '', 'Fedora 9 (i386)', 1);
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'stable', 'rpm_fedora10i386', '', 'Fedora 10 (i386)');
insert into ReleaseSetJobs(project, release, job, attrs, description) values('patchelf', 'stable', 'deb_ubuntu804i386', '', 'Ubuntu 8.04 (i386)');
* Changing the priority of a scheduled build:
update buildschedulinginfo set priority = 200 where id = <ID>;
* Steps to install:
- Install the Hydra closure.
- Set HYDRA_DATA to /somewhere.
- Run hydra_init.pl
- Start hydra_server
- Visit http://localhost:3000/
- Create a user (see above)
- Create a project, jobset etc.
- Start hydra_scheduler and hydra_runner
* Upgrade notes:
alter table builds add column longDescription text;
alter table builds add column license text;
alter table projects add column homepage text;
alter table builds add column homepage text;
alter table BuildProducts add column defaultPath text;
alter table BuildResultInfo add column failedDepBuild integer;
alter table BuildResultInfo add column failedDepStepNr integer;
alter table ReleaseSetJobs add column jobset text not null default "trunk";
=== (DB dump/load needed after Sqlite upgrade) ===
insert into jobs(project, jobset, name, active) select distinct project, jobset, job, 0 from builds b where not exists (select 1 from jobs where project = b.project and jobset = b.jobset and name = b.job);
create index IndexBuildInputsByBuild on BuildInputs(build);
create index IndexBuildInputsByDependency on BuildInputs(dependency);
create index IndexBuildsByTimestamp on Builds(timestamp);
* Job selection:
php-sat:build [system = "i686-linux"]
php-sat:build [same system]
tarball [same patchelfSrc]
--if system i686-linux --arg build {...}
* Restarting a bunch of failed builds:
$ sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "select x.id from builds x join buildresultinfo r on r.id = x.id where project = 'nixpkgs' and jobset = 'stdenv' and exists (select 1 from buildinputs where build = x.id and revision = 14806) and finished = 1 and buildstatus = 3" > ids
$ for i in $(cat ids); do echo $i; sqlite3 hydra.sqlite "begin transaction; insert into buildschedulinginfo (id, priority, busy, locker) values($i, 100, 0, ''); delete from buildresultinfo where id = $i; update builds set finished = 0 where id = $i; commit transaction;"; done
* select * from (select project, jobset, job, system, max(timestamp) timestamp from builds where finished = 1 group by project, jobset, job, system) x join builds y on x.timestamp = y.timestamp and x.project = y.project and x.jobset = y.jobset and x.job = y.job and x.system = y.system;
select * from (select project, jobset, job, system, max(timestamp) timestamp from builds where finished = 1 group by project, jobset, job, system) natural join builds;
* nix-env -f . -u --leq sqlite perl-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork perl-Catalyst-View-Download perl-DBD-SQLite perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2 perl-IPC-Run perl-Task-Catalyst-Tutorial perl-XML-Simple
* Delete all scheduled builds that are not already building:
delete from builds where finished = 0 and not exists (select 1 from buildschedulinginfo s where s.id = builds.id and busy = 1);