#include #include #include #include #include "state.hh" using namespace nix; void State::makeRunnable(Step::ptr step) { printMsg(lvlChatty, format("step ‘%1%’ is now runnable") % step->drvPath); { auto step_(step->state.lock()); assert(step_->created); assert(!step->finished); assert(step_->deps.empty()); step_->runnableSince = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } { auto runnable_(runnable.lock()); runnable_->push_back(step); } wakeDispatcher(); } void State::dispatcher() { while (true) { try { printMsg(lvlDebug, "dispatcher woken up"); nrDispatcherWakeups++; auto now1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto sleepUntil = doDispatch(); auto now2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); dispatchTimeMs += std::chrono::duration_cast(now2 - now1).count(); /* Sleep until we're woken up (either because a runnable build is added, or because a build finishes). */ { auto dispatcherWakeup_(dispatcherWakeup.lock()); if (!*dispatcherWakeup_) { printMsg(lvlDebug, format("dispatcher sleeping for %1%s") % std::chrono::duration_cast(sleepUntil - std::chrono::system_clock::now()).count()); dispatcherWakeup_.wait_until(dispatcherWakeupCV, sleepUntil); } *dispatcherWakeup_ = false; } } catch (std::exception & e) { printMsg(lvlError, format("dispatcher: %1%") % e.what()); sleep(1); } } printMsg(lvlError, "dispatcher exits"); } system_time State::doDispatch() { /* Prune old historical build step info from the jobsets. */ { auto jobsets_(jobsets.lock()); for (auto & jobset : *jobsets_) { auto s1 = jobset.second->shareUsed(); jobset.second->pruneSteps(); auto s2 = jobset.second->shareUsed(); if (s1 != s2) printMsg(lvlDebug, format("pruned scheduling window of ‘%1%:%2%’ from %3% to %4%") % jobset.first.first % jobset.first.second % s1 % s2); } } /* Start steps until we're out of steps or slots. */ auto sleepUntil = system_time::max(); bool keepGoing; do { system_time now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); /* Copy the currentJobs field of each machine. This is necessary to ensure that the sort comparator below is an ordering. std::sort() can segfault if it isn't. Also filter out temporarily disabled machines. */ struct MachineInfo { Machine::ptr machine; unsigned long currentJobs; }; std::vector machinesSorted; { auto machines_(machines.lock()); for (auto & m : *machines_) { auto info(m.second->state->connectInfo.lock()); if (!m.second->enabled) continue; if (info->consecutiveFailures && info->disabledUntil > now) { if (info->disabledUntil < sleepUntil) sleepUntil = info->disabledUntil; continue; } machinesSorted.push_back({m.second, m.second->state->currentJobs}); } } /* Sort the machines by a combination of speed factor and available slots. Prioritise the available machines as follows: - First by load divided by speed factor, rounded to the nearest integer. This causes fast machines to be preferred over slow machines with similar loads. - Then by speed factor. - Finally by load. */ sort(machinesSorted.begin(), machinesSorted.end(), [](const MachineInfo & a, const MachineInfo & b) -> bool { float ta = std::round(a.currentJobs / a.machine->speedFactor); float tb = std::round(b.currentJobs / b.machine->speedFactor); return ta != tb ? ta < tb : a.machine->speedFactor != b.machine->speedFactor ? a.machine->speedFactor > b.machine->speedFactor : a.currentJobs > b.currentJobs; }); /* Sort the runnable steps by priority. Priority is establised as follows (in order of precedence): - The global priority of the builds that depend on the step. This allows admins to bump a build to the front of the queue. - The lowest used scheduling share of the jobsets depending on the step. - The local priority of the build, as set via the build's meta.schedulingPriority field. Note that this is not quite correct: the local priority should only be used to establish priority between builds in the same jobset, but here it's used between steps in different jobsets if they happen to have the same lowest used scheduling share. But that's not every likely. - The lowest ID of the builds depending on the step; i.e. older builds take priority over new ones. FIXME: O(n lg n); obviously, it would be better to keep a runnable queue sorted by priority. */ struct StepInfo { Step::ptr step; /* The lowest share used of any jobset depending on this step. */ double lowestShareUsed = 1e9; /* Info copied from step->state to ensure that the comparator is a partial ordering (see MachineInfo). */ int highestGlobalPriority; int highestLocalPriority; BuildID lowestBuildID; StepInfo(Step::ptr step, Step::State & step_) : step(step) { for (auto & jobset : step_.jobsets) lowestShareUsed = std::min(lowestShareUsed, jobset->shareUsed()); highestGlobalPriority = step_.highestGlobalPriority; highestLocalPriority = step_.highestLocalPriority; lowestBuildID = step_.lowestBuildID; } }; std::vector runnableSorted; struct RunnablePerType { unsigned int count{0}; std::chrono::seconds waitTime{0}; }; std::unordered_map runnablePerType; { auto runnable_(runnable.lock()); runnableSorted.reserve(runnable_->size()); for (auto i = runnable_->begin(); i != runnable_->end(); ) { auto step = i->lock(); /* Remove dead steps. */ if (!step) { i = runnable_->erase(i); continue; } ++i; auto & r = runnablePerType[step->systemType]; r.count++; /* Skip previously failed steps that aren't ready to be retried. */ auto step_(step->state.lock()); r.waitTime += std::chrono::duration_cast(now - step_->runnableSince); if (step_->tries > 0 && step_->after > now) { if (step_->after < sleepUntil) sleepUntil = step_->after; continue; } runnableSorted.emplace_back(step, *step_); } } sort(runnableSorted.begin(), runnableSorted.end(), [](const StepInfo & a, const StepInfo & b) { return a.highestGlobalPriority != b.highestGlobalPriority ? a.highestGlobalPriority > b.highestGlobalPriority : a.lowestShareUsed != b.lowestShareUsed ? a.lowestShareUsed < b.lowestShareUsed : a.highestLocalPriority != b.highestLocalPriority ? a.highestLocalPriority > b.highestLocalPriority : a.lowestBuildID < b.lowestBuildID; }); /* Find a machine with a free slot and find a step to run on it. Once we find such a pair, we restart the outer loop because the machine sorting will have changed. */ keepGoing = false; for (auto & mi : machinesSorted) { if (mi.machine->state->currentJobs >= mi.machine->maxJobs) continue; for (auto & stepInfo : runnableSorted) { auto & step(stepInfo.step); /* Can this machine do this step? */ if (!mi.machine->supportsStep(step)) continue; /* Let's do this step. Remove it from the runnable list. FIXME: O(n). */ { auto runnable_(runnable.lock()); bool removed = false; for (auto i = runnable_->begin(); i != runnable_->end(); ) if (i->lock() == step) { i = runnable_->erase(i); removed = true; break; } else ++i; assert(removed); auto & r = runnablePerType[step->systemType]; assert(r.count); r.count--; } /* Make a slot reservation and start a thread to do the build. */ auto builderThread = std::thread(&State::builder, this, std::make_shared(*this, step, mi.machine)); builderThread.detach(); // FIXME? keepGoing = true; break; } if (keepGoing) break; } /* Update the stats for the auto-scaler. */ { auto machineTypes_(machineTypes.lock()); for (auto & i : *machineTypes_) i.second.runnable = 0; for (auto & i : runnablePerType) { auto & j = (*machineTypes_)[i.first]; j.runnable = i.second.count; j.waitTime = i.second.waitTime; } } lastDispatcherCheck = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); } while (keepGoing); return sleepUntil; } void State::wakeDispatcher() { { auto dispatcherWakeup_(dispatcherWakeup.lock()); *dispatcherWakeup_ = true; } dispatcherWakeupCV.notify_one(); } void Jobset::addStep(time_t startTime, time_t duration) { auto steps_(steps.lock()); (*steps_)[startTime] = duration; seconds += duration; } void Jobset::pruneSteps() { time_t now = time(0); auto steps_(steps.lock()); while (!steps_->empty()) { auto i = steps_->begin(); if (i->first > now - schedulingWindow) break; seconds -= i->second; steps_->erase(i); } } State::MachineReservation::MachineReservation(State & state, Step::ptr step, Machine::ptr machine) : state(state), step(step), machine(machine) { machine->state->currentJobs++; { auto machineTypes_(state.machineTypes.lock()); (*machineTypes_)[step->systemType].running++; } } State::MachineReservation::~MachineReservation() { auto prev = machine->state->currentJobs--; assert(prev); if (prev == 1) machine->state->idleSince = time(0); { auto machineTypes_(state.machineTypes.lock()); auto & machineType = (*machineTypes_)[step->systemType]; assert(machineType.running); machineType.running--; if (machineType.running == 0) machineType.lastActive = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } }