#! /usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { $ENV{CATALYST_SCRIPT_GEN} = 40; } use Catalyst::ScriptRunner; STDOUT->autoflush(); STDERR->autoflush(1); binmode STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)"; Catalyst::ScriptRunner->run('Hydra', 'DevServer'); 1; =head1 NAME hydra_server.pl - Catalyst Test Server =head1 SYNOPSIS hydra_server.pl [options] -d --debug force debug mode -f --fork handle each request in a new process (defaults to false) -? --help display this help and exits -h --host host (defaults to all) -p --port port (defaults to 3000) -k --keepalive enable keep-alive connections -r --restart restart when files get modified (defaults to false) -rd --restart_delay delay between file checks (ignored if you have Linux::Inotify2 installed) -rr --restart_regex regex match files that trigger a restart when modified (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.conf|\.pm$') --restart_directory the directory to search for modified files, can be set multiple times (defaults to '[SCRIPT_DIR]/..') --follow_symlinks follow symlinks in search directories (defaults to false. this is a no-op on Win32) --background run the process in the background --pidfile specify filename for pid file See also: perldoc Catalyst::Manual perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro =head1 DESCRIPTION Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application. =head1 AUTHORS Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm =head1 COPYRIGHT This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut