use strict; use warnings; use Setup; my %ctx = test_init(); use Hydra::Event; use Hydra::Task; require Hydra::Schema; require Hydra::Model::DB; use Test2::V0; my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new; hydra_setup($db); my $taskretries = $db->resultset('TaskRetries'); subtest "get_seconds_to_next_retry" => sub { subtest "Without any records in the database" => sub { is($taskretries->get_seconds_to_next_retry(), undef, "Without any records our next retry moment is forever away."); }; subtest "With only tasks whose retry timestamps are in the future" => sub { $taskretries->create({ channel => "bogus", pluginname => "bogus", payload => "bogus", attempts => 1, retry_at => time() + 100, }); is($taskretries->get_seconds_to_next_retry(), within(100, 2), "We should retry in roughly 100 seconds"); }; subtest "With tasks whose retry timestamp are in the past" => sub { $taskretries->create({ channel => "bogus", pluginname => "bogus", payload => "bogus", attempts => 1, retry_at => time() - 100, }); is($taskretries->get_seconds_to_next_retry(), 0, "We should retry immediately"); } }; subtest "save_task" => sub { my $event = Hydra::Event->new_event("build_started", "1"); my $task = Hydra::Task->new( $event, "FooPluginName", ); my $retry = $taskretries->save_task($task); is($retry->channel, "build_started", "Channel name should match"); is($retry->pluginname, "FooPluginName", "Plugin name should match"); is($retry->payload, "1", "Payload should match"); is($retry->attempts, 1, "We've had one attempt"); is($retry->retry_at, within(time() + 1, 2), "The retry at should be approximately one second away"); }; done_testing;