#! @perl@ -w use strict; use File::Basename; use File::stat; use HydraFrontend::Schema; my $db = HydraFrontend::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=hydra.sqlite", "", "", {}); $db->storage->dbh->do("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"); sub isValidPath { my $path = shift; return system("nix-store --check-validity $path 2> /dev/null") == 0; } sub doBuild { my ($build) = @_; my $drvPath = $build->drvpath; my $outPath = $build->outpath; my $isCachedBuild = 1; my $outputCreated = 1; # i.e., the Nix build succeeded (but it could be a positive failure) my $startTime = 0; my $stopTime = 0; my $buildStatus = 0; # = succeeded my $errormsg = undef; if (!isValidPath($outPath)) { $isCachedBuild = 0; $startTime = time(); my $thisBuildFailed = 0; my $someBuildFailed = 0; # Run Nix to perform the build, and monitor the stderr output # to get notifications about specific build steps, the # associated log files, etc. my $cmd = "nix-store --keep-going --no-build-output " . "--log-type flat --print-build-trace --realise $drvPath 2>&1"; my $buildStepNr = 1; open OUT, "$cmd |" or die; while () { $errormsg .= $_; unless (/^@\s+/) { print STDERR "$_"; next; } if (/^@\s+build-started\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { $db->txn_do(sub { $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->create( { id => $build->id , stepnr => $buildStepNr++ , type => 0 # = build , drvpath => $1 , outpath => $2 , logfile => $4 , busy => 1 , starttime => time }); }); } elsif (/^@\s+build-succeeded\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { my $drvPath = $1; $db->txn_do(sub { (my $step) = $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->search( {id => $build->id, type => 0, drvpath => $drvPath}, {}); die unless $step; $step->busy(0); $step->status(0); $step->stoptime(time); $step->update; }); } elsif (/^@\s+build-failed\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { my $drvPathStep = $1; $someBuildFailed = 1; $thisBuildFailed = 1 if $drvPath eq $drvPathStep; $db->txn_do(sub { (my $step) = $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->search( {id => $build->id, type => 0, drvpath => $drvPathStep}, {}); if ($step) { die unless $step; $step->busy(0); $step->status(1); $step->errormsg($4); $step->stoptime(time); $step->update; } else { $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->create( { id => $build->id , stepnr => $buildStepNr++ , type => 0 # = build , drvpath => $drvPathStep , outpath => $2 , logfile => $4 , busy => 0 , status => 1 , starttime => time , stoptime => time , errormsg => $4 }); } }); } elsif (/^@\s+substituter-started\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { my $outPath = $1; $db->txn_do(sub { $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->create( { id => $build->id , stepnr => $buildStepNr++ , type => 1 # = substitution , outpath => $1 , busy => 1 , starttime => time }); }); } elsif (/^@\s+substituter-succeeded\s+(\S+)$/) { my $outPath = $1; $db->txn_do(sub { (my $step) = $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->search( {id => $build->id, type => 1, outpath => $outPath}, {}); die unless $step; $step->busy(0); $step->status(0); $step->stoptime(time); $step->update; }); } elsif (/^@\s+substituter-failed\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { my $outPath = $1; $db->txn_do(sub { (my $step) = $db->resultset('Buildsteps')->search( {id => $build->id, type => 1, outpath => $outPath}, {}); die unless $step; $step->busy(0); $step->status(1); $step->errormsg($3); $step->stoptime(time); $step->update; }); } else { print STDERR "unknown Nix trace message: $_"; } } close OUT; my $res = $?; $stopTime = time(); if ($res != 0) { if ($thisBuildFailed) { $buildStatus = 1; } elsif ($someBuildFailed) { $buildStatus = 2; } else { $buildStatus = 3; } } # Only store the output of running Nix if we have a miscellaneous error. $errormsg = undef unless $buildStatus == 3; } $db->txn_do(sub { $build->finished(1); $build->timestamp(time()); $build->update; my $logPath = "/nix/var/log/nix/drvs/" . basename $drvPath; $logPath = undef unless -e $logPath; $db->resultset('Buildresultinfo')->create( { id => $build->id , iscachedbuild => $isCachedBuild , buildstatus => $buildStatus , starttime => $startTime , stoptime => $stopTime , logfile => $logPath , errormsg => $errormsg }); if ($buildStatus == 0) { my $productnr = 1; if (-e "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-build-products") { open LIST, "$outPath/nix-support/hydra-build-products" or die; while () { /^([\w\-]+)\s+([\w\-]+)\s+(\S+)$/ or next; my $type = $1; my $subtype = $2 eq "none" ? "" : $2; my $path = $3; die unless -e $path; my $fileSize, my $sha1, my $sha256; if (-f $path) { my $st = stat($path) or die "cannot stat $path: $!"; $fileSize = $st->size; $sha1 = `nix-hash --flat --type sha1 $path` or die "cannot hash $path: $?";; chomp $sha1; $sha256 = `nix-hash --flat --type sha256 $path` or die "cannot hash $path: $?";; chomp $sha256; } $db->resultset('Buildproducts')->create( { build => $build->id , productnr => $productnr++ , type => $type , subtype => $subtype , path => $path , filesize => $fileSize , sha1hash => $sha1 , sha256hash => $sha256 , name => basename $path }); } close LIST; } else { $db->resultset('Buildproducts')->create( { build => $build->id , productnr => $productnr++ , type => "nix-build" , subtype => "" , path => $outPath , name => $build->nixname }); } } $build->schedulingInfo->delete; }); } my $buildId = $ARGV[0] or die; print STDERR "performing build $buildId\n"; # Lock the build. If necessary, steal the lock from the parent # process (runner.pl). This is so that if the runner dies, the # children (i.e. the build.pl instances) can continue to run and won't # have the lock taken away. my $build; $db->txn_do(sub { ($build) = $db->resultset('Builds')->search({id => $buildId}); die "build $buildId doesn't exist" unless defined $build; if ($build->schedulingInfo->busy != 0 && $build->schedulingInfo->locker != getppid) { die "build $buildId is already being built"; } $build->schedulingInfo->busy(1); $build->schedulingInfo->locker($$); $build->schedulingInfo->update; }); die unless $build; # Do the build. If it throws an error, unlock the build so that it # can be retried. eval { doBuild $build; print "done\n"; }; if ($@) { warn $@; $db->txn_do(sub { $build->schedulingInfo->busy(0); $build->schedulingInfo->locker($$); $build->schedulingInfo->update; }); }