Using the external API To be able to create integrations with other services, Hydra exposes an external API that you can manage projects with. The API is accessed over HTTP(s) where all data is sent and received as JSON. Creating resources requires the caller to be authenticated, while retrieving resources does not. The API does not have a separate URL structure for it's endpoints. Instead you request the pages of the web interface as application/json to use the API.
List projects To list all the projects of the Hydra install: GET / Accept: application/json This will give you a list of projects, where each project contains general information and a list of its job sets. Example curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' \ Note: this response is truncated GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "displayname": "Acoda", "name": "acoda", "description": "Acoda is a tool set for automatic data migration along an evolving data model", "enabled": 0, "owner": "sander", "hidden": 1, "jobsets": [ "trunk" ] }, { "displayname": "cabal2nix", "name": "cabal2nix", "description": "Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions", "enabled": 0, "owner": "", "hidden": 1, "jobsets": [ "master" ] } ]
Get a single project To get a single project by identifier: GET /project/:project-identifier Accept: application/json Example curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' \ GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "description": "Hydra, the Nix-based continuous build system", "hidden": 0, "displayname": "Hydra", "jobsets": [ "hydra-master", "hydra-ant-logger-trunk", "master", "build-ng" ], "name": "hydra", "enabled": 1, "owner": "eelco" }
Get a single job set To get a single job set by identifier: GET /jobset/:project-identifier/:jobset-identifier Content-Type: application/json Example curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' \ GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "errormsg": "evaluation failed due to signal 9 (Killed)", "fetcherrormsg": null, "nixexprpath": "release.nix", "nixexprinput": "hydraSrc", "emailoverride": ",", "jobsetinputs": { "officialRelease": { "jobsetinputalts": [ "false" ] }, "hydraSrc": { "jobsetinputalts": [ " build-ng" ] }, "nixpkgs": { "jobsetinputalts": [ " release-14.12" ] } }, "enabled": 0 }
List evaluations To list the evaluations of a job set by identifier: GET /jobset/:project-identifier/:jobset-identifier/evals Content-Type: application/json Example curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' \ Note: this response is truncated GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "evals": [ { "jobsetevalinputs": { "nixpkgs": { "dependency": null, "type": "git", "value": null, "uri": "", "revision": "f60e48ce81b6f428d072d3c148f6f2e59f1dfd7a" }, "hydraSrc": { "dependency": null, "type": "git", "value": null, "uri": "", "revision": "48d6f0de2ab94f728d287b9c9670c4d237e7c0f6" }, "officialRelease": { "dependency": null, "value": "false", "type": "boolean", "uri": null, "revision": null } }, "hasnewbuilds": 1, "builds": [ 24670686, 24670684, 24670685, 24670687 ], "id": 1213758 } ], "first": "?page=1", "last": "?page=1" }
Get a single build To get a single build by its id: GET /build/:build-id Content-Type: application/json Example curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' \ GET /build/24670686 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "job": "tests.api.x86_64-linux", "jobsetevals": [ 1213758 ], "buildstatus": 0, "buildmetrics": null, "project": "hydra", "system": "x86_64-linux", "priority": 100, "releasename": null, "starttime": 1439402853, "nixname": "vm-test-run-unnamed", "timestamp": 1439388618, "id": 24670686, "stoptime": 1439403403, "jobset": "build-ng", "buildoutputs": { "out": { "path": "/nix/store/lzrxkjc35mhp8w7r8h82g0ljyizfchma-vm-test-run-unnamed" } }, "buildproducts": { "1": { "path": "/nix/store/lzrxkjc35mhp8w7r8h82g0ljyizfchma-vm-test-run-unnamed", "defaultpath": "log.html", "type": "report", "sha256hash": null, "filesize": null, "name": "", "subtype": "testlog" } }, "finished": 1 }