#! @perl@ -w use strict; use XML::Simple; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=hydra.sqlite", "", ""); my $jobsXml = `nix-env -f ../test.nix --query --available "*" --attr-path --out-path --drv-path --meta --xml --system-filter "*"` or die "cannot evaluate the Nix expression containing the job definitions: $?"; print "$jobsXml"; my $jobs = XMLin($jobsXml, KeyAttr => ['attrPath', 'name']) or die "cannot parse XML output"; foreach my $jobName (keys %{$jobs->{item}}) { my $job = $jobs->{item}->{$jobName}; print "JOB: $jobName ($job->{meta}->{description}->{value})\n"; my $outPath = $job->{outPath}; if (scalar(@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref("select * from builds where name = ? and outPath = ?", {}, $jobName, $outPath)}) > 0) { print " already done\n"; next; } my $res = system("nix-build ../test.nix --attr $jobName"); my $buildStatus = $res == 0 ? 0 : 1; $dbh->prepare("insert into builds(timestamp, name, description, drvPath, outPath, buildStatus) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") ->execute(time(), $jobName, $job->{meta}->{description}->{value}, $job->{drvPath}, $outPath, $buildStatus); print " db id = ", $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef), "\n"; }